XXII General Assembly of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Brasilia, Brazil. This year the Grand Orient of Brazil is hosting the XXII General Assembly of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation. The event will take place from 11 to 15 April 2012 at GOB's headquarters in Brasilia. On this occasion, on April 14, 2012, will be celebrated the 65th anniversary of the founding of IMC.

The Masonic Academy and democratic and social aspects will be subject of this year's debate. Also, this year will take place and election of a new Executive Secretary of the IMC for a term of three years.

Among the topics to be discussed during the annual reunion are included: the treaty between the OAS and the IMC, democratic development, social solidarity, projection of the Freemason in the secular context, structural analysis of the IMC.

APMR recalls that IMC brings together 74 Masonic organizations from 26 countries in North America, South America and Europe.

GLNF's Polynesian Brethren recall their legitimacy in French Polynesia

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Papeetē, France. On February 27th, 2012, a new information letter was sent by the leaders of the four GLNF Masonic Lodges in French Polynesia to the Grand Masters in North America and to the Grand Master of UGLE. Pierre FONTAINE, François RIBET, Stéphane BOUTHEON and Hervé BOITELLE reiterate that GLNF is present in French Polynesia since January 17th, 1987, by founding five Masonic Lodges. They are also informing that just the members of the Poe Rava and Te Parau Mo'a Lodges left GLNF to create the Regular Grand Lodge of Tahiti and Archipelagos and they are remembering that to create a Masonic Grand Lodge you need three Masonic Lodges in good stance.

Among all other observations made by the Polynesian Brethren, they underline the administrative report between GLNF's Grand Master and Grand Secretariat and the Polynesian Worshipful Masters and Masonic Lodges.

They are asking is two Grand Lodges can occupy the same jurisdiction by being regular (APMR recalls that in countries such as Colombia, Brazil etc. there are more then two Regular Grand Lodges recognized by UGLE); they are also underlying once more that French Polynesia is not a sovereign country.

GLNF's Masonic Lodges in French Polynesia reaction regarding the decision of the Commission on Information for Recognition

Monday, 27 February 2012

Papeetē, France. According to a letter sent by the four Worshipful Masters of the four Masonic Lodges under GLNF in French Polynesia (an overseas country of the French Republic) the Grand Master of UGLE and Grand Masters in North American are announced that they have acknowledge the official statement of the Grand Lodge in Washington D.C. and they hope to see fair elections for Grand Master during this year.

According to the same document, they are informing that French Polynesia is not a sovereign territory but the jurisdiction of GLNF and that since 1987 GLNF was the sole Regular Grand Lodge to work in French Polynesia.

EXCLUSIVE | Interview with Past Grand Master Eduardo Rétiz Licona (running for Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation)

Friday, 24 February 2012

APMR | MWPGM, first of all who is Eduardo Rétiz Licona, the man? What made him adhere to Freemasonry?

Eduardo Rétiz | I am your friend and Brother, a person that before entering the Order was very restless, very rebellious, very idealistic, a very intense human being who dedicated himself body and soul to all companies where he worked. At the invitation of a Brother Mason (with whom I still maintain good relations), who attended the Leadership Club whose president I was in 1987, I was allowed to enter the Order.

APMR | Now that we know the man can you tell us who is Eduardo, the Brother?

Eduardo Rétiz | A Freemason convinced that our Grand Institution is the place where you can know yourself better, where you can develop intellect, culture and nature/character in a fraternal space where you can be Brother with other people not for their titles nor their economic position, but for their work, for their constancy to their discipline; the place where I come to know the values of Loyalty and Respect for Hierarchy.

APMR | You have everything, a wonderful family, a successful professional life and then comes the question, why to waste your time in Freemasonry?

Eduardo Rétiz | I entered in Freemasonry shortly after I married and thanks to that, with what I learned in the Order I could maintain a great relationship with my wife and two daughters, those who accompanied me and supported me with determination in all my wife and two daughters, those who accompanied me and supported me with determination in all my activities.

MWPGM Eduardo Rétiz Licona with his family

In the professional field, even though I was very successful, from the moment I entered in our grand institution, I felt even better in all my activities given that I always put into practice in everyday life what I learn during the Masonic reunions; including the simple fact that by working and attending ceremonies fills me with a special energy and joy, which always makes me feel satisfied with our meetings.

APMR | The mandate that you had as Grand Master was highlighted by many public initiatives. You attended the first World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges. You attended numerous formal and informal meeting of IMC and COMACA. What’s your view on the evolution of the Order from an administrative point of view? We're talking about organizational policies.

Eduardo Rétiz | I think that a Freemason should be a man of his time, to join always the best cause and to be an actor of change and evolution both in society and in Freemasonry. You stressed that at the initiative of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico, precisely during its anniversary in 1995, began what is now the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges, which is a forum where we live and feel Universal Freemasonry, this and that I worked on organizing of the XV Assembly of the IMC in 1991, have reinforced my view that our Order and our fraternity has no borders and that the only thing we need to do is to preserve the Masonic orthodoxy, to respect the concepts of regularity and recognition and to build bridges for a healthy coexistence between all Masonic Obediences in the world, taking into account that we do not know each other but still share the same work and information, thing that will strengthen even more our links. Regarding the organizational policies, I think there is a need for strategic alliances between the major blocs in Latin America (IMC) and North America, particularly the United States (U.S.) and Canada, continental Europe and England, where are the most great powers to recognize us and to strengthen our activities.

APMR | The previous question regarded the fact that you are running for Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation, the largest regional Masonic bloc in the world and the most active. Therefore we ask you: What vision do you have in terms of management regarding the inter-institutional and institutional affairs of the IMC with secular institutions of the Western Hemisphere?

Eduardo Rétiz | With the institutions and secular authorities is important to establish cordial, respectful and clear relations in which we support the western Masonic Powers; I think we should know and recognize each other, this being the fundamental joint work and exchange of successful experiences. Europe can teach us more about organization and Masonic rituals (several times I attended the anniversaries of the Grand Orient of Italy and I have always been surprised by their great capacity of organization and their relations with the Grand Lodges of Asia, Africa and Oriental Europe) and Latin America (IMC) can bring a contribution of solidarity and support that we have between our Grand Lodges and our countries that share the same problems; thus agreeing with each other, not only the countries and the continents would be better, but the whole world could enjoy the benefits of Freemasonry, the world must "have the same fears and same affinities".

APMR | Based on the previous question, can you tell us your view regarding Masonic affairs? What needs the IMC for the following years to keep up with the changes within the Masonic world?

Eduardo Rétiz | To continue to strengthen the bonds. Europe needs to look back to Latin America, we have already increased in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay, etc., we are great powers and we have a lot to share, we must maintain all relationships to remain in the dynamic of "win-win", especially because our principles are universal and applied everywhere we must apply the famous phrase "What is above is below", in fact, Brazilian Freemasonry grew even more than the economics of its own country, this must be replicated worldwide.

APMR | You are talking about strengthening relations with the Grand Orient of Italy, UGLE etc. What makes you think of this need?

Eduardo Rétiz | They are Masonic Powers that have offered a lot to the world, we must honour those who have sown the seed of brotherhood without any petty interest and we should be proud and we should honour our ancestors, those older Brothers already in the Eternal Lodge and yet those who still give light to mankind (Adam Smith, W. Churchill, G. Garibaldi, Victor Hugo, I. Newton, R. Kipling etc.), most of them belonging to those Great Powers.

APMR | The fact that we are conservatives or liberals today do not matter when it comes to the social dimension of things. What would be the role of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation in the development of Latin American society?

Eduardo Retiz | In terms of social, political and cultural freedoms Latin America still has deficit, therefore IMC has implemented and funded the Latin American Seminars on Secularism and the Grand Lodges have implemented the ILEC's (Secular Institutes of Contemporary Studies) and the Secular Action Centres in almost all countries in the area because we have to work harder on these issues and we do it with a great impact in countries where they exist and function for the welfare of Latin American society.

APMR | What would be the role of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation regarding the climate change issues and sustainable development?

Eduardo Rétiz | To continue to realize that the world in which we live we have borrowed from the new generation and that we must preserve our natural resources, using better our resources for the benefit of humanity and with a by having a world benefiting from our work.

APMR | As a possible future IMC Executive Secretary, what you think about the need of communication?

Eduardo Rétiz | Communication, currently, is like sap for trees, like blood for body, since through it is created the conductor wire for transmitting knowledge, ideas and information. I want to stress that it is as important as the work done by you in this area, making millions of Brothers to have the opportunity to strengthen their links via your Masonic Press Agency of Romania (taking this advantage to recognize your work worthy of praise), a tool that I shall use if I will hold the position of Executive Secretary of the IMC.

APMR | Eduardo Rétiz Licona if you currently be the Executive Secretary of the IMC, what public stand would you take on ACTA y SOPA?

Eduardo Rétiz | Those are quite complex issues that involve a greater control over the electronic communication channels, over Intellectual Property rights, but however, I believe that it should not thrive, at least not in our Latin American region which in particular still has a too large information gap, very few are those who have Internet access and who can afford to purchase documents, books, movies, original CDs because there is still a low income (the average cost is that of 3 euros for a 8 hours session); only by having access to these materials in an informal (pirated) way and even though we are facing an ethical dilemma, not having access to such goods is to increase this gap; large additional revenue goes to the Corporate official market, while in the case of the informal market the revenues goes to families in charge of marketing the products, is a subject that should be reviewed continuously.

APMR | Since the IMC signed with toe OAS the agreement of 2008 there were no public debates about education initiatives across the continent. The project of the Masonic Academy proposed by the IMC means the implementation of that agreement?

Eduardo Rétiz | We are talking about different topics, because the agreement with OSA was directed towards education in terms of having a secular education (by stimulating free and public schools in all countries on the continent) but without the economic support from the OAS is hard work; regarding the Masonic Academy, it is directed to a homogenization of the Masonic Instruction to be disseminated via all IMC’s affiliated Grand Lodges but even though is a good proposal is a very limited one and must be enriched.

APMR | If you are elected Executive Secretary of the IMC, which will be the first decision to be taken by you?

Eduardo Rétiz | My first big task would be to start working at a Grand Commission for Regularity, to establish alliances with major Powers of World Freemasonry, to have international mechanisms of recognition and coexistence, which could come together to create an "Annual IMC Bulletin," which could record the relationships between all the Grand Lodges that are part of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation and fees up to date with their main features, linking all Symbolic Lodges, composing it to be a navigation and certainty guide for all Brethren travelling, visiting Lodges, where there will be no slightest doubt about the regularity of the Grand Lodges within the Confederation.

APMR | MWPGM and beloved Brother thank you for granting us this interview.

Eduardo Rétiz | It is my personal pleasure and proud to be considered for this interview by an agency so serious and important as that which you represent, one that has a high reputation internationally speaking and is a pioneer of the worldwide Masonic communication and which allowed me to express my views on topics of interest for all members of our beloved Fraternity.

APMR’s Secretariat General thanks
Most Worshipful Grand Master
Eduardo Rétiz Licona
for the interview

Exclusive interview with Past Grand Master...

"Regarding the organizational policies, I think there is a need for strategic alliances between the major blocs in Latin America and North America, particularly the United States (U.S.) and (...)."

"Those are quite complex issues that involve a greater control over the electronic communication channels, over (...) rights (...)."

"Europe needs to look back to Latin America (...)."

"(,,,) start working at a Grand Commission for Regularity, to establish alliances with major Powers of World Freemasonry."

More in today's interview | 20:00

The Commission on Information for Recognition: Grand Lodge of Tahiti meets regularly standards

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Atlanta, United States of America. Recently formed, the Grand Lodge of Tahiti asked the Commission for Recognition to give its point of view on the regularity of the Grand Lodge. It is recalled that the Grand Lodge of Tahiti consists of three Masonic Lodges belonging to the Provincial Grand Lodge of French Polynesia (GLNF).

The Commission on Information for Recognition decided the following: "The Grand Lodge of Tahiti was constituted on December 21, 2011 from three lodges previously chartered by the French National Grand Lodge. Presented data indicated that this new Grand Lodges practice regular Masonry and is a sovereign territory. The Commission is of the opinion that the Grand Lodge of Tahiti meets the standards for recognition."

The Commission on Information for Recognition has expressed its views on the case of Paraguay

Atlanta, United States of America. The Commission on Information for Recognition has expressed its views on the case of Paraguay: "The agreement of unification of the two Grand Lodges that was reached in 2010, has been broken, and the situation has reverted back to two Grand Lodges claiming to be the legitimate source of Freemasonry in that country. There is also evidence that negotiations for unification have ceased. This being the case, the Commission is of the opinion that neither Grand Lodge now meets the standards for recognition."

While Centennial Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay claims regularity, the Symbol Grand Lodge of Paraguay informed the public opinion on the following:
  • "GLSE has always taken full responsibility regarding the information"
  • None of the Grand Lodges are recognized by the Commission
  • The Grand Committee on Foreign Relations informs that there are 73 existing Recognition Treaties: Great Lodges members of the IMC, UGLE, United Grand Lodges of Germany, National Grand Lodge of Romania, Grand Lodge of Ghana etc.

Today ends the Conference of Grand Masters in North America

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Atlanta, United States of America. Today ends the Conference of Grand Masters in North America, the most important annual event to be hosted in the United States. This morning the Grand Secretaries and Grand Masters resumed their meetings and Brother William Holsinger presented the report of the Commission on Recognition.

This evening will take place the banquet of the Grand Masters, ending by this the event hosted by the Grand Lodge of Georgia. Participants included representatives from Iran, Italy, Paraguay and the United Grand Lodge of England.

Annual Communication of the Grand Orient of Italy

Rimini, Italy. From March 30th to April 1st, 2012, will take place the Annual Communication of the Grand Orient of Italy. The event will be hosted by the Consorzio AIA Palas in Rimini, and this year's theme is: "Beyond the crisis, the compass of values ​​to find the man".

Specialists and academics will discussed this important issue in accordance with the principles of the Masonic Order. Consorzio AIA Palas is a recent construction, with a contemporary architectural design.

Grand Masters in North America resumed their works

Monday, 20 February 2012

Atlanta, United States of America. This morning was held the Conference of the Grand Secretaries in North America and the meeting the Commission on Recognition. Theoretically, this year should be discussed two pressing problems: Paraguay and France. Also, Grand Master resumed their Conference.

In an hour will take place the official group photo of the Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries, and after this the Conference of Grand Masters will be resumed. At 7:00 p.m., local time, will take place the banquet of the Grand Secretaries.

Today begins the Conference of Grand Masters of North America

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Atlanta, United States of America. Since yesterday, Grand Masters from the United States, Canada, Mexico etc. gathered in Atlanta to participate in this year's Conference of Grand Masters of North America. The event is hosted this year by the Grand Lodge of Georgia.

In this moment takes place the official opening ceremony. The Chairman of the Conference is Stephen J. Ponzillo III (Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Maryland). The national anthem of the United States, Canada and Mexico will be sung, after which Jerry D. Moss (host Grand Master) will addresses his welcome message. Next will follow the presentation of annual reports.

At 10:45, local time, will begin the reunion of the Commission on Recognition. At 14:00 they will form four working groups to analyze and discuss various items on the agenda.

Grand Lodge of Goias welcomes STF's decision

Goiânia, Brazil. GLEG's Grand Master welcomed the decision of the Supreme Federal Tribunal regarding the "Ficha Limpa" law. The project involves reducing electoral corruption in Brazil. The Court recognized that the law is constitutional and will come into force in local elections this year.

APMR's Secretary-General welcomes the enthusiasm of the Grand Lodge of Goias and congratulates Grand Master Ruy Rocha for GLEG's initiative.

The National Grand Lodge of Romania continues to recognize the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay

Asuncion, Paraguay. According to the correspondence between the National Grand Lodge of Romania and the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay it was confirmed that NGLR continues to recognize GLSP as the only Grand Lodge with which maintains relations in Paraguay.

The document is signed by NGLR's Grand Secretary and addressed to Raul Pintos Grassi, Grand Chancellor of Paraguay. Catalin Tohaneanu expressed the desire to develop a harmonious relationship between the two Grand Lodges.

Eduardo A. Licon Retiz is running for the position of Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Mexico City, Mexico. Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico, Most Worshipful Eduardo A. Retiz Licons announced his candidacy for the most important function within the Inter-American Masonic Confederation.

In tomorrow's edition Jurnal Masonic will publish a comprehensive description of Brother Eduardo Retiz and some points of his government program.

Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico | 150 years

Friday, 17 February 2012

Mexico City, Mexico. The Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico has celebrated its 150th anniversary. The event took place on February 6, 2012 in the federal capital, attended by several Grand Masters, informs the Grand Commission of Social Communications of the Grand Lodge.

The ceremony was marked by speeches and by receiving a copy of the original document from 150 years ago, document handed by the Grand Master of Colombia, Brother Jorge Alejandro Aviles Reyes.

India will host the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

New Delhi, India. The next World Conference will be organized by the Grand Lodge of India and hosted by Chennai city. It is estimated that between 500 and 1000 Freemasons will participate in this event.

Grand Orient of Brazil broke ties with GLNF

Brasilia, Brazil. The Grand Orient of Brazil has suspended relations with the French National Grand Lodge yesterday, February 13, 2012. Tullio Colacioppo (Grand Chancellor) informed GLNF that relations were suspended because of the deplorable situation in which the GLNF finds itself.

This decision paves the way for Latin American Grand Lodges to start break relations with French Freemasonry. The Grand Orient of Brazil is the largest Masonic Obedience in Brazil.

APMR's Founder retires

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Bucharest, Romania. Today, 12.02.2012, the Founder of the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) announced his complete withdrawal from all activity.

APMR is launching a project for inter-generational dialogue

Saturday, 11 February 2012

To mark the closing of "APMR Week", the Secretariat General launched today a new project for inter-generational dialogue. APMR wants to make a series of virtual discussions on dialogue between generations, thereby promoting the European Year 2012.

The project is intended solely for the Romanian language speakers in Romania and in Moldova. APMR will use the same platform for both virtual projects managed by SeCTI.

APMR Chat | A new APMR project

Friday, 10 February 2012

SeCTI will take into account the recommendation of the Secretary-General to build a virtual platform of dialogue with young people. The project was launched last night. Participants will have a maximum age of 35 years and the topics discussed will be chosen according to the wishes of young people.

APMR heraldry

Thursday, 9 February 2012

The most important symbol of APMR is its coat of arms. The heraldry of the Agency illustrates a definition of what APMR is. Over the years, APMR's heraldry underwent various changes, reaching its current form after three years.

Conferences and events attended by APMR

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

  • International Conference "Culture in Diplomacy"
  • International Conference in Istanbul (empowering women)
  • Social Media Week
  • Public Conference on "Internet freedom" in Washington
  • International seminar organized within the International Year of African descendants in the Western Hemisphere
  • Conferences organized under the US-Russia Presidential Commission talks on Mass Media
  • Conference "100th Anniversary of International Women's Day"
  • Conference "Digital Diplomacy"
  • International conference "Development of clean technologies"
  • International conferences organized during World Press Freedom Day
  • Colloquium "Dialogue with Young African leaders"
  • Open Discussion: "The organization as a tool for social change: talk with young leaders in governance"
  • Open Discussion: "Dialogue with young African leaders and the continued commitment to young Africans"
  • Open Discussion: "Youth and the transatlantic partnership"
  • Conference "International Year of African descendents"
  • Conference "5 Myths about Information Age"
  • Conference "Human Voice of Freedom: The Internet and Human Rights"
  • Conference on women's rights in the Arab world
  • Seminar "Libraries in armed conflict areas"
  • Open discussion on "Press Freedom in Europe"
  • Conference on Asians in the U.S.A.
  • World Conference on "Civilizations and Welfare of the Human Family"
  • Open discussion on food security
  • Debate launched ASAGRI on the current situation in the Middle East
  • COP 16 and COP 17 Summit
  • Conference on the use of new media
  • UNESCO Conference (Teaching Respect for All) - participation
  • Debate on the 2012 elections in the United States of America
  • Etc.

Events promoted by APMR during the last three years

  • Anniversary of the Grand Lodge El Potosi (2009)
  • CMSB General Assembly (2009, 2010, 2011)
  • Masonic Reunion of the Brazilian Grand Lodges of the Midwest region (2009, 2010, 2011)
  • Charity concert "Christmas for All" (2009, 2010, 2011)
  • Bicentenary and the Centenary of Mexican Republic
  • Bicentenary of the Republic of Paraguay
  • World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges (2011)
  • COP Summit (2010, 2011)
  • UN General Assembly (2010, 2011)
  • Preparatory Meeting of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation (2011)
  • The Integrated Operation System of Sao Paulo

APMR and its relationship with CMSB - Confederation of Symbolic Masonry of Brazil

Monday, 6 February 2012

In 2009, a few months after its appearance on the international scene, APMR makes the first step towards the international affairs in Brazil. The establishment of relations with GLEG and the President of CMSB at that time were important for the Agency and have proven to be a long-term relationship.

Thus, between July 11 to 16, 2009, APMR became the official international promoter of the most important annual event of Regular Freemasonry in Brazil. APMR promoted the 38th General Assembly of CMSB in close collaboration with the Grand Lodge of Goias whose Grand Master was also President of the Confederation.

It was the first time in history when CMSB's General Assembly was broadcast via internet in real time in three languages​​: Romanian, English and Spanish. Over time the relationship between GLEG and APMR was strengthened, becoming a strategic one.

Gladston Charles Rezende Reis (Advisor of CMSB's President) saw a significant rise in the Grand Lodge, and currently serves as Grand Secretary's of Press of GLEG. the professional relationship between APMR and GLEG became in time a standard model of international collaboration applied worldwide by APMR.

On October 19, 2009, GLEG's Grand Master issued the 222/2008-2011 decree, recognizing APMR's merits in the promotion of CMSB and other several Masonic event in Brazil. On August 30, 2010 APMR adopted the sections 1 and 3 of the Declaration of Belem, issued by CMSB. Also in 2010 APMR's Secretary-General issued a decree through which Gladston Rezende became APMR's International Correspondent for the Federative Republic of Brazil.

In 2010 and 2011 the partnership with GLEG was maintained and APMR promoted the 39th and 40th General Assembly of CMSB. In 2011 it was elected a new leadership of CMSB and APMR's Secretary-General welcomed the new team, pledging to continue cooperation in the future, a gesture welcomed by the Grand Secretary for Foreign Affairs of CMSB. Also in 2012 APMR pledged to promote CMSB's General Assembly, this year being organized by the Grand Lodge of Acre.

Masonic events that marked March 2009

  • APMR announces the XXI General Assembly of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation to take place in April the same year
  • Grand Lodge of Peru celebrated 127 years of existence
  • Brazilian Senate celebrated the National Freemasonry
  • Freemason Day in Venezuela
  • meeting of the Grand Council of the Grand Lodge of Malta
  • After 75 years of absence, in Almeria was established a Masonic Lodge
  • APMR launches its first cultural project to promote Romania
  • Gustavo Raffi is reelected Grand Master of Grand Orient of Italy

Masonic events that marked February 2009

Sunday, 5 February 2012

  • President of Senegal (Abdoulaye Wade) admitted that he is a Freemason
  • APML is founded, supported by APMR
  • Cuna de América Lodge #2 celebrates 150 years since its foundation, the event being attended by the Vice-president of the Dominican Republic
  • APMR announces the Masonic Ball in Paris, organized by French President in honor of the Grand Masters
  • APMR announced the creation of a stamp to celebrate the 50th anniversary since the founding of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation


Bucharest, Romania. Today marks three years since the appearance of the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR). The first steps were taken in the summer of 2008 and the foundations of the project were laid in November 2008. APMR project was launched in December and on February 5, 2009 was established the Masonic Press Agency of Romania.

In its three years of activity APMR tried to provide Freemasons with an impersonal way of getting to know each other, to communicate and, especially, to be informed daily about some of the most important events in the Masonic world.

We decided to devote this week only to APMR's activity in recent years, to illustrate just a small part of its success and of the stubbornness with which APMR wanted to impose a line of ethics in what is called Masonic press.

Mariano Arista Lodge: Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico celebrates 150 years

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Public Statement of APMR's Secretary-General

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Bucharest, Romania. After midnight, APMR's Secretary-General will make a public statement about the last things discussed in the council meeting tonight. The declaration can be read in Jurnal Masonic, starting at 00.30, local time.

Internet access is important for South American Freemasonry

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Asuncion, Paraguay. The Working Group on Telecommunications of UNASUR decided yesterday to adopt a policy to increase Internet access in the 12 member countries of UNASUR.

APMR's Secretary-General welcomes this initiative, especially for the importance that Internet has in the development of the Masonic Order and in promoting our principles.
