Saturday 3 November 2012

The 12th World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges to be hosted by the Grand Lodge of India

Chennai, India. The largest Masonic organization on the largest continent in the world, Asia, the Grand Lodge of India will host this year's XII World Conference of regular Grand Lodges. The event will take place from 22 to 25 November 2012, during which will take place also the 51st Grand Festival of the Grand Lodge of India.

This year's theme is "The role of Freemasonry role in Universal Peacekeeping," an international hot topic given the political, economic and social development crossed by the international community.

The Executive Chairman of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges, Most Worshipful Grand Master Capt. Dr. Balaram Biswakumar expressed his joy to receive in India all the Grand Lodges in Amity with the Grand Lodge of India.

The Masonic Press Agency of Romania will publish new information as the events take place.