Honoring fallen journalists

Monday, 29 April 2013

The Masonic Press Agency supports the public awareness campaign to bring attention to the dangers journalists face while gathering and reporting news around the world. You can join us and all those honoring fallen journalists.

Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici: "Freemasonry has introduced as a principle (...) to seek to increase the quality of life and human happiness

Bucharest, Romania. Academician Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici was interviewed last week for the show "Oamenii Realităţii". When asked "What is Freemasonry" Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici answered: "Freemasonry had its role in the eighteenth century , it was the artisan of the great French Revolution, artisan of Liberalism in Europe, had a role, we must admit, in the formation of Modern Romania. But at the moment I think it is just a... kind of association, a mutually supportive elitist organization, but no longer having the power once held and in no way we can talk about a cryptic oligarchy leading the world and resembling with those stories which always existed... a Synarchy leading destinies from the shadow... No!"

In another train of thoughts Academician Bălăceanu-Stolnici was asked what is happiness and he stated the following: "Happiness came in the century... Freemasonry has introduced as a political principle to seek to increase the quality of life and human happiness (...)."

François Stifani was kicked out of the French National Grand Lodge

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Paris, France. After an agony that began a few years ago, the French National Grand Lodge continues its way to regain its international Masonic status. Today, April 24, 2013, Grand Master Jean-Pierre Servel issued the 1584 Order through which Past Grand Master François Stifani was kicked out of GLNF.

The policy of the Grand Master of Ghana will focus on Masonic education, public engagements and finances

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Elmina, Ghana. On 20 April 2013, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ghana (Otwasuom Osae Nyampong VI) to be installed in office next month, visited Progressive Lodge where he held a speech on the new measures to be adopted during his term in office.

Brother Otwasuom Osae Nyampong said that in this mandate the policy will focus on three areas: Masonic education, public engagements and finances. Grand Master's full speech can be read on Masonic Times. APMR's Secretary-General thanked the Grand Lodge of Ghana for the correspondence.

Thomas Jackson: Romania can become one of the biggest tourist attractions in Europe

Bucharest, Romania. The Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Grand Lodges was interviewed by Cristian Unteanu for Adevărul Online where he talked about Romania's ability to become one of the biggest tourist attractions.

Thomas Jackson said, speaking of Freemasonry that "our intention is to change the man, not the society." Also, Jackson also said that "I believe that Romania will become one of the biggest attractions on the continent when solving the problem of its infrastructure." Referring still to Romania and Romanian Freemasonry, the Executive Secretary said that in the past 15 years he saw a positive development.

Dan Brown to visit Freemasons' Hall

Friday, 19 April 2013

London, United Kingdom. According to an official announcement of Freemasons' Hall (headquarters of the United Grand Lodge of England), the famous American writer Dan Brown will officially visit Freemasons' Hall in May this year. Dan Brown will present at UGLE his latest book.

APMR's Secretary-General wishes the dissolution of CAEx in the Secretariat General

Bucharest, Romania. Sunday will take place the ordinary session of APMR's Council. On the agenda is the intention of APMR's Secretary-General to dissolve the Chancellery on Foreign Affairs in the Secretariat General. The proposal will be discussed on Sunday, but the final decision will be taken in May-June 2013.

Rüdiger Templin and Radu Balanescu at the Romanian Television

Bucharest, Romania. Grand Master Rüdiger Templin and Grand Master Radu Balanescu were present yesterday at the Romanian Television where they talked about Freemasonry, the principles guiding the Order and about the opening process of Freemasonry towards society.

Radu Balanescu also presented the social programs of the Grand Lodge he leads and recalled that Romania will host next year's World Conference in Bucharest. During this weekend takes place the Annual Communication of the National Grand Lodge, event attended by delegations from Italy, Russia, Israel, Guatemala, Turkey, USA, Switzerland, Germany, Armenia, Congo Brazzaville, Serbia, Holland etc.

Michel Teló supports Rotary's international campaign to eradicate polio

Monday, 15 April 2013

Campo Grande, Brazil. Michel Telo, the famous Brazilian singer joins the global campaign launched by Rotary to eradicate polio.

Gary Bacon to be installed Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland

Brisbane, Australia. On 6 July 2013, will take place the installation ceremony of the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland. Brother Gary Bacon will be the new Grand Master of Queensland. The Grand Lodge was founded in 1921. The event will take place at the Hilton Hotel.

Marcos Jose da Silva was re-elected Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Brazil

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Brasilia, Brazil. After moree than a month since the elections took place the Grand Orient of Brazil will continue to have as leader the current Grand Master. According to official results, Team 1 obtained 10,228 votes (43.6%), Team 2 obtained 8380 votes (35.7%) and Team 3 obtained 4,875 votes (20.8%). There have been 176 white votes and 166 null votes.

Marcos Jose da Silva stated that: "There are no losers or winners. The winner is the Grand Orient of Brazil."

French National Grand Lodge to visit Israel

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Tel Aviv, Israel. A delegation of the French National Grand Lodge will the State of Israel on 2-9 June 2013, during which the Grand Master of France, Jean-Pierre Servel, will be received by the Grand Master of Israel.

Andrea Negri is the new Grand Master of the Republic of San Marino

Monday, 8 April 2013

San Marino, San Marino. The Grand Lodge of San Marino has a new Grand Master in the person of businessman Andrea Negri. The Annual Communication of of the Grand Lodge of San Marino was held yesterday in the Kursaal Conference Centre.

Andrea Negri took the office from Italo Casali, who served for six years as Grand Master. Negri is a famous Italian businessman residing in San Marino.

GOB's Masonic Electoral Tribunal has suspended the validation of votes for the office of Grand Master

Brasilia, Brazil. The Masonic Electoral Tribunal of the Grand Orient of Brazil finished yesterday the counting process of the votes. MET's President has requested the suspension of works, so the final result was not announced. Have not yet been posted votes from Tocantins and São Paulo. The Grand Orient of Brazil still does not know the name of its Grand Master. We recall that the elections took place a month ago.

Romania celebrates today NATO's Day

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Bucharest, Romania. The Ministry of National Defense together with Romania's national and local authorities celebrated today NATO's Day.

In April 2004 Romania became a NATO member, entering the group of 28 countries composing the (North) Atlantic Alliance.

Partial count for the office of Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Brazil: Marcos Jose da Silva 54% and Mozarildo Cavalcanti 39,7%

Brasilia, Brazil. The Masonic Electoral Tribunal of the Grand Orient of Brazil will count today votes from São Paulo. In the state of São Paulo there are about 21,000 members of the GOB. After counting and validating the total votes, TEM will announce the winner.

At this moment, Marcos Jose da Silva, the current Grand Master and President of the IMC leads with a total of 6,521 votes (54%), followed by Senator Mozarildo Cavalcanti with 4801 votes (39.7%). 1% of the votes were canceled and 1% were white votes.

Grand Orient of Brazil to validate votes for the office of Grand Master

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Brasilia, Brazil. The process of counting the votes for the office of Grand Master continues at the headquarters of the Grand Orient of Brazil. In this moment votes from Mato Grosso state are counted and validated. A month ago elections were held for the office of Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Brazil. GOB is the largest Masonic Obedience in Latin America.

The main opponents are Marcos Jose da Silva (current Grand Master and President of the IMC) and Mozarildo Cavalcanti, Federal Senator for Roraima. APMR will announce tomorrow who is the new Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Brazil.

Zoeterwoude's Heineken Brewery and the Masonic symbolism

Zoeterwoude, Netherlands. Located in the province of South Holland, the small town of Zoeterwoude has a population of about 9000 inhabitants. What gives the special character of this area is the Heineken Brewery (the main factory of the Dutch beer company).

Apparently, nothing can get us thinking about Freemasonry. But a closer look from space will indicate a different symbolism of this brewery.

A few miles from Zoeterwoude we find the town of Lieden where there are working three Masonic Lodges of which Vertu Lodge #7 (Grand Orient of the Netherlands) is the largest and oldest. This Lodge was founded in 1757 and is one of the oldest Masonic Lodges in the Netherlands.

Scottish Rite Temple sold for U.S. $ 10,950,000

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Lexington, United States of America. The Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction sold its Masonic Temple in Lexington for about 11 million U.S. dollars. The buyer was the City of Lexington.

Masonic Temple for sale

Santa Fe, United States of America. Santa Fe's Scottish Rite Temple, New Mexico, will go on sale this year. The centennial building is built in the Moorish Revival style, with the inspiration in Alhambra.

The Building known as the "Pink Cathedral" implies a high cost of maintenance and Scottish Rite members no longer afford the expenses.
