Recitation in Sanskrit and Tibetan by Venerable Professor Ngawang Samten at the National Military Club of Bucharest

Friday, 30 September 2011

Antoine Sfeir - similarities and differences in the Arab civilization

Bucharest, Romania. Antoine Sfeir was also one of the lecturers present at the event organized by the Foundation SCR. He presented a thesis on the similarities and differences that exist within the Arab culture and civilization, illustrating also the semantics of words underlying the misinterpretation.

Antoine Sfeir is a Franco-Lebanese journalist, professor specialized in Islam (Middle East), Editor of the French magazine Les Cahiers de l'Orient, President of the Centre d'Études et réflexions sur le Proche-Orient and Professor of International Relations at Celsa School - Sorbonne University. He was awarded by the Frenc President with the Légion d'Honneur and l'Ordre national du Mérite.

Ernesto Piacentini (Franciscan theologian) argues complementarity and pluralism in human civilization

Bucarest, Romania. On the first day of the conference organized on the occasion of celebrating 130 years since the foundation of the first Scottish Rite Supreme Council in Romania, Don Roberto Amato delivered the message sent by Father Ernesto Piacentini from the Vatican.

In his message the Franciscan theologian (organizer of the annual meetings of Assisi, since the period of Pope John Paul II), spoke about spiritual complementarity and religious pluralism within the human civilization.

Albert Guigui, Chief Rabbi of Brussels opened the series of conferences within the 130 years Anniversary since the foundation of the SCR

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Bucharest, Romania. The first speaker who spoke at the World Conference was the Belgian Albert Guigui. He explained the audience that love is a concept often found in most religions and civilizations.

His general explanations and focused on principles have surprised the audience, many of those present expecting a speech centered on the Jewish civilization's problems. However, the Grand Rabbi's speech was very mild and general, trying to make the audience reflect on the importance of the human environment and also on the importance of the natural environment.

At the end of his conference, he received the commemorative medal and booklet of the 130 years Anniversary of the Supreme Council for Romania in the applause of the participants.

Reproduction is strictly prohibited without the Masonic Press Agency of Romania approval.

Nicolas Sarkozy visited the Statue of Liberty on the occasion of 125 years since the inauguration of the monument

Friday, 23 September 2011

Grand Master of Cuba is accused of collaborating with the Communist Party

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Havana, Cuba. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba is accused of being part of the communist structures, and that would harm the Cuban Freemasonry. The information appears on the background of the preparation for the election campaign for the office of Grand Master in 2012.

Also, there are references to the Past Grand Master Collera Vento, expelled from the Grand Lodge, which turned out to be a spy for the communist government even during his tenure. In this sense the accusation refers to an article published by Diario Masonico (DM) from Mexico. The Masonic Press Agency of Romania wants to mention the fact that DM's editorialist policy is independent of the Agency and that APMR disclaims all liability in this regard.

General Knud Bartels will be the new Head of NATO Military Committee

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Seville, Spain. Following the meeting in Spain, Danish General Knud Bartels was elected as the next successor to the leadership of the NATO Military Committee. The 59 years old General will take over leadership of the Committee from the Italian General Giampaolo Di Paola. This is the first time in history when two Danish occupy key position within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

King Michael I of Romania shall address to the Parliament on the occasion of the 9th decade of life

Bucharest, Romania. His Majesty King Michael I will address to the Parliament in October this year. Romanian Parliament adopted today the decision to invite His Majesty at the solemn session of October 25, 2011. According to an information published on the official website of the Royal Family:

"The Royal House welcomed the news of His Majesty the King's invitation to address both Chambers of the Romanian Parliament on the occasion of his 90 anniversary.

Returning to the rostrum of Parliament after more than sixty years, the King will address the nation in a time when it takes confidence, unity, hope and respect in the Romanian society.

The Royal House considers the decision of the Legislative a proof of democracy and freedom, insight and sense of history."

IMC's VI Zone/Area shall meet in Montevideo in October

Monday, 19 September 2011

Montevideo, Uruguay. The Inter-American Masonic Confederation (VI Zone/Area) will meet on 6, 7 and 8 of October in Montevideo in the annual General Assembly. The Grand Lodge of Uruguay will be responsible for organizing the Masonic event. APMR notes that the VI Zone/Area of IMC gathers the Grand Lodges of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Bolivia, Chile and the Grand Orient of Brazil.

GLNF loses the recognition of the Grand Lodges of Iowa, Massachusetts, Bulgaria and Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic. The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts has withdrawn recognition of the GLNF. After the United Grand Lodge of England officially suspended GLNF's recognition, the Grand Lodge of Iowa and the Czech Republic also withdrew recognition of the French National Grand Lodge.

In addition, the Grand Chancellor (Jacques Huyghebaert) of the Czech Republic speaks of a generalized state of rebellion within the French Grand Lodge and against the Grand Master. The Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic is joined by United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria which through an official communication issued today to the GLNF is informing that UGLB also withdrew recognition.

SCPLF's Sovereign Grand Commander resigned from the French National Grand Lodge

Paris, France. The Sovereign Grand Commander Jean Luc Fauque resigned from the French National Grand Lodge. Fauque considers that this decision is in favor of the Supreme Council and he will remain a member of the United Grand Lodge of England. Jean Luc Fauque will lead the Supreme Council for France, but he will be acting as a member of UGLE.

Grand Lodges of Africa are with the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF)

Cape Town, South Africa. According to an information published by APMR almost a month ago, the African Conference of Grand Lodges was held in South Africa. During that meeting was issued a joint statement signed by the Grand Lodges of South Africa, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Senegal, Madagascar, Morocco, Congo, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Mauritius, Mozambique and Djibouti. It is a call in favor of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF). According to the statements made in Cape Town GLNF is called the Mother Grand Lodge of several Grand Lodges in Africa, recognizing its historic role in the development of Freemasonry in Africa.

Chile's Parliament has a Masonic Parliamentary group

Santiago, Chile. Grand Lodge of Chile expressed its willingness to act in a permanent Parliamentary group composed of Freemasons. The group founded on September 7 includes also the Grand Master of Chile and wants for the Order to be visible in the eyes of the population, acting as a Republican institution.

One of the central points of debate is the issue of education in Chile. Cristian Larroulet (Minister of the Secretariat General of the Republic) welcomed the initiative of this group, considering that the work of Freemasonry as a Republican institution is precious and full of vision.

Grand Orient of France cuts relations with the Grand Orient of the United States

Washington, United States of America. Grand Orient of France broke ties with the Grand Orient of the United States. According to the official document issued by GOdF, the Grand Orient of France shall withdraw all patents granted to the Grand Orient of the United States by the Council of the Order.

APMR's Secretary-General congratulated the Grand Lodges of Brazil for their Independence Day

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Bucharest, Romania. With the occasion of Brazil's Independence Day, APMR's Secretary-General expressed hise sincere feelings of unity and brotherhood to the great Masonic family of Brazil.

In his message, APMR's Secretary-General spoke about the fundamental importance of Freemasons in the struggle for independence and the formation of modern Brazilian state. "Your Republic was born of the desire of our Brethren to found a strong and active state against social, economic and political inequalities. All this took place two centuries ago. Today, Brazil is one of the future powers of the multipolar world," stated APMR's Secretary-General in his letter.

He concluded by saying: "September 7 is an important day for you, but also for us, all Brothers abroad. It is a day of Universal Freemasonry and of its fundamental principles."

Grand Lodges in Brazil celebrate Brazil's independence

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Brasilia, Brazil. Freemasonry inthe Federative Republic of Brazil celebrates today the Independence Day. The National Day and state independence of Brazil from the Portuguese Crown remained in the collective memory as a purely Masonic act.

Throughout the entire country took place today events organized by the Grand Lodges that marked the moment with solemnity. In his speech, the Grand Master of Goias spoke about the importance of initiating Prince Pedro, later Emperor Pedro I. The Grand Master concluded his speech talking about the fight against drugs, giving a message of unity in this respect.

The Grand Orient of São Paulo organized a National Day Masonic parade. The "Masonic Battalion" participated in the official parade started at 7:30.

photo: Rondonia Agora

In the Brazilian State of Rondonia Grand Master Juscelino Moraes do Amaral led the Masonic group parading with full Masonic Regalia.

Grand Lodge of Vermont and Hurricane Irene

Monday, 5 September 2011

Montpelier, United States of America. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Vermont called upon all Brothers to collaborate in rebuilding the affected areas by Hurricane Irene. Grand Master asks all Brethren to help those affected in any way possible.

Communist Party of Cuba tries to subordinate the Grand Lodge of Cuba

Havana, Cuba. According to Diario Masónico the Communist Party of Cuba tries to manipulate the Grand Lodge. Alberto Rojas Aguiar, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Cuba convoqued the Grand Council on September 25, 2011, having on the agenda 46 points. It is believed that the possible change of the Masonic legislation in Cuba will produce negative effects, especially if we consider the elections for the office of Grand Master in 2012.

Several Brothers of the Grand Lodge, with knowledge on Masonic jurisprudence, have made it clear that the current power can not win elections. However, there are more and more people who believe that the current Grand Master, José Ramón González Díaz, will do anything to run again. There is a Lodge strongly supporting his re-election and that particular Lodge is known to be one that supports the communist agent Dr. José Collera Vento, former Grand Master of Cuba, disclosed a few months ago.

Simão Jatene - Grand Benefactor of the Masonic Order

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Belem, Brazil. The Brazilian Governor of the state of Para (Simão Jatene) received the title of Grand Benefactor of the Masonic Order. The Grand Master conferred the title to the governor during a solemn ceremony. The event was attended by over 500 Freemasons.

Grand Lodge of Goias wants electoral reform

Goiânia, Brazil. The Grand Lodge of Goias launched in 2009 a campaign against corruption in election campaigns. This year has launched a new campaign in favor of morality in Brazilian politics. GLEG aims at strengthening direct democracy and electoral reform.

According to APMR's International Correspondent to the Federative Republic of Brazil (Gladston Charles Rezende Reis, Grand Secretary of Press of the Grand Lodge), GLEG launched the National Movement Anti-Corruption in Elections. "This example can be followed and the Masonic community in Romania," stated APMR's Secretary-General.

Guy Arcizet relies on the reasoning of French Freemasons

Paris, France. With the serenity restored, the Grand Orient of France is preparing for the presidential campaign. However, Guy Arcizet told Le Figaro that "we will not take any position and certainly not say whom to vote." In the same vein, Arcizet added that "we will ask Republicans, left and right, a real political philosophy without compromise."

According to Le Figaro, "a relative kindness toward Sarkozy meant his re-election." Also, the French daily speaks about the disputes with the French Archbishop and recalls that the Grand Orient of France adopted the "Charter of Values" condemning religious interference in state affairs.

GOdF is focused on poverty, social exclusion, youth (excluded from the debates and hear only when being violent) and on Europe (resumption of contacts with the Grand Orient of Belgium to provide a lobby for democratic values ​​in the European Community). Today, the Grand Master receives foreign delegations in Paris, arriving from around the world for the ending session of the annual general Assembly.

World Conference on civilizations in Bucharest

Bucharest, Romania. On September 9th, 2011, APMR's Secretary General will attend the official opening ceremony of the World Conference on "Civilizations and Welfare of the Human Family." The cultural event of international invoice will enjoy the presence of officials from several countries, members of the diplomatic corps and an audience composed of intellectuals, academics, university professors and scientists.

Guy ARCIZET re-elected Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France

Friday, 2 September 2011

Vichy, France. Elected for the first time as Grand Master of the GOdF in 2010 in Vichy, Guy Arcizet was re-elected this year as Grand Master of largest Masonic Obedience in France and one of the most influential in Europe. GOdF's General Assembly began on September 1 and will close on September 3. The moral report of the Grand Master was approved with 87.50%.

Last night at Vichy GOdF held elections for the office of Grand Master. Arcizet received 30 votes and Claude Vaillant 1 vote. Four votes were white votes. Tonight on France 3 Guy Arcizet will give an interview.

Bulandra Theatre and the Masonic symbols

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Bucharest, Romania. The famous Romanian theater (Bulandra Theatre) is acquiring new connotations for most of its fans. Art works with symbols and Bulandra Theatre makes no exception.

The all-seeing eye, the triangle, the sun and the moon have found their way into the new image of the prestigious cultural institution of Romania, headed by Director Alexandru (Ducu) Darie.

Wichita Scottish Rite Center was vandalized

Wichita, United States of America. The Scottish Rite Center in the city of Wichita was vandalized again. The Masonic Center in Wichita is there for over a century and Freemasons have an important role in local social activities. The Center was attacked with bottles, bricks and burning towels, trying to set fire the historical building.

Scandal between the Grand Orient of Italy and the Roman Catholic Church. Gustavo Raffi: "This is social justice and not religious war"

Rome, Italy. After the last press release of the Grand Orient of Italy (which referred to the current economic crisis) discussions about the "plot" of Freemasonry against the Church have rekindled. Thus begins the press release issued by Grand Master Raffi on August 30, stating that "we do not have accused parishes of tax evasion."

Gustavo Raffi believes that in a time when the weak supports sacrifices, the State must not grant privileges to others. "This is social justice and not religious war," said Raffi in the same statement.

Parliament of Goiás pay homage to Freemasonry

Goiânia, Brazil. Celebrating Freemasons's Day (August 20) on August 30th was held a special ceremony in the State Parliament. The event was attended by Governor Marconi Perillo, along with Grand Master General of the Grand Orient of Brazil, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Goias, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Goias etc.

Ruy Rocha (GLEG) spoke about the importance of partnerships between Freemasonry and public institutions. Giving as example the last General Assembly of the CMSB.

Barbosa Nunes (GOEG), speaking about the importance of Freemasonry said: "Brazil needs us." Grand Master spoke of the future that Freemasonry must have from now in 50 or 100 years.

Joint Masonic meeting of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay and the Grand Lodge of Parana (Brazil)

Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. The Grand Commission on Communications and the Grand Commission on Foreign Relations of GLSP informs that yesterday took place a joint Masonic meeting of the Grand Lodges of Paraguay and Paraná (Brazil). The event took place in the Temple of the Union of the Three Borders Lodge.