Happy Easter!

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Grand Lodge of Virginia does not accept transsexuals

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Richmond, United States. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia issued an edict through which transsexuals can not be part of the Grand Lodge. Also, Freemasons who become transsexuals will be expelled from the Grand Lodge and they will be consider in good standing no more.

Grand Master of Chile was reelected with 68.2% of votes

Santiago, Chile. Luis Riveros Cornejo was reelected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Chile. The former Rector of the University of Chile obtained 68.2% of total votes, beating his opponent Sebastián Jans. Riveros Cornejo will remain at the helm of the Grand Lodge until 2018.

Annual Communication of the French National Grand Lodge. GLNF has a new Constitution

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Paris, France. On April 12, 2014 took place the Annual Communications of the French National Grand Lodge. The event took place in the "Grande Arche à La Défense". This event is an important one in the history of the Grand Lodge. 

Also on April 12, 2014, were adopted, among others, the following measures (approved with 99.89% of votes):

1. The mandate of the Grand Master is of 3 years and may be reelected only once;
2. Grand Master is the President of the Association;
3. All regulations will be published in a single book;
4. The Council of the Wise may initiate the impeachment procedure of the Grand Master;
5. It was establish the procedure for voting by mail or online;
6. Etc.

The French National Grand Lodge will operate now under a new constitution, which will lead to the final restoration of its status as sole Regular Grand Lodge (recognized) in France.

Stefano Bisi was installed Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy

Rome, Italy. The Annual Communication and the Ceremony took place in Rimini. In the past 15 years the Grand Orient of Italy was led by Gustavo Raffi. Stefano Bisi (56 years old) leads Siena News online newspaper and entered into Freemasonry in 1982 (also Bisi is a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and of the York Rite).

The Parliamentary Agency (of Italy) considers this a historic event. In his speech, Bisi quoted Seneca, Kant, Bob Kennedy, Gianna Nannini, Ivano Fossati, Rino Gaetano etc. Gustavo Raffi gave an important rplace to women in his speech and he said, "Let us learn from Pope Francis."

United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria restored relations with the French National Grand Lodge

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Sofia, Bulgaria. On March 27, 2014, the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria decided to resume Masonic relations with the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF). The vote was unanimous.

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania has resumed relations with the French National Grand Lodge

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Philadelphia, United States. On March 25, 2014, the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania announced that Masonic relations were resumed with the French National Grand Lodge. The decision was taken in December 2013. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania is one of the oldest Grand Lodges in the world and the United States.

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania has recognized the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay

Philadelphia, United States. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania announced last week the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay on the fact that on December 4, 2013, it was adopted a resolution recognizing GLSP (Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay).
