Monday 5 November 2012

United for Freemasonry: Euclides Acevedo and Alberto Quiñonez

Asuncion, Paraguay. Euclides Acevedo (Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay) and Alberto Quiñonez (Grand Master of the Centennial Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay) participated today in a TV program on Unicanal. he subject was issued by the Masonic monument raised by the Symbolic Grand Lodge Masonic in front of Silvio Petirossi International Airport. Also participated in the discussion José Tomás Martínez (National Council for Laity) and Nicolas Delgado (Director Azul y Oro Radio).

Since the beginning of the discussion, José Tomás Martínez began a brutal and unjustified attack against Freemasonry, citing Papal Bulls issued several centuries ago and saying that Freemasonry is an occult society that harms society. Also, Martínez invoked "Cardinal Ratzinger;s decisions" that, he stated, are against Freemasonry.

Euclides Acevedo intervened in the discussion, bringing  counterarguments and recognizing publicly that throughout history in Freemasonry were initiated Popes, bishops and priests. Alberto Quiñonez constantly supported Acevedo, claiming that Mr Martin is partisan. Moreover, Quiñonez said that one of the golden rules of Freemasonry is to respect the Constitution of the Republic.

Regarding the scandal that was generated by the Masonic monument in Paraguay, the Director od Radio Azul y Oro explained that the radio only served to provide a point of view and that it is not a revolt of the people, but the opinion of a small group of people.

The TV program can be heard on APMRTV.