Romania and Russia attended the Annual Communication of the National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Baku, Azerbaijan. This weekend was held the Annual Communication of the National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan. The small and homely ceremony was honored by Sovereign Grand Commander Constantin Iancu (Romania) and Grand Master Andrei Bogdanov (Russia).

Another important participant was Robert B. Heyat (founder of the present Grand Lodge), Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Washington DC, Honorary Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Romania and Past Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan.

Jose Moreno was reelected Grand Master of Portugal

Monday, 25 June 2012

Lisbon, Portugal. For the first time in the history of the Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal (GLLP) a Grand Master is re-elected. José Moreno was reelected as Grand Master of GLLP. On June 23 elections were held and the Installation Ceremony will take place soon.

It is likely that this event will take place on September 15, when GLLP will celebrate its 21 anniversary. In 2010, Grand Master Moreno gave an exclusive interview for the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) regarding the COP 16 Summit and the role it may have Freemasonry in environmental protection and sustainable development.

The Supreme Council of Paraguay celebrates its 14th anniversary

Asuncion, Paraguay. The Supreme Council for the Republic of Paraguay celebrates today the 141th anniversary. SCP was founded on June 25, 1871, and is now led by Sovereign Grand Commander Jorge Aníbal Goldenberg.

Stifani is invalidated as Grand Master with over 60% of votes

Paris, France. GLNF's members gathered at the Annual Communication last week to validate Stifani's mandate. Although initially he was elected Grand Master, during the Annual Communication Stifani was rejected with over 60% of total votes.

The Feminine Grand Lodge of Uruguay fulfills 5 years since its founding

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Montevideo, Uruguay. In about few hours will be held at the Athenaeum in Montevideo a Masonic Ceremony which will mark 5 years since the founding of the Feminine Grand Lodge of Uruguay. Finally there will be a cocktail offered by Grand Master Alicia Toyos Yáñez to her guests, informs the Grand Secretary Marianela Martinez.

San Galgano Abbey will be converted for a few hours in a Masonic Temple

Friday, 22 June 2012

Siena, Italy. In about three hours will be held the Masonic ceremony of the Summer Solstice (Apprentice Degree). The event is organized by the Grand Orient of Italy in the former Abbey of San Galgano. After the Masonic ceremony will take place a ceremony where friends and families of those present will participate.

Latest: Due to the political situation through which the Republic of Paraguay is passing, the Solstice Concert was postponed

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Asuncion, Paraguay. Due to the political situation through which the Republic of Paraguay is passing, the Solstice Concert was postponed. Brother Jorge A. Scelfo today issued the following statement: "Given the political events that are happening since yesterday, how unstable is the situation and the proximity of the Municipal Theater of the Government Palace and the Houses of Representatives and Senators, we consider it appropriate to postpone the concert for about a week because it is a party to be reckoned with adequate presence."

Freemasonry around the world celebrates the Summer Solstice (Saint John Summer)

Bucharest, Romania. Freemasons in the world celebrate today the Summer Solstice, a holiday known as the Saint John Summer. The Freemasons of the Southern Hemisphere celebrate today the Winter Solstice. Around that date, Lodges and Grand Lodges all over the world gather to celebrate with their Brethren, family and friends.

This evening will be held in Bucharest the Masonic Awards for Excellence, event organized by the National Grand Lodge of Romania.

Alain-Noël DUBART will lead negotiations with the European Grand Lodges

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Paris, France. According to the Declaration of the Grand Lodge of France (June 13, 2012), Alain-Noël Dubart will lead negotiations with the Grand Lodges of Austria, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Luxembourg. The document is a cornerstone to restore the historic place occupied by the Grand Lodge of France in traditional Masonry.

Latest: Marc Henry is the new Grand Master of Grand Lodge of France

Paris, France. According to the communique received by APMR's Secretary-General yesterday, Marc Henry was elected Grand Master of the GLdF. Henry won (60%) against Philippe Charruel. In the Annual Communication yesterday, representatives from 850 GLdF's Lodges voted to elect a new leader.

Marc Henry (66 years) is a member of the Grand Lodge of France since 1976 (Memphis-France Lodge, where he was also Worshipful Master). Untuil now he was the 1st Deputy Grand Master of Dubart. After the vote, he insisted: "(...) the importance of the Masonic method in these turbulent times in which man is in search of values ​​and perspectives to make sense of his life, beyond material contingencies and serving the society."

Also, Marc Henry said, referring to the policy of opening of the Grand Lodge that: "This policy is essential to raise awareness of the Grand Lodge's work and contribute to a better understanding of Freemasonry in the spirit of freedom and brotherhood."

Alain Noel Dubart: GLdF will accept or reject the offer to negotiate with the five Grand Lodges

Paris, France. Former Grand Master of Grand Lodge of France described the Basel Declaration as a real event in the Masonic panorama. Also, Dubart said it is normal for the European Grand Lodges to separate from GLNF and embrace an old Grand Lodge with tradition such as GLdF.

NGLR's Gala Awards 2012

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Bucharest, Romania. On June 21, 2012, the Romanian Athenaeum is hosting the second edition of NGLR's (National Grand Lodge of Romania) Gala Awards. The event will be opened by the President of the Romanian Academy, in the presence of Grand Master Radu Balanescu, NGLR's officials and guests of honor.

This year, as last year, will be awarded prizes for excellence in seven categories: Exact Science, Applied Science, Medicine, Economics, Diplomacy/Political Science, Education/Environment/Social, Arts/Culture.

Dies the Grand Archivist of the Grand Orient of Italy

Friday, 15 June 2012

Rome, Italy. The Grand Orient of Italy is in mourning over the death of his Grand Archivist. Vittorio Gnocchini (born in 1942) was initiated in Freemasonry in 1970. In 1997 he was appointed responsible for the Historical Archives of the Grand Orient, and in 2000 he became the Grand Archivist of GOI.

Parliament commemorates 190 years since the founding of the Grand Orient of Brazil

Brasilia, Brazil. In a few hours will take place at the Brazilian Parliament a special ceremony commemorating the 190 years since the founding of the Grand Orient of Brazil. The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Marco Maia, will preside over this ceremony. The event takes place at the Plenário Ulysses Guimarães in the Chamber of Deputies.

The United Grand Lodge of England recognized three new Grand Lodges

Thursday, 14 June 2012

London, United Kingdom. Following the Quarterly Annual Communication of June 13, 2012, the United Grand Lodge of England recognized the Grand Lodge Prince Hall of Nevada, the Grand Lodge of the Andes and the Oriental Grand Lodge of Colombia (Francisco Paula de Santander).

Museum of Freemasonry in the top 50 most unusual museums in London

London, United Kingdom. The Museum of Freemasonry is among the best and most unusual museums in London, ranking 34. Moreover, the museum holds one of the largest and oldest Masonic collections in Europe and worldwide.

The Grand Lodge of France does not know how to react after the Basel Declaration

Paris, France. The Basel Declaration provoked anxiety within the Grand Lodge of France, especially because soon will be held the Annual Communication and will take place elections for a new Grand Master. Alain-Noël Dubart is forced to retire and leave the place for a new team. In the context of changes this year, the Grand Lodge of France does not know how to react after the Basel Declaration.

Its an offer that can not be refused by the Grand Lodge of France but it requires a "betrayal" of its partners to date and a change in the relationship between the Grand Lodge and the Supreme Council.

It is likely that a reaction from GLdF to come after the election of the new Grand Master, a choice that can be influenced directly by the Basel Declaration. On the other hand is expected an official position from the United Grand Lodge of England, as well as those in Scotland and Ireland.

The Grand Orient of France has not officially reacted until now, but GLNF did. Stifani responded, defending the regularity and history of the GLNF.

Radio Fraternidad 7

Asunción, Paraguay. This online radio belongs Fraternidad Lodge No. 7 and has the following general objectives: broadcasting Masonic education programs, music (classical, mystical, variety), programs (esotericism, metaphysics, history), promotion of Freemasonry. Hours of transmission: from 8 to 18.

GLNF's fate may be decided today in London

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

London, United Kingdom. Today takes place in London the Quarterly Annual Communication of the United Grand Lodge of England. The meeting takes place after the adoption of the Declaration of Basel, a milestone in the history of European Freemasonry. European Masons sit with their eyes fixed on UGLE's Quarterly Annual Communication. If not adopted today, it is possible that a declaration or decision to be adopted in autumn.

It is expected that at the meeting in London to be adopted a new decision regarding the case of France, because it is almost a year since UGLE suspended relations with the French National Grand Lodge. If the Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland take a joint decision in this regard, then GLNF's fate is sealed forever, and by this leaving what is know as "Regular Freemasonry."

The Declaration of Basel: Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and Luxembourg want to open negotiations with the Grand Lodge of France

Monday, 11 June 2012

Basel, Switzerland. According to the communique issued by the Grand Lodges of Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland, GLNF is recognized no more as a regular Grand Lodge. The release also says the fact that the five Grand Lodges are willing to start negotiations with the Grand Lodge of France to recognize it as a regular Grand Lodge.

The conditions are the following:

1. To continue to work in accordance with the fundamental principles of regular Freemasonry.
2. To sever unambiguously remaining links with irregular Obediences.
3. To respect the international customs and traditions governing the relation between a Grand Lodge and a Supreme Council.

The signatory Grand Lodges are willing to start negotiations and to provide counseling to this end for the Grand Lodge of France. The document issued yesterday, June 10, 2012, is signed by Jean-Michel MASCHERPA, Paul GEISEN, Eli PEETERS, Rudiger TEMPLIN and Nikolaus SCHWÄRZLER.

Grand Lodge Alpina no longer recognizes the French National Grand Lodge

Basel, Switzerland. Following the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge Alpina held this weekend, representatives from Lodges throughout Switzerland elected, almost unanimously, to finally break relations with the French National Grand Lodge.

Also, soon will be issued a joint statement of the Grand Lodges of Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg. The document is expected to communicate finally the withdrawal of any form of recognition granted to the French National Grand Lodge.

The 161st Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge Alpina

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Basel, Switzerland. From 9 to 10 June 2012 takes place the 161st Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge Alpina, led by Grand Master Jean-Michel Mascherpa. The event is hosted by the city of Basel in the northwest of the country, near the border between Switzerland, Germany and France.

Today's works were held at the Hilton Hotel, and tonight will take place a dinner at the Stadt Casino. Tomorrow morning will take place the reception ceremony of the foreign delegations.

Fire at the Temple of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico

Mexico City, Mexico. Yesterday morning a fire occurred at the Temple of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico, located in San Rafael neighborhood. The fire was extinguished by firefighters from the Federal District and can cause might be an electrical short circuit.

According to the latest information, Grand Master Jorge Alejandro Aviles Reyes announced that the historical archive of the Grand Lodge and the Secretariat database have been saved.

Will be ratified or not Stifani as Grand Master of the GLNF?

Friday, 8 June 2012

Paris, France. On Saturday, June 23, 2012, will take place the Annual Communication of the French National Grand Lodge led by François Stifani. The most important decision is the ratification of Stifani as Grand Master. We recall that during national elections Stifani won 45.26% of the total suffrage.

Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile: "Freemasonry has been a strong supporter of the freedom of conscience and of the autonomy of thought"

Monday, 4 June 2012

Paris, France. Former President of Chile, Ms. Michelle Bachelet, said in an open letter to the national Freemasonry that: "Freemasonry has been a strong supporter of the freedom of conscience and of the autonomy of thought."

"(...) Masonic Order has its roots in the history of Chile and the ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity are present until today," stated the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UN Women.