APMR officially withdraws from Mexico

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Bucharest, Romania. On September 21, 2013, was adopted the #1/2013/6013 Resolution which sets APMR's withdrawal from the United Mexican States, invoking the excessive politicization of the Craft in this country and the use of the image of Freemasonry in personal and political propaganda purposes.

APMR will relocate its entire infrastructure and all its projects in another Grand Masonic Jurisdiction proposed within the ordinary session of APMR's Council, on 21 September 2013. The Agency thus ending a cycle of over 3 years during which it has worked with and for the National Masonic Community of Mexico, promoting the national values of ​​Mexican Freemasonry worldwide and developing projects to promote some of the major Masonic events organized at a state and federal level in Mexico.


Masonic Times

Agencia de Prensa Masónica

Agência de Imprensa Maçônica