G. R. Edwards is the new Grand Master of South Africa

Monday, 25 August 2014

Cape Town, South Africa. On 23 August 2014 was held the Installation Ceremony of the new Grand Master of South Africa, Most Worshipful G. R. Edwards. Friday night there was a dinner offered by the South African Past Grand Master for the Heads of the foreign Masonic delegations, and Saturday was held the Annual Communication and installation of the new leader of the Grand Lodge of South Africa.

Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland react after the "Berlin Declaration"

London, United Kingdom. The Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland have reacted following the "Berlin Declaration". The three Grand Lodges issued what might be called the London Declaration, as an official response addressed to the Grand Lodge of Central Europe.

UGLEsays that the only Grand Lodge that meets the standards of regularity is the French National Grand Lodge - GLNF. The leaders of the Grand Lodges argue that the GLNF matter and the Masonic Confederation of France matter are two different subjects and therefore should be treated differently. They also appeal to the ancient principles of Freemasonry and state that the only one who can decide whether to share or not jurisdiction, in this case, will be GLNF. Without GLNF, the member Grand Lodges of the Confederation and the Confederation would not be recognized.

Grand Chancellor of the French National Grand Lodge: Basic Principles of Universal Freemasonry can not be negotiated

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Paris, France. Following the Berlin Declaration (document signed by the Grand Lodges of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium), the French National Grand Lodge responded by issuing a world-wide circular signed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master and Right Worshipful Grand Chancellor.

Grand Master Servel asked his counterparts around the world how would they react when someone would try to impose a new "Masonic landscape" in their jurisdiction, showing his outrage regarding the way in which those five Grand Lodges in Central Europe are acting.

GLNF's Grand Chancellor also announced his counterparts in other jurisdictions and draws attention regarding the dangerous precedent that could lead to the destabilization of various jurisdictions in the world, causing chaos, stating that the basic principles of Universal Freemasonry can not be negotiated.

2014 Masonic Meeting of Mercosur

Buenos Aires, Argentina. On August 23rd, 2014, will take place the annual Masonic Meeting of Mercosur, event was hosted by the Grand Lodge in the town of Posadas in Argentina's Misiones province. During the session will take place interventions of members of the Grand Lodges of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and those of Brazil.

Representatives of Paraguay and Uruguay will discuss about Violence & Education (in Masonic terms), those of Argentina will discuss about Violence & Society (in Masonic terms), and the members of the Grand Lodges of Brazil will debate on Violence & State (in Masonic terms).

Temple of Grand Lodge of Liberia closed due to Ebola virus

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Monrovia, Liberia. Following the disaster caused by the Ebola virus in West Africa (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea), African Freemasons began to adopt measures preventing the spread of the virus. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Liberia decided to close the Grand Masonic Temple in Monrovia starting with 28 July 2014.

According to the official communication, the Temple of Monrovia will not host Masonic meetings, Initiations, or other specific activities and ceremonies of Freemasonry.
