Bucharest, Romania. Academician Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici was interviewed last week for the show "Oamenii Realităţii". When asked "What is Freemasonry" Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici answered: "Freemasonry had its role in the eighteenth century , it was the artisan
of the great French Revolution, artisan of Liberalism in Europe, had a
role, we must admit, in the formation of Modern Romania. But at the moment I think it is just a... kind of association, a
mutually supportive elitist organization, but no longer having the power
once held and in no way we can talk about a cryptic oligarchy leading
the world and resembling with those stories which always existed... a
Synarchy leading destinies from the shadow... No!"
In another train of thoughts Academician Bălăceanu-Stolnici was asked what is happiness and he stated the following: "Happiness came in the century... Freemasonry has introduced as a political principle to seek to increase the quality of life and human
happiness (...)."