Sebastián Piñera stated that: "Freemasonry has left abundant fruits for the benefit of the country"

Monday, 28 May 2012

Valparaíso, Chile. The statement belongs to the President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, who was present at the celebration of 150 years since the founding of the Grand Lodge of Chile. In his speech, the President also said that Freemasonry spread important values ​​with courage and dedication to achieve, among other things, social laws and the Labor Code.

photo: Grand Lodge of Chile

The event was attended by deputies and senators, national authorities and representatives of the Grand Lodges of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Canada, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and the Russian Federation.

Alan Englefield left the office of Grand Chancellor of the United Grand Lodge of England

London, United Kingdom. After years of working in favor of the Order, Alan Englefield, one of the most prominent Freemasons in England and abroad, left the office of Grand Chancellor of UGLE. As stated by the Grand Master, the Duke of Kent, Englefield was the one who "has made an invaluable contribution to bringing us closer to other Grand Lodges around the world, as well as to maintaining our position as the Mother Grand Lodge."

150 years since the founding of the Grand Lodge of Chile

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Santiago, Chile. On May 24, 2012, Chilean Parliament paid tribute to the Grand Lodge of Chile. The event marked the 150th anniversary since the founding of the Grand Lodge and took place in the Hall of Honor, in the presence of President Sebastian Pinera.

archive photo: Grand Lodge of Chile

The representative of the President of the European Commission attended RMI 2012, event organized by the Feminine Grand Lodge of Romania

Monday, 21 May 2012

Bucharest, Romania. On May 11, 2012 was held the sixth edition of the International Masonic Reunion, event organized by the Feminine Grand Lodge of Romania. The conference washeld at the Bragadiru Palace, in the presence of members of diplomatic corps accredited in Bucharest, professors, academics and leaders of various Masonic organizations in Europe, Africa, South America and North America.

The guest of honor at this event was the President of the European Commission, represented by Katharina von Schnurbein who held a conference regarding the European Year 2012 and recalled that the EU appreciates the interest of the organization for this very important topic on the agenda in Brussels.

During the meeting were held two conferences with different themes, and among the speakers were Katharina von Schnurbein, Prof. Catalina Tudose (founder of the Romanian Society for Alzheimer), Prof. Vasile Soporan, Dr. Jaime Chalita Zarur etc.

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Installation ceremony of the Knights Templar by UNITAU's authorities

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Bucharest, Romania. On May 13, 2012 in Bucharest was held a ceremony of investiture of several new Knights Templar, an event attended by UNITAU's officials and UNITAU's Chapter. On this occasion it was announced the appointment of an UNITAU Officer of Liaison for Eastern Europe and it was also announced Templar Day, an event held each year in Italy to celebrate the Order.

Romanian Masonic Week

Bucharest, Romania. During 14 to 20 May 2012 Bucharest hosts an event organized to celebrate 130 years since the first evidence of the York Rite in Romania. On Tuesday was held the General Assembly of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Romania.

Yesterday took place the Third European Conference of Knights Templar, and today will take place the anniversary ball of the York Rite. The series of events ends on Sunday, when takes place the meeting of the members of the Order Societas Rosicruciana in Romania.

UGLE's Grand Master visited Romania

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Bucharest, Romania. The Duke of Kent visited yesterday Transylvania and had meetings with several local authorities. This was not a Masonic visit and he was not there as Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England.

Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Estonia and the consecration of the new Masonic Temple of Tallinn

Friday, 4 May 2012

Tallinn, Estonia. Today takes place the ceremony of consecration of the new Masonic Temple of Tallinn. Also on Saturday will be held the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Estonia in the House of blackheads in the capital of the country. One of the guests at this event is Fabio Venzi, Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy.