Masonic situation in Paraguay remains under the monitoring process and the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay still have IMC's and UGLE's recognition

Monday, 25 February 2013

Asuncion, Paraguay. Following the decisions taken in Kansas City, the two bodies of Freemasonry in Paraguay are aware of the following: the problem regarding the recognition in Paraguay remains open. The Commission for Information on Recognition is aware that the Grand Lodge headed by Carlos Quiñónez maintain a relationship with the Supreme Council of Paraguay, but the only Grand Lodge recognized by IMC and the United Grand Lodge of England is the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay led by Grand Master Euclides Acevedo.

Raul Pintos Grassi, GLSP's Grand Chancellor
presenting the Masonic situation in Paraguay

Although the Commission will continue to monitor the situation in Paraguay, one thing is certain: the United Grand Lodge of England recognizes the sovereignty regularity of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay as sole regular Masonic body in the Masonic Jurisdiction of Paraguay.

Conference on Egyptian aromatherapy

Madrid, Spain. On 13 March 2013, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Madrid organizes a public conference regarding Egyptian aromatherapy. The event will take place at 20.00, and the lecture will be given by Hector Gambis Vereda.

LNF left the project of the French Masonic Confederation

Paris, France. The Loge Nationale Française left the project of the French Masonic Confederation. The decision was announced by an official letter sent by Robert Guinot (President of the National Council) to Marc Henry, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of France. The decision comes amid disagreements caused by GLdF regarding Roger Dachez, which totally unsatisfied LNF's members and leadership.

Jon Aizpùrua will hold a conference on the Fundamentals of Freemasonry

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Maracaibo, Venezuela. Pedro Alciro Barboza de la Torre Lodge of Maracaibo organizes today a conference on "Fundamentals of Freemasonry". The conference will be held by Brother Jon Aizpùrua member of Gandhi #114 Lodge of Caracas.

Brother Jon Aizpùrua held numerous conferences and seminars in Europe and America and is the cultural advisor for History Channel in Latin America.

Supreme Council for Spain and the use of new technologies

Friday, 22 February 2013

Madrid, Spain. In the first decade of this century, globally the Supreme Councils began to implement a policy of relative openness to society. But the accelerator pedal was pressed at the beginning of the second decade. Among the most active Supreme Councils to approach openness to society and start using new media communications we find the Supreme Council for Spain.

Last year the Supreme Council for Spain elected a new leadership and a new Sovereign Grand Commander in the person of Jesús Soriano Carrillo. With the arrival of the new leader of the Spaniard "Scots" came a rapidly changing process. Thus, from 2012, the Supreme Council became one of the most active such bodies in the world using social media.

Not only that the Supreme Council for Spain is one of the oldest in the world, but is among the firsts in the world to embrace new communications technologies (in this section being exceeded only by the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States) to stay in touch with the realities of the 21st century society. Today the historical Supreme Council can boast a rich activity within the modern-day social networks or by addressing daring topics such as was last year's conference when its members debated on the role of women in Freemasonry.

Tomorrow begins the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Kansas City, United States of America. Today began arriving in Kansas City the delegations of the Grand Lodges attending the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America, an event which takes place on 17-19 February 2013. Both meetings (including that of the Grand Secretaries) will take place at Sheraton Hotel.

The Grand Lodge of Missouri is hosting this year's event. The event will be attended also by foreign Grand Masters such as Andrey Bogdanov (Russia), Jean-Pierre Servel (having in his delegation Jean-Claude Tardivat, Honorary Grand Master of GLNF) and Alain Juillet (France) etc. The most important document to be issued after the conference will be the 2013 report of the Commission of Information for Recognition.

United Grand Lodge of England establishes new office

Thursday, 14 February 2013

London, United Kingdom. The United Grand Lodge of England has announced that a new office was created to help the present Assistant Grand Secretary in carrying out his activities. Two basic requirements are to be an experienced Freemason and to have experience in administration.

The duties of the new office are organizing the meetings of the UGLE and the Supreme Grand Chapter of England, various committees, preparing documentation, counseling and management of the Secretariat and Registration Departments. Candidates must work in a team and alone and realize important projects often confidential. Deadline for submission of applications is 15 March 2013.

The Museum of the United Grand Lodge of England Museum will exhibit its paintings online

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

London, United Kingdom. The Art Collection of the United Grand Lodge of England will be exposed on the Internet through a partnership between the BBC and the Public Catalogue Foundation. UGLE's Museum worked for two years to shoot pictures and present them to the general public for the first time in history on the Internet.

Masonic exhibition in California

San Francisco, Unites States of America. Henry W. Coil Library and Museum will participate in from 2 to 3 March 2013 at the Expo History of San Francisco. During the event will be presented a number of Masonic objects from the XIX and XX centuries.

Masonic conference at the headquarters of the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium

Brussels, Belgium. On February 9, 2013, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Belgium will hold a conference at the headquarters of the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium. The conference is organized by RGLB's Research Lodge, Ars Macionica Lodge.

The dispute between Peru and Chile was presented at the headquarters of the Grand Lodge of Chile by Foreign Minister Alfredo Moreno

Monday, 4 February 2013

Santiago, Chile. On January 11, 2013, the Grand Lodge of Chile hosted a conference held by Foreign Minister Alfredo Moreno. The minister presented the current situation discussed at the International Court in The Hague regarding the dispute between Chile and Peru. The conference was presided by Grand Master Luis Riveros Cornejo.

United Grand Lodge of England is looking for a Director of Communications

London, United Kingdom. The United Grand Lodge of England announced that its seeking a Communications Director to implement and constantly develop the communication program that will help organize the 2017 tercentenary.

The new communications director must have extensive experience in the field and to work closely with Grand Secretary Nigel Brown. Application deadline expires on February 8, 2013.

Harcharan Singh Rana is the new Regional Grand Master of Northern India

New Delhi, India. On 16-17 February 2013, the capital of India, New Delhi will host Installation Ceremony of the new Regional Grand Master of Northern India. Brother Harcharan Singh Rana will be the one replacing Past Regional Grand Master Vasudev J. Masurekar.

Grand Lodge of Western India celebrates its Golden Jubilee

Bhopal, India. On 8-10 February 2013, the Grand Lodge of Western India will celebrate the Golden Jubilee to mark its 50th anniversary of its founding. On the same occasion will take place also the installation ceremony of the new Regional Grand Master, Brother Zawareh H. Wadia.

African Freemasons to meet this week in Kinshasa

Kinshasa, Congo. from 4 to 9 February 2013 in Kinshasa will host the annual meeting of CPMAM (Conference of African and Malagasy Masonic Powers) and REHFRAM. This year's event is organized by the National Grand Lodge of Congo at Kinshasa and Grand Orient of Congo at Kinshasa.