Invictus Lodge of Bucharest to host the European Masonic Meeting in 2015

Monday, 30 March 2015

Bucharest, Romania. From 22 to 24 May 2015 will take place the European Masonic Meeting. The event is organized by Invictus Lodge (founded in 1994 under NGLR's jurisdiction) in Bucharest.

The meeting was held for the first time in 2003 at the initiative of Eric Tedeschi, Worshipful Master of "La Chaîne d'Union Européenne" Lodge #183 (GLNF). In recent years the event has been hosted by several European cities such as: Longwy, Arlon, Bergisch Gladbach, Luxembourg, Saverne, Berlin, Andorra la Vella, Larwik, Montecatini Terme, Paphos, Husum and Belgrade.

CUBA: Sovereign Grand Commander Lázaro Faustino Cuesta Valdéswas elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba

Friday, 27 March 2015

Havana, Cuba. From 22 to 23 March 2015 elections were held for the office of Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba. Lázaro Faustino Cuesta Valdés was elected Grand Master (2015-2018) after his resignation from the office of Sovereign Grand Commander.

For being able to run for the office of Most Worshipful Grand Master, Cuesta Valdés, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for Cuba, submitted his resignation and held elections for the office of Sovereign Grand Commander. José Ramón Viñas Alonso is the new leader of the Scottish Rite in Havana.

It was founded the Grand Lodge of Georgia (Tbilisi)

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Tbilisi, Georgia. On March 14, 2015, took place the consecration ceremony of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. The ceremony was led by the Grand Master of Russia, Andrei Bogdanov. The first Grand Master of Georgia is Brother Archil Ebralidze.

On 8 February 2015 the Grand Lodge of Ukraine founded in Tbilisi a Lodge (Ilia Martali). At the time the Masonic Press Agency announced the news in Georgia there was no Grand Lodge.

XXXIV Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Spain

Barcelona, Spain. On March 14, 2015, was held the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Spain. The event was attended by representatives and Grand Masters of the Grand Lodges of Italy, Romania, Norway, Turkey, France, Serbia, Luxembourg, Germany, Portugal, Estonia, Andorra, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Slovakia, Monaco and Albania.

United Grand Lodges of Serbia reacts after the decision taken at the Conference of Grand Masters of North America

Belgrade, Serbia. Following the information presented by the Masonic Press Agency on February 24, 2015 (regarding the recognition of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia), the United Grand Lodges of Serbia wanted a right of reply.

The United Grand Lodges of Serbia claim that the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia is not the sole Obedience complying with the standards of regularity and recognition. It also states that the truth of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia is a half true. Representatives of the United Grand Lodge of Serbia were not present at this year's meeting of the Conference of Grand Masters of North America and will be present at the meeting in 2016. They also presented a series of letters of several officials of European Freemasonry.

Note: Due to the change of editorial policy (adopted at the Extraordinary Session of the Council dated March 14 to 15, 2015), the Masonic Press Agency can not publish in full all documents presented by the United Grand Lodges of Serbia. The Masonic Press Agency has submitted all the documents and the declaration of the United Grand Lodge of Serbia to its collaborators at the Masonic Times. MT published the information in full here and here.

The Duke of Kent was reelected Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England

Friday, 13 March 2015

London, United Kingdom. On March 11, 2015 was held the Quarterly Annual Communication of the United Grand Lodge of England. On this occasion, the Duke of Kent was reelected Grand Master of UGLE. Also were announced the new fees for charters and it has been decided to amend the Constitution of the Grand Lodge regarding the use of official documents (in written form) and electronic communication. The next Quarterly Annual Communication will be held on April 29, 2015.

Grand Lodge of Chile pays tribute to the father of President Michelle Bachelet

Santiago, Chile. Commemorating 41 years since the death of General Alberto Bachelet Martínez, the Grand Lodge of Chile joined the President of the Republic during the ceremony. The General, father of the current President of Chile, was a member of the Chilean Freemasonry.

On this occasion, Grand Master Riveros handed to Bachelet's widow a copy of the letter sent by the General to his Worshipful Master when he was imprisoned. Two years ago the Grand Lodge of Chile awarded Alberto Bachelet, posthumously, with the title of Honorary Member of the Craft. The General was arrested for opposing the dictatorial regime of Pinochet. He died due to the torture he was subjected to in prison.

Freemasons helped in the discovery of genes predisposing to allergies and asthma

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

London, United Kingdom. The Freemasons' Grand Charity of the United Grand Lodge of England donated £ 400,000 to the Imperial College London for a research study. Based on this study the scientists have found over 30 new genes that predispose to allergies and asthma. By such actions, Freemasons in England, Europe and the world are helping the society to improve the quality of life and the development of scientific research.

Supreme Council for Bulgaria has a new Temple

Monday, 9 March 2015

Plovdiv, Bulgaria. In late January took place the inauguration of a new Temple of the Supreme Council for Bulgaria, led by the Sovereign Grand Commander Peter Kalpakchiev. The event was attended by over 150 Brethren, including the Sovereign Grand Commander of Spain (Jesús Soriano) and the Grand Chancellor Nedim Bali.

The construction was built by the current Lieutenant Grand Commander of Bulgaria, according to the Supreme Council for Spain. The building has 8 floors and hosts in the underground the restaurant of the Supreme Council and on other floor a Temple for one of the Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Bulgaria.

IMC: peace was restored in the Masonic jurisdiction of Ecuador

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Quito, Ecuador. According to the decision taken by the IMC, it was not taken into consideration  the request expressed by Jorge Romero Aguayo against the Grand Lodge of the Andes (recognized on 13 June 2014 by the United Grand Lodge of England). Jorge Romero gave up his desire to be recognized as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ecuador and Humberto Plaza Arguello was recognized as Most Worshipful Grand Master. Arguello pledged not to sue Jorge Romero.

Also, the Grand Lodge of Ecuador and the Equinox Grand Lodge of Ecuador have decided to share the same jurisdiction. The Equinox Grand Lodge submitted an application to join the IMC and the Executive Board approved the request and asked the opinion of the Commission of Information on Recognition.

Inter-American Masonic Confederation: Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico remains within IMC

Tuxtla, Mexico. In late January took place the meeting of the Executive Council of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation. Following discussions, the IMC decided to dismiss the petition of the Confederation of Regular Grand Lodges of the United Mexican States wishing to exclude Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico (one of IMC's founding Grand Lodges)from the IMC. IMC suggested that both parts to hold bilateral talks to resolve problems between the two sides.