Statement by the President of the European Council on the meeting with the leaders of Freemasonry in the European Union

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Brussels, European Union. Herman van Rompuy, President of the European Council, stated at the meeting with leaders of Freemasonry in the European Union the following: "I have put the accent this morning on European identity, on Europe, for who the most essential value is the respect for each and every person, a respect resulting in equal rights for everyone, nondiscrimination in all its forms, as well as solidarity and brotherhood. Today, thanks to the value we attach to each person, we are able to build a European Union that is founded on more solidarity, also between young and old."

Statement by the President of the European Commission on the meeting with the leaders of Freemasonry in the European Union

Brussels, European Union. José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, stated at the meeting with leaders of Freemasonry in the European Union the following: "Europe is built on solidarity, but this solidarity is challenged in the crisis. When people suffer, the temptation is big to follow populist ideas and turn the European Union into a scapegoat. In reality, the EU is the only framework where both solidarity and the necessary reforms can be brought together for the common European good. We therefore should spare no effort to work hand in hand and restore solidarity between nations, between states and within states, between the rich and the poor, the old and the young. Today's meeting is an important contribution to this aim and I am encouraged by the commitment shown by all participants."

Statement of EP's Vice-President during the meeting with the leaders of Freemasonry in the European Union

Brussels, European Union. László Surján, Vice-President of the European Parliament, stated at the meeting with leaders of Freemasonry in the European Union the following: "In the European Parliament, we believe that intergenerational solidarity has helped citizens survive the recent crisis. Further, intergenerational solidarity is of paramount importance for the whole of society for other reasons - just to mention pension systems or the transfer of knowledge and experience from one generation to other."

The Presidents of the European Commission and European Council met with leaders of Freemasonry in Europe

Brussels, European Union. Yesterday in the European Union's capital was held the traditional meeting of EU's leaders and Freemasonry's representatives of the Member States. On behalf of the EU participated José Manuel Durão Barroso (President of the European Commission), Herman van Rompuy (President of the European Council) and László SURJÁN (Vice-president of the European Parliament) and on behalf of the Craft attended: Grand Orient of Belgium, the United Grand Lodges of Germany, the Grand Orient of France, Droit Humain (Belgium, France and Spain), International Masonic Order DELPHI (Greece), Women's Grand Lodge of Belgium, Women's Grand Lodge of France, the Grand Orient of Hungary, the Grand Orient Lusitano (Portugal) and the Grand Lodge of Italy.

Also, the event was also attended, among others, by Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski, Schulz's assistant (President of the European Parliament), Jean-Claude Thebault (Director of BEPA) and Katharina von Schnurbein (Advisor for BEPA). The leaders of the European Union and of the Craft discussed during the session on inter-generational solidarity and the establishment of parameters for the society of tomorrow in Europe.

In his speech, Herman van Rompuy, President of the European Council said that he wanted to emphasize two principles underlying solidarity: the "European identity" and the "transmission" (to be read as perpetuation, propagation). Rompuy said Europe is based on four core values​​: Greece, Rome, Christianity and the Enlightenment, and that those form our identity.

Romania will host in 2014 the most important Masonic meeting in the world

Monday, 26 November 2012

Bucharest, Romania. In accordance with the decision which was adopted in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), the National Grand Lodge of Romania was charged with organizing the World Conference of Grand Lodges in 2014. By this, from now and until 2014, Romania holds the presidency of the World Conference.

The most important Masonic event in the world takes place every 18 months (one year and a half) and is held in turn by various Grand Lodges. The event will take place for the first time in history in the Central and Eastern Europe and the first country responsible with its organization will be Romania, the country with the largest Masonic community in this part of Europe, except Turkey.

Dr. Radu Balanescu, Grand Master of the NGLR holds the office of Executive Chairman of the World Conference and he will coordinate the events that will take place in 2014 at the Parliament Palace, the most likely location given its infrastructure, the second largest building in the world after the Pentagon.

Vasudev J. Masurekar is the new Grand Master of India

Chennai, India. According to an annual tradition, the Grand Lodge of India organizes its Annual Communication during the Grand Festival. This year, the Grand Festival was preceded by the World Conference attended by many delegates from Africa, Europe, North America and South America.


According to last year's elections, Brother Vasudev J. Masurekar was elected Grand Master, and on November 24, 2012 he was installed in office in the presence of members of the Grand Lodge of India and Grand Masters present at the installation ceremony.

The 12th World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodge was held in India

Chennai, India. From 21st to 23rd November 2012 in India was held the XII World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges, event hosted for the second time by the Grand Lodge of India. On the first day participants gathered at Freemasons' Hall in Chennai where they had the opportunity to socialize.

This year's conference was opened by Balaram Biswakumar (Grand Master of India), Thomas Jackson (Executive Secretary) and Radu Balanescu (Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Romania). The two working sessions of the World Conference were attended by the Grand Lodges/Orients of Germany, Italy (GOI), Brazil (GOB and CMSB), Venezuela, Haiti, California, Ontario, British Columbia, Utah, Peru, France (GLNF), Turkey, Panama, Austria, Paraguay (GLSP), Bolivia, Colombia, South Africa, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Madagascar, Croatia, Moldova, Congo, Bulgaria, Mauritius, Serbia, Cyprus and Albania.


Romania was represented by Grand Master Radu Balanescu who took office as Executive President of the World Conference, the most important Masonic office ever to be held by a Romanian Freemason since 1989.

Grand Orient of France warned EU's leaders attending the European Council

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Brussels. European Union. A week before the European Council in which 27 Presidents or PM of EU's member states will attend, the Grand Orient of France issued a statement drawing the attention of European leaders that it is not advisable to reduced the food aid budget.

Thus, GOdF welcomed the initiative to establish FEAD (Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived), but disagrees with a lower level of funding for food aid. The Freemasons are warning the Heads of State and Government that fighting poverty is one of the five objectives for implementing the EU 2020 strategy.

Sovereign Grand Commander of Guatemala to visit the Supreme Council of Cuba

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Havana, Cuba. On November 17, 2012, the Sovereign Grand Commander of Guatemala, Brother Estuardo Ordoñez will be received by the Sovereign Grand Commander of Cuba, Brother Lazaro F. Cuesta Valdes. The host of this event will be the Galileo Sovereign Chapter #81.

The Grand Lodge of the Philippines inaugurated in Manila the Masonic Museum

Monday, 12 November 2012

Manila, Philippines. Three hours ago was inaugurated the Masonic Museum of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. The event took place in the presence of the Grand Lodge leaders, authorities and special guests. The Grand Lodge of the Philippines is preparing to celebrate its first centenary, being the largest Masonic organization in Southeast Asia.

Pope Benedict XVI appoints Brother Vanderlei Bagnato member of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Vatican City, Vatican. On November 7, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Brother Vanderlei Bagnato as member of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

The professor and researcher Vanderlei Bagnato is a member of Estrela da Libertade (Liberty Star) Lodge #2877 of São Carlos, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of São Paulo State, federated to the Grand Orient of Brazil.

Supreme Council of Mexico is awarded by the Supreme Council of Spain. Manuel Jiménez Guzmán will receive the award on behalf of the Supreme Council of Mexico

Friday, 9 November 2012

Malaga, Spain. Starting today and until tomorrow, the Supreme Council of Spain organizes its Annual Communication during which will examine the role of women in Masonic Lodges. At the conference held on the subject will attend 10 Supreme Councils of the world., including the Sovereign Grand Commander of Mexico.

The new leader of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Madrid, the scientist and Brother Jesús Soriano Carrillo will award this year's prize to the Supreme Council of Mexico in gratitude for its support given to Spanish Brethren during exile.

APMR's Secretariat General salutes the Supreme Council of Mexico and congratulate Brother Manuel Jiménez Guzmán (Sovereign Grand Commander) for receiving this prize.

Barack Obama was re-elected President of the United States

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Washington, United States of America. Barack Obama (Barack Hussein Obama II) was re-elected last night as President of the United States of America. This is the second and last term of Obama at the White House.

Duke of Kent to visit Falkland Islands

London, United Kingdom. During8 to 13 November 2012, the Duke of Kent (Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England) will pay an official visit to the Falkland Islands on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.

Second International Meeting of the European Research Lodges

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Barcelona, Spain. From 8 to 9 November 2012, the Grand Lodge of Spain organizes the II International Meeting of the European Research Lodges. The event will take place at ARUS Library and will be supported by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Catalonia, Barcelona City Council and Barcelona'a Provincial Council.

The meeting will be attended by representatives of Research Lodges from Spain, Germany, England, Romania, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Portugal. Brother Gabriel Tocu (Quatuor Coronati Lodge - National Grand Lodge of Romania) will hold a conference on 8 November. Subject: The need for a hermeneutic approach to Freemasonry.

United for Freemasonry: Euclides Acevedo and Alberto Quiñonez

Monday, 5 November 2012

Asuncion, Paraguay. Euclides Acevedo (Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay) and Alberto Quiñonez (Grand Master of the Centennial Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay) participated today in a TV program on Unicanal. he subject was issued by the Masonic monument raised by the Symbolic Grand Lodge Masonic in front of Silvio Petirossi International Airport. Also participated in the discussion José Tomás Martínez (National Council for Laity) and Nicolas Delgado (Director Azul y Oro Radio).

Since the beginning of the discussion, José Tomás Martínez began a brutal and unjustified attack against Freemasonry, citing Papal Bulls issued several centuries ago and saying that Freemasonry is an occult society that harms society. Also, Martínez invoked "Cardinal Ratzinger;s decisions" that, he stated, are against Freemasonry.

Euclides Acevedo intervened in the discussion, bringing  counterarguments and recognizing publicly that throughout history in Freemasonry were initiated Popes, bishops and priests. Alberto Quiñonez constantly supported Acevedo, claiming that Mr Martin is partisan. Moreover, Quiñonez said that one of the golden rules of Freemasonry is to respect the Constitution of the Republic.

Regarding the scandal that was generated by the Masonic monument in Paraguay, the Director od Radio Azul y Oro explained that the radio only served to provide a point of view and that it is not a revolt of the people, but the opinion of a small group of people.

The TV program can be heard on APMRTV.

Thomas Jackson did a review of Gustavo Raffi's recent book

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Rome, Italy. The Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges did a review of the recent book published by Grand Master Gustavo Raffi. He describes Raffi as it follows:

"Gustavo Raffi is in his 13th year serving as Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, is a civil and maritime law lawyer (...). His leadership of the Grand Orient has been extraordinary and visionary and, in some eyes, controversial. His success may be measured in the tripling of the membership numbers during his term of office (...)".

Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico and Mexico's Supreme Council want a better future for the nation

Mexico City, Mexico. On 25 October 2012, leaders of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico and of the AASR Supreme Council of Mexico met to review and discuss the current state of the Mexican society and to provide perspectives for the future.

Grand Orient of Brazil to hold elections for the offices of Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master

Brasilia, Brazil. On March 9, 2013 there will take place elections for the offices of Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Brazil. The current Grand Master Jose Marcos da Silva (President of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation) will run for another term, and he makes team with the current Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Goias, Brother Barbosa Nunes running for Deputy Grand Master.

Queen Silvia present at the awards ceremony of the Masonic Foundation of Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden. On October 11, 2012 at the Palace of Bååtska, Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden was received by the President of the Masonic Foundation, Stone Svensson. The Queen of Sweden personally handed diplomas to the 32 winners in pediatric research.

The 12th World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges to be hosted by the Grand Lodge of India

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Chennai, India. The largest Masonic organization on the largest continent in the world, Asia, the Grand Lodge of India will host this year's XII World Conference of regular Grand Lodges. The event will take place from 22 to 25 November 2012, during which will take place also the 51st Grand Festival of the Grand Lodge of India.

This year's theme is "The role of Freemasonry role in Universal Peacekeeping," an international hot topic given the political, economic and social development crossed by the international community.

The Executive Chairman of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges, Most Worshipful Grand Master Capt. Dr. Balaram Biswakumar expressed his joy to receive in India all the Grand Lodges in Amity with the Grand Lodge of India.

The Masonic Press Agency of Romania will publish new information as the events take place.