Ronald Ernest Paul: "I am not and never have been a Freemason"

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Washington, United States of America. Since he announced his candidacy, Republican Ron Paul was "accused" that he is a member of the Order of Freemasons. To avoid any other "accusations", Ron Paul clearly stated that: "I am not and never have been a Freemason!"

Conference of Grand Masters of Brazil

Friday, 29 July 2011

Maceio, Brazil. Today begins the Conference of Grand Masters of Brazil. The event is hosted by the Grand Lodge of Alagoas. On this occasion will take place the installation ceremony of the Grand Master of Alagoas. During the conference the Grand Masters will vote the strategy of the new Secretary-General of CMSB, Brother Vanderlei Valente.

July 27 was decreed Peru's National Day of Freemasonry

Lima, Peru. July 27 it was decreed by the President of Peru as a national day of Freemasonry in Peru. The document is signed by former President of the country, Alan Garcia.

Ica Municipality conferred awards to members of the Grand Lodge of Peru

Ica, Peru. On June 26th, 2011, the Provincial Municipality of Ica city organized ​​a solemn session of conferring awards, chaired by Ica's Deputy Mayor and attended by the Grand MasterVíctor Augusto Ravines Alfaro and his Grand Commission.

The national anthem was sung. Further, the representative of the Provincial Municipality Hall read the resolution conferring the title of Illustrious Citizen of the city of Ica to Brother José Luis Arbulú Gavilano, Worshipful Master of Tolerancia Lodge #18.

Then, after reading the document through which the Hall was appointing the Grand Master Víctor Augusto Ravines Alfaro as Illustrious Guest, the Deputy Mayor gave him the medal.

Humanitarian crisis in Horn of Africa in French Masons's attention

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Paris, France. The Grand Orient of France expressed its concern yesterday about the humanitarian crisis in Horn of Africa. GOdF appealed to the international community and the European Union to move from declarations to action and help the Somalis, Kenyans, Ethiopians and Djiboutans unprecedented affected by the humanitarian crises.

Confederation of Regular Feminine Grand Lodges of Mexico

Saltillo, Mexico. Between June 22 to 24, 2011, was held the meeting of the Confederation of Regular Feminine Grand Lodges of Mexico. The XVII National Feminine Masonic Congress occurred in Coahuila. Over 100 women (Michoacán, Nayarit, Durango, Sonora, Zacatecas, Puebla, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, Guanajuato, Coahuila, etc.) met under the leadership of Sister Ana Laura Martínez Villa, President of this organization. During the feminine Masonic meeting were analyzed environmental problems, saving the values ​​and issues of security.

Masonic Press Agency of Romania: no publicity to Breivik's mass murder

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Bucharest, Romania. Due to the fact that APMR thinks that any kind of publicity regarding Anders Behring Breivik will harm the image of the Order, the Secretariat General decided to not publish news regarding his case. APMR understands also the importance of the official statements of the European Grand Masters and provided Masonic Times with all the necessary information as you all may notice:

Masonic Press Agency of Romania saddened by the Oslo attacks

Official statement of APMR's Secretary-General

Under the shock and sadness provoked by the Oslo bombing attacks, the Masonic Press Agency of Romania stands in pain and shoulder by shoulder with the Norwegian people and with all Brethren in Norway and in the world.

There is no way of talking about Breivik's membership to the Masonic Order. There is no Freemason in the world that could do something like that. Mr. Breivik is just an accident in the recent history of the Universal Masonic Order and our Craft will not forget this. The bad example of Mr. Breivik will remain in the living memory of our Craft as a negative, destructive and racist behavior of an extremist man.

The Masonic Order should take into account the possibility of analyzing twice the life of a possible future member. By this I want to underline the importance of a medical report based on a psychiatric evaluation.

Masonic Exhibition in London

London, United Kingdom. This month, celebrating the U.S. independence the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), through the Masonic Museum and Library organized an exhibition entitled "Patriot Mason: Freemasonry in American Society."

The collection presented highlighted the role of Freemasonry in American society since the 18th century to the present. The exposed artifacts come from several Masonic museums, especially from the United States of America. The exhibition was opened on July 4th and will close on December 22nd, 2011.

Masonic exhibition at the National Heritage Museum

Monday, 25 July 2011

Lexington, United States of America. The National Heritage Museum organizes during June 4th, 2011 and March 10th, 2012, an exhibition regarding Masonic Regalia in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The collection includes several special sections, such as contemporary, military, oriental and theater. The Masonic fashion clothing is presented in a unique manner.

National Meeting of coordinators of the Program "Freemasonry against drugs"

Brasilia, Brasil. The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Goias was commissioned by Grand Master General of the GOB to plan the National Meeting of coordinators of the Program "Freemasonry against drugs". The event will take place in October this year.

Masonic Regional Integration

Encarnación, Paraguay. In August 2010 will take place the V Regional Meeting of the Conosur Border Lodges. This event is a forum for discussion and a networking tool for the integration of the border Lodges. The event will be attended by the Grand Orient of Brazil (GOB), Grand Orient of Rio Grande do Sul (GORGS), Grand Lodge of Rio Grande do Sul, Grand Lodge of Argentina and by the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay (organizer of the event).

"Regional Masonic Integration - A Bridge for Integrating People" is the motto of this year. During the event will take place the creation and presentation of several projects such as the creation of the Center for Advanced Studies of Integration (Conosur Masonic Studies Center).

Medical Services for the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay

Asuncion, Paraguay. On July 1, 2010, was signed an Agreement on Provision of Medical Services for Brethren of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay. The DELTA plan, as it is called the project is dedicated to Brethren Freemasons, based on the successfully practiced and existing model in Brazil, the United States, Canada, UK etc.

20th edition of the Caminhada Ecológica in Goias, Brazil

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Goiânia, Brazil. The 20th edition of the Caminhada Ecológica was launched on July 18, 2011, at the Palace of Emeralds where Grand Master Ruy Rocha represented the Grand Lodge of Goias.

"This event is emblematic for the purposes of preservation of biodiversity and water resources from Cerrado. Our athletes provide an important contribution to environment and, therefore, to future generations," stated the Grand Master Ruy Rocha.

Federal Deputy João Campos visited the Grand Orient of Goias

Goiânia, Brazil. Federal Deputy João Campos was received by Grand Master Barbosa Nunes and GOEG's Secretaries. The visit lasted an hour and the two discussed the issue of "same-sex union persons."

The Meeting of the Three Californias

Friday, 22 July 2011

San José del Cabo, Mexico. The Grand Lodges of Mexico (Baja California and Baja California Sur) and USA (California) met this year at the regional Masonic meeting. The event took place on July 14, 15 and 16, 2011. The official opening took place on July 15, at 10:30 local time, at the Cultural House Prof. Alfredo Green González.

United Grand Lodge of England suspends temporarily the recognition of GLNF

Thursday, 21 July 2011

London, United Kingdom. The United Grand Lodge of England suspended (temporarily) the recognition of the French National Grand Lodge. Also, the Grand Lodge of Ireland and the Grand Lodge of Scotland decided to withdraw GLNF's recognition.

Inter-American Chamber of Commerce "3 Points"

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Asunción, Paraguay. The II Business Round "3 Points" of Integration and Development which took place on July 14, 15 and 16 was a success. Like the first edition held last year in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, this edition has been also successful for over 100 Brothers from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. The event began on the evening of July 14, with a cocktail offered to all delegations participating at the Yacht & Golf Club Paraguayo.

Friday morning began the dissertations of two gentlemen: Guillermo Alcaraz (Former Vice Minister of Commerce) and Hugo Sánchez (Member of the Association of Rural Paraguay). Afterwards started the Business Round which was very productive for the more than 100 Brothers participating. In the evening, at the International Tennis Club, was held a dinner that was inspired by folk music enjoyed by all Brothers from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay.

Friday, July 15, several leaders of Latin American Freemasonry signed an important treaty for the inter-American trade integration between regular Brothers. As part of the II Round of Business "3 Points" was set up the foundation of the "Inter-American Chamber of Commerce 3 Points" that will take life from August 2011 on the occasion of the II Masonic Congress of Bolivia, an event which will take place in Santa Cruz de la Sierra in August 12, 13 and 14.

Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay attends the invitation of the Grand Orient of Santa Catarina

Asunción, Paraguay. The Grand Commission of External Relations of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay informs us that through Brother Marcos Patussi Conti, a member of the commission, GLSP attended the invitation of the Grand Orient of Santa Catarina and participated at the ceremony of installation of the the new Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master (Alaor Francisco Tissot şi Joao Paulo Sventnickas).

The ceremony took place on the evening of June 25 in Florianopolis Centro Sul. Brother Patussi sent the greetings of Grand Master Euclides Acevedo and offered as gift to the new Grand Master of GOSC the Dagger of Bernardino Caballero, a very appreciated gift by the Master Tissot.

The event was attended by the following: Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Rio Grande do Sul (Gilberto Moreira Mussi), Past Grand Master of Mexico (Eduardo Retiz Licona), Grand Master of Bolivia (Rudy Barbosa Levy), Executive Secretary of the CMI (Rafael Aragon Guevara) and other representatives of national and international regular grand lodges.

Urgently needed blood for Brother Julio Vargas's father

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Asuncion, Paraguay. The Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay needs us all. The Father of our Brother Julio Vargas, Worshipful Masterof Union Paraguaya #30 Lodge, urgently needs blood.

Patient name: Emiliano Vargas
Diagnosis: Infectious bacterial endocrine
Blood type: 0 (-) or B (-)
National Hospital of Itaugua
Cardiology block, Hall E 107
Contact: Julio Vargas, mobile: 0981-182091

Famous conductor Gian Luigi Zampieri opens the 2011-2012 Season this year, of Radio Chamber Orchestra of Romania

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Bucharest, Romania. In October this year will take place the inaugural concert of the 2011/2012 Season opening of the Radio Chamber Orchestra in Romania. The event will take place on the Mihail Jora Hall, Berthelot street. The inaugural concert will be opened by the renowned conductor, and our Brother, Gian Luigi Zampieri, member of the Grand Orient of Italy.


  • Gian Luigi Zampieri - "Non nobis Domine..." Portrait of Jacques DeMolay
  • G. F. Handel - Concerto for (2) cello and orchestra
  • Antonio Vivaldi - Concerto for (2) cello and orchestra
  • F. Mendelssohn - Symphony N° 1 op. 11

Kindly thanks to our Brother Gian Luigi Zampieri

Launching the Masonic Press Agency of Romania

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Bucharest, Romania. On July 14, 2011, after two years of waiting, the Secretariat General has decided to launch APMR's English version. Starting today, the Masonic news will be published in Romanian (APMR's official language used in documents), Spanish and English (APMR's official languages used in foreign affairs). Also, starting today APMR will change the format of the news, trying to use a proper language for all those not being part of the Masonic Order.