Duke of Kent, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England salutes Grand Master Euclides Acevedo of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Asuncion, Paraguay. According GLSP's Chancellery, on 14 September 2011 took place an official visit to London, where GLSP's members headed by Brother Raúl Pintos Grassi (President of the Grand Committee on Foreign Relations) were received by Alan Englefield, Grand Chancellor of the United Grand Lodge of England.

GLSP's members explained the current situation of Freemasonry in Paraguay and attended UGLE's Quarterly Communication. The results of the well done work made by the Paraguayan Brothers were immediate. APMR's Secretariat General welcomes the discretion and the finesse of the work done by the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay for an Order of integrity, unity and stability.
