Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2015

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium has resumed relations with the GLNF

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Brussels, Belgium. The Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium suspended GLNF's recognition in 2012. Despite this, along with the Grand Lodges of Germany, Luxembourg, Austria and Switzerland, the Grand Lodge supported the formation of a French Masonic Confederation which would include the Grand Lodge of France, but things took an unexpected turn.

The Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium decided to recognize again GLNF, considered to be the sole Grand Lodge meeting the criteria of regularity and recognition throughout France. Belgium considers that the latest actions of GLdF are duplicitous and that GLdF does not comply to the Basel Declaration to which it was said they wish to adhere.

GLNF ends its relation with the Supreme Council for France

Paris, France. The long awaited moment came. The French National Grand Lodge took note of the position of the Supreme Council and decided to break off all relations with it. Following the decree issued by Grand Master Jean Pierre Servel, GLNF members are not allowed to join the Scottish Rite bodies of the SCplF and are prohibited from participating at any Masonic events under its command.

The Duke of Kent was nominated as Grand Master

Thursday, 11 December 2014

London, United Kingdom. HRH The Duke of Kent, Most Worshipful Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, has been nominated as Grand Master for the ensuing year at the helm of UGLE. Yesterday was held the last Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge for this year and, in accordance with the decisions taken, it was communicated the following:

  • HRH The Duke of Kent was nominated as Grand Master for the ensuing year,
  • It will be established the second office of Assistant Grand Chancellor,
  • There were chartered 4 new Lodges, their number reaching 9902,
  • A new Grand Lodge was recognized,
  • The next Quarterly Communication will take place on 11 March 2015.

England, Scotland and Ireland present at GLNF's Annual Communication

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Paris, France. GLNF's status on the Masonic world scene is clear, and this was visibly noted at the Annual Communication of the French National Grand Lodge held in Paris. GLNF, the second largest Masonic force in France (according with the number of Freemasons) conducted this Saturday (December 6th) the Annual Communication which was attended by 47 Grand Lodges, alongside the United Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Grand Lodge of Ireland.

The event was attended by representatives of the Grand Lodges of Brazil, Albania, Slovakia, Ghana, Montenegro, Cyprus, Macedonia, Mauritius, Niger, Armenia, Cameroon, Djibouti, Congo, Andorra, Morocco, Moldova, Guinea, Croatia, Burkina Faso, Madagascar Russia, Benin, Bulgaria, Togo, China (Taipei), Israel, Poland, Portugal, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Spain, Czech Republic, Serbia, Turkey, Hungary, Canada, United States, Italy and Romania (which was represented by Grand Master Radu Balanescu, Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Grand Lodges).

The epresentatives of the British Grand Lodges (Grand Master of Scotland, Grand Master of Ireland and Pro Grand Master of England) were cheered at open stage. Grand Master Jean Pierre Servel received from the Duke of Kent the Gold Medal of the United Grand Lodge of England.

Grand Lodge of Spain: corruption is the biggest problem

Madrid, Spain. According to the latest barometer of the Grand Lodge of Spain, corruption is the biggest problem within the country. Freemasons believe that corruption is the biggest problem of Spain, while the population believes it is the unemployment. Asked if they can mention two of the main problems, Freemasons answered corruption and unemployment and the population said unemployment and corruption. What is interesting is that Freemasons considered the crisis of values as the third most important issue facing the country.

The Masonic Press Agency will continue to announce the results of the fourth Masonic barometer conducted by the Grand Lodge of Spain.

Leandros Lefakis is the new leader of the Scottish Rite in Greece

Athens, Greece. Following the resignation of the Greek Sovereign Grand Commander, Raphael de Sigoura, followed by the resignation of the Grand Orator, the new leader of the Scottish Rite in Greece is Dr. Leandros Lefakis. He will be assisted by S. Andriotis (Lieutenant Grand Commander) and D. Arar (Grand Chancellor & Secretary General).

Harcharan Singh Ranauta is the new Grand Master of India

Thursday, 27 November 2014

New Delhi, India. On 22-23 November 2014 was held the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of India. The Grand Lodge of India is the largest Masonic organization in Asia and was founded in 1961. Harcharan Singh Ranauta was elected Grand Master and will take over the mandate from Vasudev J. Masurekar. The new Grand Master will be installed in office in November 2015.

Grand Master of Chile was visited by Minister Victor Osorio

Santiago, Chile. Luis Riveros Cornejo (Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Chile) received this month the visit of Minister of National Assets, Víctor Osorio, and Under Secretary Jorge Maldonado. The leader of Chilean Freemasonry discussed with the two officials about cooperation in the field of national heritage.

The Grand Master said it is willing to provide the heritage archives of the Grand Lodge to the State, heritage which includes the historical evolution of Chile from colony to republic.

Annual Communication of the Supreme Council for Spain (2014)

Bilbao, Spain. During 7 to 8 November 2014 was held the Annual Communication of the Supreme Council for Spain. The event was attended by leaders and delegations of the Supreme Councils of Romania, Germany, Israel, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal and Bulgaria.

The first day was held a conference on "Freemasonry seen by others" (by Rosa María Martínez Segarra), and the next day were presented four papers on the topic: "Inspirational principles of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite". At the end of the day was held the Annual Communication during which there were received delegations from Europe and Israel. The Alberto Martínez-Lacaci International Prize (awarded annually by the Supreme Council for Spain) was handed this year to the Sovereign Grand Commander of France, Jean-Luc Fauque, 33º.

Belgium: ultimatum to the Grand Lodge of France?!

Brussels, Belgium. The Grand Lodge of France must decide its future. At least that indicates the last letter received by Marc Henry from the Belgian Grand Master, Jacques François. While GLNF succeeds in reinforcing its Masonic status in France and worldwide, GLdF makes a double play. As a result of these developments, the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium asked GLdF's leader to take a decision and decide whether he is willing or not for a change in the future.

Michelle Bachelet visited and gave a speech to the Grand Lodge of Chile

Monday, 3 November 2014

Santiago, Chile. President of Chile, Ms. Michelle Bachelet visited the Grand Lodge of Chile. This is the first time in the history of this country when a President makes an official visit and talks in front of the Grand Lodge of Masons. At the time of her entry into the Grand Temple, Bachelet was cheered by over 650 Freemasons and guests present. Bachelet's father was a Freemason, as was her maternal grandfather.

Chilean Presidency informed that Mrs. President attended the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Chile to provide to the national freemasonry a recognition for its contribution to education, freedom, State and public policies.

The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Chile said: "We feel particularly proud because, you, Madam President, you are always considered a person close to our institution."

More information about this event and a detailed analysis of the significance of this historic meeting you can read in the editorial that will appear on Masonic Times.

Queen Silvia offered the scholarships of the Masonic Foundation of Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden. Queen Silvia of Sweden handed the 35 scholarships offered annually by the Masonic Foundation Stiftelsen Frimurare Barnhusets. Queen of Sweden was greeted by the President of the Foundation, Carl-Gustaf Piehl, and the event was held at the Bååtska Palace.

Grand Lodges of Massachusetts, Iowa and the Czech Republic have recognized GLNF

Paris, France. The French National Grand Lodge resumed its Masonic relations with the Grand Lodges of the Czech Republic, Iowa and Massachusetts. The positive trends within GLNF made ​​the Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic, on September 18, 2014, to decide whether to grant or not the recognition which was originally suspended. This Grand Lodge re-recognized GLNF.

Also, the Grand Lodge of Iowa has adopted the same decision on September 19, 2014, at the Annual Communication. The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts (one of the most important in the United States) took the same decision on September 10, 2014.

Spain hosted the General Assembly of the VI Zone of the IMC

Barcelona, Spain. The 37th General Assembly of the 6th Zone of the IMC (Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia and Uruguay) was held this year in Europe. The host of the event was the Grand Lodge of Spain. Also attended the event the Executive Secretary and IMC's President. The next meeting will take place next year in Chile.

The Government of Catalonia and Barcelona City Hall were visited by IMC's leaders attending this event. They were greeted by Manuel Manonelles (Director General for Multilateral and European Affairs) in the Government Palace and by Jordi Marti in the Consistory of Barcelona.

Conference of Grand Secretaries and Chancellors of Europe

Friday, 10 October 2014

London, United Kingdom. From 10 to 11 October 2014, the United Grand Lodge of England is hosting the 25th Conference of Grand Secretaries and Chancellors of Europe. The last meeting took place last year in Rome, hosted by the Grand Orient of Italy.

Annual Communication of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Egypt

Cairo, Egypt. From 11 to 13 October 2014 will take place the Annual Communication of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Egypt. The SGLE laims to have been regularly established as the successor of the National Grand Lodge of Egypt, closed in 1964.

Romania hosts the 2016 European Conference of Sovereign Grand Commanders

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Bucharest, Romania. Following the decision taken at the 51st European Conference of Sovereign Grand Commanders (Istanbul), the Supreme Council of Romania, headed by Sovereign Grand Commander Constantin Iancu, will host in 2016 the 52nd European Conference of Sovereign Grand Commanders. The same year marks 135 years since the founding of the first AASR Supreme Council in Romania.

Istanbul, May 22 to 26, 2013 

The Supreme Council of Romania is a founding member of the Confederation of European Supreme Councils and Constantin Iancu is the Secretary General of the organization based in Lausanne. Iancu also holds the chair of Vice President (2013-2016) of the European Conference of Sovereign Grand Commanders.

National Supreme Council of France (SCNdF)

Paris, France. Following the Masonic effervescence within the Hexagon, the National Supreme Council of France was founded this year. The birth of the SCNdF is due to the wish of GLNF Brethren who wanted to continue their works in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Jacques Prats was elected Sovereign Grand Commander.

Júlio Meirinhos is the new Grand Master of Portugal

Lisbon, Portugal. Júlio Meirinhos, lawyer and politician, became the new leader of the Portuguese Freemasonry. Born in 1954 in Spain (son of Portuguese immigrants), Meirinhos was twice Deputy of Portugal, as member of the Socialist Party.

He was initiated into Porto do Graal Lodge #2, in 1992. He also was Worshipful Master of two Masonic Lodges, Assistant Grand Master for several GLLP's Grand Masters, Deputy Grand Master and Representative of many Grand Lodges. He is a member of the Mark Master Masons, Royal Arch, the Rite Adonhiramita and he is also a 32°AASR Freemason. 

Meirinhos is the successor to Grand Master José Francisco Moreno (2010-2014), defeating in this summer's elections his opponent, the architect José Pereira da Silva.

United Grand Lodge of England disavows recording devices in Lodge

Friday, 12 September 2014

London, United Kingdom. The United Grand Lodge of England has approached again the issue of the presence and use of audio and video media outfits in the open Lodge. UGLE considers that all devices (phones, tablets and digital video recorders) must be turned off, The Grand Lodge believes that the new social media communication (Facebook, Twitter etc.) must be used properly.

UGLE's position reveals a reality with which Freemasonry is facing today, and this problem is extremely important for the discipline of Freemasons worldwide. The next Quarterly Communication will take place on December 10, 2014.

International Symposium organized by the Supreme Council of Cuba

Havana, Cuba. This is the second edition of the Symposium organized annually by the Supreme Council of Cuba. This year's theme is: Masonry and its Integration in the Current Society. The event takes place from 11 to 14/15 September 2014.

The Symposium starts today at 9:00 A.M. with the speech of Sovereign Grand Commander Lázaro Faustino Cuesta Valdés.

G. R. Edwards is the new Grand Master of South Africa

Monday, 25 August 2014

Cape Town, South Africa. On 23 August 2014 was held the Installation Ceremony of the new Grand Master of South Africa, Most Worshipful G. R. Edwards. Friday night there was a dinner offered by the South African Past Grand Master for the Heads of the foreign Masonic delegations, and Saturday was held the Annual Communication and installation of the new leader of the Grand Lodge of South Africa.

Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland react after the "Berlin Declaration"

London, United Kingdom. The Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland have reacted following the "Berlin Declaration". The three Grand Lodges issued what might be called the London Declaration, as an official response addressed to the Grand Lodge of Central Europe.

UGLEsays that the only Grand Lodge that meets the standards of regularity is the French National Grand Lodge - GLNF. The leaders of the Grand Lodges argue that the GLNF matter and the Masonic Confederation of France matter are two different subjects and therefore should be treated differently. They also appeal to the ancient principles of Freemasonry and state that the only one who can decide whether to share or not jurisdiction, in this case, will be GLNF. Without GLNF, the member Grand Lodges of the Confederation and the Confederation would not be recognized.

Grand Chancellor of the French National Grand Lodge: Basic Principles of Universal Freemasonry can not be negotiated

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Paris, France. Following the Berlin Declaration (document signed by the Grand Lodges of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium), the French National Grand Lodge responded by issuing a world-wide circular signed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master and Right Worshipful Grand Chancellor.

Grand Master Servel asked his counterparts around the world how would they react when someone would try to impose a new "Masonic landscape" in their jurisdiction, showing his outrage regarding the way in which those five Grand Lodges in Central Europe are acting.

GLNF's Grand Chancellor also announced his counterparts in other jurisdictions and draws attention regarding the dangerous precedent that could lead to the destabilization of various jurisdictions in the world, causing chaos, stating that the basic principles of Universal Freemasonry can not be negotiated.

2014 Masonic Meeting of Mercosur

Buenos Aires, Argentina. On August 23rd, 2014, will take place the annual Masonic Meeting of Mercosur, event was hosted by the Grand Lodge in the town of Posadas in Argentina's Misiones province. During the session will take place interventions of members of the Grand Lodges of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and those of Brazil.

Representatives of Paraguay and Uruguay will discuss about Violence & Education (in Masonic terms), those of Argentina will discuss about Violence & Society (in Masonic terms), and the members of the Grand Lodges of Brazil will debate on Violence & State (in Masonic terms).

Temple of Grand Lodge of Liberia closed due to Ebola virus

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Monrovia, Liberia. Following the disaster caused by the Ebola virus in West Africa (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea), African Freemasons began to adopt measures preventing the spread of the virus. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Liberia decided to close the Grand Masonic Temple in Monrovia starting with 28 July 2014.

According to the official communication, the Temple of Monrovia will not host Masonic meetings, Initiations, or other specific activities and ceremonies of Freemasonry.

Gilbert Stepanian is the new Grand Master of Armenia

Friday, 25 July 2014

Yerevan, Armenia. In mid July took place the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Armenia. On this occasion also took place the Installation Ceremony of Grand Master Gilbert Stepanian, 33°. The new Grand Master of Armenia was in 2010 Worshipful Master of Mithras Lodge of Perfection in Washington. In the morning, before the convention, the Grand Masters visited the Genocide Memorial in Yerevan. In the following days also took place the Annual Communication of the Supreme Council of Armenia.

Simon Bolivar's sword came into the possession of the Grand Lodge of Venezuela

Caracas, Venezuela. The Sword one of the best known Freemasons in Latin America, Simon Bolivar, came yesterday into the possession of the Grand Lodge of Venezuela. The Bolivarian Society of Venezuela gave the artifact to Estrella Bolivar Lodge #118, founded 65 years ago on July 24. The Freemason Simon Bolivar is revered in countries like Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Panama, as a symbol of freedom.

Bolivia: IX Reunion of the Sovereign Grand Commanders of South America

Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Bolivia's Supreme Council hosted on May 29 to 31, 2014, the IX Reunion of the  during the Sovereign Grand Commanders of South America. Sovereign Grand Commander Jorge Enrique Inofuentes Peix said that the event was attended by the Supreme Councils of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Venezuela and Ecuador. Columbia could not be represented because its leader was in the hospital. Also, the Supreme Councils of Panama, Spain, Portugal and Bulgaria attended as observers.

Also, in an interview at the event, the leader of the Scottish Rite in Bolivia stated that he welcomes and respects Women's Freemasonry. The statement was made in the context of a question launched by the reporter who asked why women are not allowed in Freemasonry.

Maestro Gian Luigi Zampieri closed the George Enescu Philharmonic season

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Bucharest, Romania. Yesterday evening was held a concert in honor of the Italian takeover of the rotating presidency of the European Union, organized by the Italian Embassy in Bucharest, in partnership with the Romanian Athenaeum. On this occasion, Alexandru Tomescu was decorated by the Italian Ambassador Diego Brasioli with the Order of the Star of Italy in the rank of Knight, granted by President Giorgio Napolitano for his extraordinary merits in promoting the Italian culture. 

The concert was conducted by Maestro Gian Luigi Zampieri, initiated in Giorgio Asproni Lodge #1049, under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of Italy, led by Grand Master Stefano Bisi. The event was attended by the ambassadors of the Member States of the European Union, Romanian state officials, the representative of the European Commission in Bucharest, the Secretary General of the Masonic Press Agency, diplomats, artists and business from Italy and Romania etc. Maestro Zampieri became a publicly known figure in the Romanian cultural landscape in recent years thanks to his talent and his collaborations with George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra and the Radio Chamber Orchestra of Romania.

Aras Kazaz is the new Grand Master of Azerbaijan

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Baku, Azerbaijan. On June 28, 2014, was held the Annual Communication of the National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan. The event was attended by the Grand Master of Russia, Andrei Bogdanov, and Germany's Rüdiger Templin. Robert B. Heyat, Honorary Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Romania and Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Washington DC, also attended the event. On this occasion took place the Installation Ceremony of Grand Master Aras Kazaz.

Inter-American Masonic Confederation leaders gathered in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, Argentina. On June 27, 2014 took place the Executive Council of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation. The meeting was hosted in the Cangallo Palace in buenos Aires, headquarters of the the Grand Lodge of Argentina. During the working meeting was read a petition of the Grand Orient of Paraguay. MIC's leaders have jointly decided that the petition can not be taken into account and that the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay is Paraguay's sole regular Obedience.

The Lieutenant Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for Cyprus passes away, aged 85

Monday, 16 June 2014

Larnaca, Cyprus. With great sorrow the AASR Supreme Council for Cyprus announces that its Lieutenant Grand Commander, Illustrious Malcolm Gilbert Bruce-Squires, 33º, passed to the Eternal Lodge on 12 June 2014, age 85.

He was one of the founders of the first Rose Croix Chapters in Cyprus and of others such as St. Barnabas, St. Lazarus etc. He was appointed Grand Prior of the Supreme Council for Cyprus in 2006 and starting with 2009 he was Lieutenant Grand Commander of the AASR in Cyprus.

Joint Statement of the Grand Lodges of England, Ireland and Scotland on the French National Grand Lodge

Thursday, 12 June 2014

London, United Kingdom. The Grand Lodges of England, Ireland and Scotland issued today a joint statement regarding the recognition of the French National Grand Lodge. They informed that they recognized again GLNF due to the positive evolution within the Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge of Ireland has restored GLNF's recognition on June 5th, UGLE on June 11th and the Grand Lodge of Scotland on June 12, 2014.

Grand Lodge of Massachusetts recognizes the Grand Lodge of Montenegro

Boston, United States. Last weekend was held the Quarterly Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Among the decisions taken in this QC was extending recognition to Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland and to the Grand Lodge of Montenegro. 

In 2006 the Grand Lodge of Yugoslavia decided to separate into two Grand Lodges (Serbia and Montenegro). On May 12, 2007 was founded the Grand Lodge of Montenegro and the consecration was made ​​by United Grand Lodges of Germany, Grand Lodge of Serbia, the Grand Orient of Italy and the Grand Lodge of Austria.

UGLE recognizes again the French National Grand Lodge - GLNF

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

London, United Kingdom. According to news published yesterday by the Masonic Press Agency, the United Grand Lodge of England announced today that it will recognize again GLNF. UGLE's official communique will be made ​​tomorrow at 16:00 GMT.

Grand Lodge of Ireland has recognized GLNF. UGLE will make the announcement this week

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

London, United Kingdom. Tomorrow takes place the Quarterly Annual Communication of the United Grand Lodge of England. The event is expected with excitement by members of the French National Grand Lodge, given the French expectations of having again the confidence English Brethren. 

UGLE is expected to communicate in the following days that GLNF respect regularity standards and that the two Grand Lodges will restore fraternal relations. Grand Lodge of Ireland already announced last week that recognition was resumed for GLNF. Grand Lodge of Scotland will announce in next period it recognition regarding GLNF.

The Second World Meeting of Francophone Lodges

Barcelona, Spain. On 14 June will take place the Second World Meeting of Francophone Lodges , hosted by the Grand Lodge of Spain in the city of Gaudi, Barcelona. The first meeting was held last year in Budapest. 

Grand Lodge of Spain has six Francophone Lodges (four in Catalonia, one in Andalusia and one in Madrid). The next meeting will take place in 2015 and the location will be determined this week in Barcelona.

Nicolás Orlando Breglia is the new Grand Master of Argentina

Buenos Aires, Argentina. Following the elections that took place in the Grand Lodge of Argentina, the Deputy Grand Master was elected Grand Master of the Freemasonry in Argentina. Dr. Nicolás Orlando Breglia is the successor of Angel Jorge Clavero and won 77.6% of the total votes. Breglia has a term of three years and his election to this position ensures the continuity of policies and projects implemented by Clavero. 

Breglia & Clavero

Breglia is an Argentine lawyer and historian of Freemasonry. He graduated from the Faculty of Law, a former adviser to several unions and is the author of several books on Freemasonry. The installation ceremony will take place on June 28, 2014 in Buenos Aires.

Official meeting of the President of Chile with the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Chile

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Santiago, Chile. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Chile and President Michelle Bachellet had a meeting this week at the Presidential Palace, where they discussed, among other things, the current political agenda. According to the official agenda, the meeting was supposed to last for 30 minutes, but it took more than an hour. The Grand Master asked the Catholic Church to disclose interests regarding public education in Chile.

Grand Lodge of Spain comply with the decision of abdication of King Juan Carlos

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Madrid, Spain. The Grand Lodge of Spain issued a press release demanding that the abdication of King Juan Carlos serve to the Spanish society for "deepening the moral and ethical health" of the  "common project" of Spain.

Masonic heraldry seminar in Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden. The Swedish Order of Freemasons (Grand Lodge of Sweden) invites you to a seminar on Masonis heraldry to be held from 26 to 28 September 2014 in Lund. The event is organized by Eos Masonic Society, Swedish Heraldry Society and the Heraldic Society Lundensis. For more information:

Agreement between the Order of Malta and the International Organization of the Francophonie

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Paris, France. On 14 May 2014 a cooperation agreement was signed between the Order of Malta, represented by Grand Chancellor Jean-Pierre Mazery and the International Organization of the Francophonie, represented by the Secretary General Abdou Diouf (former President of Senegal).

photo: Order of Malta

English Freemasons and the Order of Malta helps flood victims in Serbia and Bosnia

London, United Kingdom. The Freemasons' Grand Charity donated £ 30,000 to those affected by the floods that occurred in the Balkans. Also, the Grand Master of the Order of Malta has taken measures for victims to be helped.

95th anniversary of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Belgrade, Serbia. To mark 95 years of its foundation, the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia will organize a Masonic exhibition in the capital. The event is organized in partnership with the Ethnographic Museum and will be titled: "Freemasonry in Serbia 1785-2014". 

In 1919, the Grand Lodge was called the Grand Lodge of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes "Yugoslavia". The exhibition will be opened on June 9, 2014.

Honorary President of the World Conference of Grand Lodges visited Moldova

Chisinau, Moldova. Honorary President of the World Conference of Grand Lodges, Thomas Jackson, visited Moldova last week. On this occasion, Jackson and the Grand Master of Moldova, Iurie Sedleţchi, granted an interview.

The Grand Master of Moldova talked about the openness of Moldavian Freemasonry in society and stated that there are members of Parliament and Government in Chisinau which are Freemasons, but their identity can be disclosed only with their approval.

Thomas Jackson spoke about democracy and freedom and the relationship of these two concepts with Freemasonry, saying that where there is no democracy there is no Freemasonry. In this context he said that unfortunately no one talks about the fact that Hitler persecuted people because they were Freemasons or that in countries like Japan and Iran (during history) Freemasons were persecuted. Moreover, Jackson said that proof of this is that the Grand Lodge of Iran works in exile in the United States: "The great enemies of Freemasonry are people like Khomeini, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco etc."

Finally, Thomas Jackson talked about an important aspect of the Freemasons: philanthropy. "American Freemasons donate a million and a half dollars daily, 365 days a year," said the President of Honour of the World Conference of Grand Lodges.

Masonic appeal for the flood victims of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Friday, 23 May 2014

Rome, Italy. The Grand Orient of Italy comes to the aid of flood victims in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Grand Master Bisi appealed to helping people in difficulty in the Balkans. Also, the Grand Masters of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina called on all Grand Masters for help to collect food, medicines etc.

The two countries have suffered the biggest natural disaster in more than a century. "The joint effort of Freemasons in Europe and around the world is welcome and is a testament to our Masonic education," said the Secretary General of the Masonic Press Agency. For more information please contact the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia and the Grand Lodge of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2014 Romanian Masonic Week

Monday, 19 May 2014

Bucharest, Romania. From 19 to 24 May 2014, the York Rite organizes the 2014 edition of the Romanian Masonic Week. Throughout the week there will be a series of events, including the European Conference of the Knights Templar. 

Saturday events will be held to mark the 15th anniversary since the refunding of the York Rite in Romania and 700 years since the death of Jacques DeMolay. In the evening will take place the banquet of the York Rite.

Radu Bălănescu was elected Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Grand Lodges

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Bucharest, Romania. Today took place the closing ceremony of the XIII World Conference of Grand Lodges. The session was held at the Parliament Palace in the presence of all Grand Lodge delegations Grand Lodges attending the event. 

On this occasion, the Grand Master of California took over as Executive President and Radu Bălănescu was elected Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Grand Lodges. For more than a decade and a half this office was held by Thomas Jackson, Past Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. 

Tonight the World Conference banquet will be held at Parliament Palace, and tomorrow will take place the Annual Communication of the National Grand Lodge of Romania.