Norwegian Freemasons from Spain joined the Grand Lodge of Spain

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Madrid, Spain. More than 150 Norwegian Freemasons (Grand Lodge of Norway) joined the Grand Lodge of Spain. The document regulating this situation was signed by the Grand Master of Spain an the Grand Chancellor of the Norwegian Freemasonry.

In the next period there will be established three new Lodges within the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Spain, so that the Norwegian Freemasons can work properly. Those Lodges will be located in Costa Blanca, Costa del Sol and Gran Canaria.

Ivan Sariev is the Grand Master of the unified Freemasonry in Bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria. This summer took place the unification of Freemasonry in Bulgaria after 15 years of divisions and negotiations. On June 20, 2015, over 1,300 Brethren and 44 Lodges of the Grand Lodge of Bulgaria merged with the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria.

Ivan Sariev is the undisputed leader of the Bulgarian Freemasonry as a result of the unification process. The unification ceremony held in Sofia (Hotel Marinella, 11.00 o'clock) was attended by Grand Masters and delegations from Germany, Austria, Russia, Italy, France, Spain, Turkey, Switzerland and the United States of America.

Andrei Bogdanov re-elected at the helm of the Grand Lodge of Russia

Moscow, Russia. During the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Russia (20 years since its establishment) elections were held for the office of Grand Master and Andrei Bogdanov was elected again to lead the Grand Lodge for another 5 years. The event was attended by delegates and Grand Masters from the United States, France, Romania, Moldova, Chad, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Georgia, Armenia, Israel, Malta, Gabon etc.

The Grand Lodge of Russia took an active role in supporting Freemasonry in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Countries such as Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan will have in the near future, with the support of Grand Lodge of Russia, their own Grand Lodges.

Grand Lodge ALPINA re-recognized the French National Grand Lodge

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Paris, France. In early June, the Grand Lodge ALPINA (Switzerland) decided to resume bilateral relations with the French National Grand Lodge and recognize GLNF again as the sole regular Grand Lodge in France.

The same decision was taken by the Grand Lodge of South Carolina. This year many US Grand Lodges will adopt the same decision during their Annual Communications.

General Assembly of the Confederation of Feminine Grand Lodges of Mexico | 2015

Zacatecas, Mexico. From July 24 to 26, 2015 took place the General Assembly of the Confederation of Feminine Grand Lodges of Mexico. On this occasion also took place the Feminine Masonic National Council headed by Eva Silverio Gallegos.

National Grand Lodge of Romania celebrated 135 years since its foundation

Bucharest, Romania. The National Grand Lodge of Romania celebrated in june 135 years since the founding of the Romanian National Grand Lodge in 1880. On this occasion, NGLR organized a series of events to mark the historic moment.

A few days before the Grand Lodge Annual Communication it was held a ceremony where the Grand Master offered the "Faith and Virtue" Medal to thank several personalities and institutions for their contribution to the welfare of the Romanian people. The event was attended by former President Emil Constantinescu, Chief of the Presidential Chancellery (Dan Mihalache), Deputy Prin Minister Gabriel Oprea etc. The medal was received by President Klaus Johannis, Emil Constantinescu, Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Romania's current ambassador to Washington D.C. (George Maior), Laura C. Kovesi (Chief of the NAD), Chief of the Romanian Intelligence Service etc.

The Annual Communication which marked the 135 years was attended by delegations from all continents (France, Guatemala, Brazil, Spain, Moldova, Russia, Italy, USA, Germany etc.) and a number of more than 1,000 Brethren.

Also on this occasion, took place an Executive Committee of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges (Grand Master Balanescu occupying the office of Executive Secretary of this forum). The ceremonies culminated with the NGLR's Awards Gala, an event which already become a tradition and is hosted annually by the Romanian Athenaeum.

Raul Arturo Gomez Mariscal (President of the Confederation of Regular Grand Lodges of Mexico) passed to the Eternal Lodge

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Mexicali, Mexico. Yesterday, June 15, 2015, at 6 AM, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Baja California, Raul Arturo Gomez Mariscal, passed to the Eternal Lodge. Brother Gomez Mariscal was Chairman of the Confederation of Regular Grand Lodges of the United Mexican States, Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Supreme Council for Mexico and member of the Commission of Regularity of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges.

The F & Secretary-General of the Masonic Agency regrets the loss of Brother Gomez Mariscal, remembering the happy moments shared with him and the collaboration between the Masonic Press Agency and the Grand Lodge of Baja California (during his term in office): "He was a man of value, he appreciated youth and he knew how to give each man his place. Our thoughts go now to his family and to all Brethren of the Grand Lodge of the State of Baja California".

Regular Norwegian Freemasons ceased their Masonic activity in Spain

Monday, 15 June 2015

Oslo, Norway. Since 1978, Regular Norwegian Freemasons (Grand Lodge of Norway) have conducted Masonic activities in Costa Blanca, Spain. In 1981 in Costa del Sol and in 1989 in Gran Canaria.

To comply with Masonic customs and practice the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Norway, Tore Evensen, decided to cease the work of Norwegian Brethren in Spain. Currently there are discussions between the Grand Lodge of Norway and the Grand Lodge of Spain so that Norwegian Freemasons can continue their Masonic activity in the jurisdiction of Spain. So far it was not reached any agreement, but there are a number of possibilities that are to be considered.

Masonic stamps for the 135th anniversary of the National Grand Lodge of Romania

Bucharest, Romania. Celebrating 135 years since the founding of the National Grand Lodge of Romania, Romfilatelia will bring to market a postage stamps special edition starting with 16 June 2015. The two stamps show elements of Masonic symbolism (the moon, the sun, the 12 signs of the zodiac, the G letter and the project of the Grand Masonic Temple in Bucharest).

The mintage is limited to 565 copies. The NGLR is the only Romanian Grand Lodge recognized by the Mother Grand Lodge of the World and Grand Master Radu Balanescu currently occupies the office of Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges.

III World Meeting of the Francophone Lodges

Bucharest, Romania. On 11-13 June 2015 took place the 3rd World Meeting of Francophone Lodges. The event was organized by Les Sages d'Heliopolis Lodge #53 of Bucharest (jurisdiction of the National Grand Lodge of Romania).

The world meeting was held at the Intercontinental Hotel in downtown Bucharest. On Thursday the organizers offered a cocktail reception for all Brethren attending the evetd. Friday was by two conferences: "Culture and Masonic esotericism" & "History and Society", and on Saturday was held a Masonic (ritualistic) meeting (at the Brâncovenesc Hall of the Parliament Palace) followed by a gala dinner. Saturday's event was attended by Grand Master Radu Balanescu, Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges.

The European Conference of Grand Masters was held in Serbia

Monday, 8 June 2015

Belgrade, Serbia. From 5 to 7 June 2015 took place the European Conference of Grand Masters, event organized by the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia. On Friday evening was offered a reception and the conference began on Saturday morning. On Sunday took place the 47th Annual Communication of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia.

The conference was attended, among others, by Peter Lowndes (Pro Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England), Radu Balanescu (Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Romania & Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges), Jean Pierre Servel (French National Grand Lodge), Stefano Bisi (Grand Orient of Italy), Rudiger Templin (United Grand Lodges of Germany), Andrei Bogdanov (Grand Lodge of Russia), Alfonso Ortega (Grand Lodge of Spain) etc.

It was the largest and most important Masonic event ever organized in Serbia. The leaders of (regular) Freemasonry discussed about the contribution of Freemasonry to the development of humanity, generally speaking, and particularly in Europe.

Grand Master Ranko Vujacic was reelected, and at the Annual Communication which took place on Sunday were awarded medals for those Brethren who have contributed to the development of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia.

Photo: Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia

Serbia's Masonic Academy was inaugurated on June 1, 2015

Belgrade, Serbia. The Masonic Academy of Serbia was inaugurated on June 1, 2015. The initiative belongs to the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia headed by Grand Master Ranko Vujacic. The event was attended, among others, by Thomas Jackson (Honorary President of the Academy) and Rudiger Templin (Grand Master of Germany) who gave a lecture on: "Freemasons in civil society and their responsibility in the 21st century".

Masonic & European Union leaders (Frans Timmermans & Antonio Tajani) meeting | 2015

Religious and Masonic leaders will have a multilateral dialogue with the leaders of the European Union

Brussels, Belgium. On June 2, 2015 took place the meeting of the First Vice-President of the European Commission (Frans Timmermans) with the leaders of 7 European Masonic organizations and of 4 secular organizations. The discussions were focused on how we can live together respecting disagreements. Within the multilateral dialogue were reached topics such as freedom of expression, youth education, immigration and economic crisis.

The event was attended by Nieves BAYO GALLEGO (Spanish Symbolic Grand Lodge), Catherine Jeannin-NALTET (Women's Grand Lodge of France), Daniel KELLER (Grand Orient of France), Dimitrios LYBERIS (International Masonic Order DELPHI), Yvette RAMON (International Mixed Masonic Order HUMAN RIGHT), Tomasz SZMAGIER (Grand Orient of Poland) and Steven WARMOES (Grand Lodge of Belgium).

For the first time since this multilateral meeting is organized it was requested that the next meeting to be attend also by religious leaders during the same session with those of Freemasonry in Europe. Both First Vice-President of the European Commission (Frans Timmermans) and Vice President of the European Parliament (Antonio Tajani) agreed.

The Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Montenegro was held in Budva

Budva, Montenegro. The Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Montenegro gathered in Budva the Masonic leaders of Bulgaria, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Slovakia, Spain, Slovenia, Hungary, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Serbia and Romania. The event was also attended by Thomas Jackson, Honorary President of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges.

Steven P. Boring is the new Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Florida

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Jacksonville, United States. At the end of May the Grand Lodge of Florida announced that Steven P. Boring (Past Senior Grand Warden) was installed as Grand Master. He will be assisted by Stanley Hudson (Deputy Grand Master).

Steven P. Boring (born in Elizabethton, Tennessee) worked for 28 years at Florida Power Corporation and served in the Army National Guard in Florida for 36 years. He was initiated into Freemasonry in East Gate Lodge #355 in Clearwater, being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on December 23, 1974.

Marie Thérèse Besson is the new Grand Master of France

Paris, France. From 29 to 31 May 2015 took place the Annual Communication of the Women's Grand Lodge of France and the Installation Ceremony of the new Grand Master. Marie Thérèse Besson has replaced Catherine Jeannin-Naltet at the helm of the GLFF. The Annual Communication was attended by the representatives of the 430 Women's Lodges. They have voted overwhelmingly in favor of the new Grand Master. The event was also attended by the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Women's Supreme Council of France, Gilberte Colaneri.

Marie Thérèse Besson (born in Lyon) was initiated in Freemasonry in 1979 and was part of the Federal Council in 1991-1994. The new Grand Master managed the internal relations and the Rhône-Alpes region. Due to her profession she had the opportunity to learn more about the aspects of Women's Freemasonry in Africa.

Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic | 2015

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Prague, Czech Republic. This weekend was held the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic. The National Grand Lodge of Czechoslovakia was founded in 1923. Subsequently, because of the World War II and the Soviet occupation, went into sleep. Czech Freemasonry revived in 1990. The Annual Communication of the Czech Grand Lodge was attended, among others, by the Grand Masters of Germany and Russia.

Eileen GRAY (HFAF) passed to the Eternal Lodge

London, United Kingdom. On 20 May 2015, the Grand Master of the Honorable Fraternity of Ancients Freemasons - HFAF (second Feminine/Women's Grand Lodge in the world, after the Order of Women Freemasons), Eileen GRAY passed to the Eternal Lodge.

Photo: Total Women's Cycling

Born in 1920, Eileen GRAY became acclaimed worldwide thanks to her passion for cycling. In 1946 she was part of the first female cycling team of the United Kingdom. In 1976 she became President of the British Cycling Federation.

Eileen GRAY had been involved in politics as Lord Mayor of Kingston. She was a Freemason for more than half a century and served as Grand Master in the period 1994-2003.

Invictus Lodge (National Grand Lodge of Romania) hosts the European Masonic Meeting

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Bucharest, Romania. From 22 to 24 May 2015 takes place the European Masonic Meeting. At the event organized by Invictus Lodge, in Bucharest, will participate over 90 Freemasons from England, France, Belgium, Germany, Norway, Cyprus, Greece etc.

The meeting was held for the first time in 2003 at the initiative of Eric Tedeschi, Worshipful Master of "La Chaîne d'Union Europeene" Lodge #183 (GLNF). In recent years the event has been hosted by several European cities such as Longwy, Arlon, Bergisch Gladbach, Luxembourg, Saverne, Berlin, Andorra la Vella, Larwik, Montecatini Terme, Pafos, Husum and Belgrade.

Invictus Lodge works in English and was founded in 1994, under the jurisdiction of the National Grand Lodge of Romania (the only regular Romanian Grand Lodge recognized by the Mother Grand Lodge of the World - United Grand Lodge of England). The meeting will take place at Phoenicia Grand Hotel in Bucharest.

MASONIC AGENCY | The Council approved the amendment of the Constitution

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

From 18 to 21 May 2015 takes place the extraordinary session of the Council of the Agency. The Secretary General presented yesterday a proposal to amend the Constitution and today was held voting process. The Council voted unanimously the elimination of Art. 6, paragraph 2: "It is forbidden the use of the terms REGULAR and IRREGULAR".

The Council will will convene in session tomorrow to vote on the activation of the OB2 and OB1 Protocols. On May 21 will be held the last meeting of the Council and will take place the closure of the extraordinary session. The decrees will be issued and signed on May 21, 2015.

Since the founding of the Agency, Article 6 of the Constitution was a milestone in its foreign affairs and editorial policy. This moment represents a turning point for the Agency and for the way in which the Agency will be headed from now.

The Supreme Council, SJ raised almost $ 2 million for charity and restoration of the Scottish Rite Temple in Washington DC

Monday, 18 May 2015

Washington, United States of America. Saturday evening took place a new edition of the CTC, event organized by the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America. Mission: to raise funds for the restoration of the most famous and most important Scottish Rite Temple in the world (headquarters of the Supreme Council in Washington DC) and raise funds for AASR charitable activities in different Orients of the Southern Jurisdiction.

The event took place in the George Washington Banquet Hall, in the presence of Sovereign Grand Commander R.A. Seale. The AASR leader in Washington has made a considerable effort to attend this event because he was last week in Lisbon, where he attended the XIX World Conference of the Supreme Councils.

The show was peppered with amusing and entertaining moments, one of them being a "magic show" realized none other than S. Brent Morris, editor of the Scottish Rite Journal. The winner of this year's CTC was Brother Gerald Alleva (accompanied by James Alleva) from Baltimore. An impressive moment was the presence of Brother Mike Querner who recited a poem.

The total amount, reached after donations, was almost two million dollars. Most donations came from California, Texas and Georgia.

Women's (Feminine) Grand Lodge of Portugal celebrated its 18th anniversary

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Lisbon, Portugal. On May 9, 2015 the Feminine (Women's) Grand Lodge of Portugal celebrated its 18th anniversary. To mark this event was held a conference on "Freemasonry in the 21st century - Ethical challenges in today's world".

The guest of honor at this meeting was the Grand Master of the Feminine (Women's) Grand Lodge of France, Catherine Jeannin-Naltet. The conference was also attended by other organizations from Portugal: Grand Orient (of Portugal) Lusitan, Portugal's DH (Co-Masonry), Symbolic Grand Lodge of Portugal and the Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal (the only organization recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England).

The Feminine (Women's) Grand Lodge of Portugal was founded in 1997 with the help of the Feminine (Women's) Grand Lodge of France. It currently has 16 Lodges, 9 of which in Lisbon, and signed 11 Treaties of Amity and Recognition with 11 Grand Lodges/Orients, 7 of which are the Feminine (Women's) Grand Lodges that compose CLIMAF: France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium and Turkey.

XIX World Conference of the Supreme Councils started today in Portugal

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Lisbon, Portugal. From today until Sunday, May 17, 2015, the Supreme Council for Portugal will host the XIX World Conference of the Supreme Councils (Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite). The event brings together all (most of ) the Supreme Councils regularly constituted and recognized by the Supreme Council Mother of the World (Supreme Council for Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America). AASR leaders AASR proposed four major goals:

  • Effective boards, recommending solutions and putting forward actions.
  • Adapt the procedures to the current technological environment.
  • Reduce the quantity of paper usually left in hotel rooms at the end of the Conference.
  • Keep the website active until 2020, including a directory of the Supreme Councils which must be continuously maintained and updated.

The conference topic for this year is: "New ways for a more humane future". The Sovereigns Grand Commanders of the world are aware of the importance of both AASR and Freemasonry had in developing leaders who have marked the history through their work. The Universal and European Charter of Human Rights, the Declaration of the Independence of the United States of America etc., all this represent a joint effort of the Freemasons of that time to give to the society a chance to a better world, a more human one.

Thus, at this year's meeting will be addressed topics such as the Social Contract, Ecological Pact and the mission of the Craft in training leaders.

Freemasonry (AASR) is facing new challenges, believes Sovereign Grand Commander of Portugal, host of this year's event. Agostinho Garcia, 33º says that these new challenges are, among others: the financial and economic model that failed, existential crises of the population and the bleak outlook for young people. Agostinho Garcia, 33º talks about how Freemasonry was forced to reinvent itself, in history, to survive and adapt. The leader of Portugal's Scottish Rite considers that Freemasons must assume the duty to bring hope back to humanity.

Grand Master of Western Australia visited Slovakia

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Bratislava, Slovakia. On 6 May 2015, Kosmopolis Lodge #2 was visited Australian Brethren. The delegation of the Grand Lodge of Western Australia (which took an European tour) was led its Most Worshipful Grand Master.

Also among the guests were Brethren from Austria, Brazil, the Netherlands and other Lodges within the Masonic Jurisdiction of Slovakia. The Grand Master of Slovakia and his Australian counterpart had a meeting during which they discussed issues of international Masonic affairs. In the evening a dinner was held at Sheraton Hotel in Bratislava. Kosmopolis Lodge is an international Lodge (under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Slovakia), working in English.

Romanian Masonic Week | 2015

Bucharest, Romania. From May 14 to 16 will take place the 2015 edition of the Romanian Masonic Week, a meeting organized by the York Rite affiliated to the National Grand Lodge of Romania. Among the events taking place we mention: Masonic meeting of Demnitatea Românească Lodge #103 (Thursday), Supreme Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Romania (Friday), Symposium "Masonic Philosophy of the American York Rite" (Saturday).

The event will end on Saturday night with the York Rite Ball.

German Freemasonry helps to rebuild Nepal

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Berlin, Germany. Nepali society is suffering after the disaster of the earthquake of April 25. The crisis is one both humanitarian and cultural. German Freemasonry joined the common effort of reconstruction of Nepal and called on its members.

Dharahara Tower (before and after the earthquake)

International Symposium of Europe Lodges

Monday, 4 May 2015

Florence, Italy. The Grand Orient of Italy has announced that in May 8-10, 2015 will take place the International Symposium Europe Lodges. The meeting is hosted by Europe 92 Lodge under the jurisdiction of GOI. The Lodges with the same name attending the event will arrive from Austria, France, Romania, Serbia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Spain, Belgium and Germany.

This year's topic is "Europe of peoples and nations: Solidarity and joint projects". Among the founders of this initiative we remember: Luigi Liverani di Riccione, Fausto Scheggi, Mario Porcu, Eric Tedeschi, Christian Türk and Vladimir Dumitru.

Art. 6 of the Agency's Constitution will be amended

Following the events that took place in April this year and after the working visit on 1-3 May in London, the Secretary-General will convene, in extraordinary session, the Council to require the amendment of the Constitution (Article 6). The session will take place on 18-21 May 2015. It is for the first time that the Constitutive Act undergoes a change. According to the Constitution, the procedure for amendment of Art. 6 must receive the consultative vote of the Council after a debate. The amendment requires the elimination of the second paragraph: "It is forbidden the use of the terms Regular and Irregular". Therefore, the Agency can apply, without restrictions, Art. 6 in its foreign policy and in the new editorial policy.

EXCLUSIVE | Interview with the first (woman) Grand Master in the history of the Republic of Uruguay, Alicia TOYOS

Thursday, 30 April 2015

This interview has an exclusive character, being part of the Exclusive Collection of Interviews of the Masonic Press Agency. The printable format of the interview (for Grand Lodges only) will be available at the end of this week and will include information about Alicia TOYOS. The republication (total and/or partial publication) of this interview is strictly prohibited.

Freemasonry has always been a Brotherhood of free and good-standing men. The emergence of the Grand Lodge of London and Westminster in 1717 marked the birth of the Speculative Freemasonry in its institutional form as we know it today. Two centuries later England hosted the first Women's Grand Lodge in the world.

Today, in the 21st century, the Woman Freemason and Women's Grand Lodges in Europe and Latin America enjoy development and represent a reality of Universal Freemasonry, even if the moment has not come for the Grand Lodges of tradition (male Grand Lodges), to recognize them. Despite this reality, there are regular Grand Lodges which admit the existence Women's Grand Lodges in their jurisdiction and, in some cases, work with them in the philanthropic, social and cultural sector.

For the first time in the history of the Masonic Press Agency a woman, a woman Freemason, the first (woman) Grand Master of the first Women's Grand Lodge in the history of the Republic of Uruguay, Alicia TOYOS (Immediate Past Grand Master, Serene Grand Master of Honour ad vitam) was interviewed. This interview is part of the Exclusive Collection of Interviews of the Masonic Press Agency.

Most Worshipful Sister, why Feminine Freemasonry and not Mixed (Co-Masonry)?

Before 2004, in Uruguay there were male and mixed Lodges. Detecting the desire of many women to work exclusively with other women, a great Freemason and I started working on the formation of Feminine Lodges.

Who is the main leader of Feminine Freemasonry in Latin America?

I do not think there is a leader in Latin America. Each Grand Master, in a certain moment, is the leader of her jurisdiction.

Do the Feminine Grand Lodge of Chile offer Light to the Feminine Grand Lodges in Latin America?

No, the Feminine Grand Lodge of Chile conferred regularly in Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, Cuba and Panama. Other Latin American countries have received Light from other Obediences.

In 2012, the Feminine Grand Lodge of Uruguay celebrated five years of existence and this year celebrates 8 years. How many Feminine Lodges there are and how many Women Freemasons has the FGLU?

In April 2015 takes place the kindle of Light of Acacia Lodge #15. Overall we have 500 Sisters.

Which is the procedure for founding a regular Feminine Grand Lodge Feminine?

The steps taken by us were, first, to approach the Feminine Grand Lodge of Chile, which already conferred regularly in Bolivia and Argentina and, shortly, already had international fame and after that it was founded in 2004 the first Feminine Lodge in Uruguay. In 2006 it was founded the second and the third in 2007, giving us the right to receive a Constituent Charter for our Grand Lodge.

What is the difference between a regular and irregular Feminine Grand Lodge?

The difference, in almost all cases, lies in its origin. Many Obediences are formed due to dispute between Sisters and dissidences form another Grand Lodge without following the steps of regularity, and this leads to an abundance of Obediences thus created.

Other cases are those in which they do not comply with the precepts that traditionally define Freemasonry.

What is the relationship between the Feminine Grand Lodge of Uruguay and the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry of Uruguay?

And how does this bilateral relationship manifests? The relationship between the two mentioned Obediences is one of respect, cordiality outside the Temple and joint social work.

We know that now you are working in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Who gives you these high grades?

Just as Chile has given us regularity, in the same spirit, France, thanks to many trips made to Paris, gives us the High Degrees.

What is the relationship between the Feminine Grand Lodge of Uruguay and Feminine Grand Lodges of England and France?

Regarding the Feminine Grand Lodge of England, we have relationships with our Sisters in Scotland that we met on our trip to Rosslyn Chapel in 2012.

With the Feminine Grand Lodge of France we have a strong relationship. We signed a Treaty of Amity and Mutual Recognition, we received twice the visit of Grand Master Catherine Jeannine-Naltet and we visited five times the Feminine Grand Lodge of France.

When can we speak of a Feminine Supreme Council in Uruguay?

In 2016, the Sisters of Feminine Supreme Council of France will come to Uruguay to found the first Lodge of Perfection and after the group of Masters strengthens they will come again to establish the Feminine Supreme Council of Uruguay.

Annual Communication and Installation Ceremony of the new Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Slovakia

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Bratislava, Slovakia. From 24 to 26 April 2015 took place the Annual Communication and Installation Ceremony of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Slovakia. The event was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtown Bratislava. The ceremony was attended by several European Grand Lodges: Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro and Austria.

On Fridey, guests visited Bratislava's Masonic Temple and in the evening was offered a dinner hosted by the Grand Master of Slovakia at Stefanka Restaurant, near the Presidential Palace. Saturday was organized a walk through Bratislava followed by a lunch. After this, took place the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Slovakia and the Installation Ceremony of the new Grand Master, followed by a gala dinner.

Freemasons help earthquake victims in Nepal

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

London, United Kingdom. The earthquake that rocked Nepal last week caused more than 5,000 deaths and almost 10,000 wounded. In Nepal there were many tourists when the earthquake occurred, and over 8 million people (in Nepal and neighboring countries) were affected. Nepal's Government estimates that the damages reach 5 billion, nearly a quarter of the gross domestic product of Nepal.

Following this tragic event various Grand Lodges around the world rushed to help victims through donations. The United Grand Lodge of England has already donated (through FREEMASONS' GRAND CHARITY) £ 50,000 to the Red Cross for Nepal's victims.

WORLD PEACE FORUM to take place in Baia Mare, Romania

Baia Mare, Romania. From May 7 to 10, 2015 will take place the ninth edition of the WORLD PEACE FORUM. The event is held annually by the Schengen Peace Foundation (President Dominicus H. Rohde) of Luxembourg, an NGO founded in 2005 and approved in 2007 by the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. The meeting to be held this year in Romania is organized by TEAM BM | Advocacy (Baia Mare's NGO coalition which includes Rotaract TEAM Baia Mare).

President of the World Peace Forum - Romanian Chapter (host of the meeting), Mr. Dan Adrian POP, stated for the Masonic Press Agency that: "The event is supported by voluntary contributions of participants and other international organizations. At the local level, in Baia Mare, currently the largest sponsorship was that of the Mayor, Mr. Catalin Cherecheş, Rotary clubs and Maramures County Council".

Also, President Dan Adrian POP noted that "the participation in the event is not subject to payment of a fee but, given that we are a non-profit organization, contributions suggested to cover costs are between 39 and 499 euros". Payments are made through EVENTBRITE.

The topic of this year's meeting is "Finding Common Global Values". For this event already announced their presence delegations from USA, Pakistan, Ukraine, France, Luxembourg, Spain, Argentina, Germany, Brazil, Peru, India, Portugal, Norway, Croatia etc.

Among the speakers are: Vicki Hansen (ex Vice President of the Democratic Party, Advisor to President Obama), Martha Llanos (UNESCO Ambassador), Patricia Pellegrini (Minister of Education of Argentina), Jordi Molto (Catalan Government representative), Prof. José Felix Bentz Oliver (President of the Royal Art Circle of Spain), Prof. Dr. Raphael Pitti (Army General (r) & peace activist in Syria), Naveed Elahi (Advisor to the President of Pakistan) etc. The official press release and the Forum program will be published in the coming days.

Historical event: Grand Master of Spain is the new president of the IMC

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Madrid, Spain. From 10 to 14 April 2015 took place the General Assembly of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation (founded in April 14, 1947), an event organized by the Grand Lodge of Spain  in the Auditorium Hotel of Madrid.

The meeting was attended by representatives of Grand Lodges of Latin America and Europe (IMC members) and representatives of the Grand Lodges in Europe, recalling here the Grand Chancellor of United Grand Lodge of England, and the Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Grand Lodges, Radu Balanescu (Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Romania). A total of 51 Grand Masters together with 120 officials of over 50 Grand Lodges and Grand Orients.

This was a double historical event for the oldest, most active and largest regional Masonic organization in the world (IMC) because it was for the first time in history that the General Assembly was held outside Latin America and it also was for the first time in history that the President of the confederation is from Europe: Oscar de Alfonso Ortega, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain. The Executive Secretariat was taken by the Past Grand Master of Bolivia.

At only 47 years old, Oscar de Alfonso made history with the revitalization of the Grand Lodge of Spain, the restoration of the relations with the Supreme Council for Spain and for being the first European in history to occupy the position of President of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation.

Conference of Grand Masters of North America: Freemasonry in Bulgaria is moving towards unification

Vancouver, Canada. The Conference of Grand Masters of North America took place this year in Canada. According to the report issued by the Commission on Information for Recognition, Bulgarian Freemasonry made significant progress towards the unification of the Grand Lodges in dispute and it was estimated that this would be done this summer.

Regarding the situation in Serbia, the United Grand Lodges of Serbia came into contact with the Commission in order to submit a report in Vancouver. On 11 February, the United Grand Lodges of Serbia announced that they will not be present at the meeting in Vancouver. The Commission considers that the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia (Grand Master Ranko Vujacic) is still the representative of Freemasonry in Serbia. The situation in Serbia was presented last month by the Masonic Press Agency and Masonic Times.

Annual Communication of the Grand Orient of Italy - 2015

Rimini, Italy. From 10 to 12 April 2015 took place the Annual Communication of the Grand Orient of Italy attended by many Grand Lodges from Europe and not only. The event was held at the Palacongressi. The Grand Orient of Italy (GOI) is the most active, numerous and powerful Masonic organization in the peninsula and is currently headed by Most Worshipful Grand Master Stefano Bisi.

As a result of the new approach of Grand Master Bisi, GOI is constantly developing both at national and at European and international level. The topics discussed during the conferences were centered on the needs of Italian society and not only. The debate was attended, among others, by Gian Maria Fara (Eurispes Chairman), Renato Soru (founder of Tiscali) etc.

The Masonic Press Agency has a new Editorial Policy

The Masonic Press Agency conducted from 30 March to 21 April 2015 a series of internal and external reports, for which the Agency's public activity was reduced. Starting with April 21, 2015 the Agency adopted a new editorial policy.

Invictus Lodge of Bucharest to host the European Masonic Meeting in 2015

Monday, 30 March 2015

Bucharest, Romania. From 22 to 24 May 2015 will take place the European Masonic Meeting. The event is organized by Invictus Lodge (founded in 1994 under NGLR's jurisdiction) in Bucharest.

The meeting was held for the first time in 2003 at the initiative of Eric Tedeschi, Worshipful Master of "La Chaîne d'Union Européenne" Lodge #183 (GLNF). In recent years the event has been hosted by several European cities such as: Longwy, Arlon, Bergisch Gladbach, Luxembourg, Saverne, Berlin, Andorra la Vella, Larwik, Montecatini Terme, Paphos, Husum and Belgrade.

CUBA: Sovereign Grand Commander Lázaro Faustino Cuesta Valdéswas elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba

Friday, 27 March 2015

Havana, Cuba. From 22 to 23 March 2015 elections were held for the office of Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba. Lázaro Faustino Cuesta Valdés was elected Grand Master (2015-2018) after his resignation from the office of Sovereign Grand Commander.

For being able to run for the office of Most Worshipful Grand Master, Cuesta Valdés, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for Cuba, submitted his resignation and held elections for the office of Sovereign Grand Commander. José Ramón Viñas Alonso is the new leader of the Scottish Rite in Havana.

It was founded the Grand Lodge of Georgia (Tbilisi)

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Tbilisi, Georgia. On March 14, 2015, took place the consecration ceremony of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. The ceremony was led by the Grand Master of Russia, Andrei Bogdanov. The first Grand Master of Georgia is Brother Archil Ebralidze.

On 8 February 2015 the Grand Lodge of Ukraine founded in Tbilisi a Lodge (Ilia Martali). At the time the Masonic Press Agency announced the news in Georgia there was no Grand Lodge.

XXXIV Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Spain

Barcelona, Spain. On March 14, 2015, was held the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Spain. The event was attended by representatives and Grand Masters of the Grand Lodges of Italy, Romania, Norway, Turkey, France, Serbia, Luxembourg, Germany, Portugal, Estonia, Andorra, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Slovakia, Monaco and Albania.

United Grand Lodges of Serbia reacts after the decision taken at the Conference of Grand Masters of North America

Belgrade, Serbia. Following the information presented by the Masonic Press Agency on February 24, 2015 (regarding the recognition of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia), the United Grand Lodges of Serbia wanted a right of reply.

The United Grand Lodges of Serbia claim that the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia is not the sole Obedience complying with the standards of regularity and recognition. It also states that the truth of the Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia is a half true. Representatives of the United Grand Lodge of Serbia were not present at this year's meeting of the Conference of Grand Masters of North America and will be present at the meeting in 2016. They also presented a series of letters of several officials of European Freemasonry.

Note: Due to the change of editorial policy (adopted at the Extraordinary Session of the Council dated March 14 to 15, 2015), the Masonic Press Agency can not publish in full all documents presented by the United Grand Lodges of Serbia. The Masonic Press Agency has submitted all the documents and the declaration of the United Grand Lodge of Serbia to its collaborators at the Masonic Times. MT published the information in full here and here.

The Duke of Kent was reelected Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England

Friday, 13 March 2015

London, United Kingdom. On March 11, 2015 was held the Quarterly Annual Communication of the United Grand Lodge of England. On this occasion, the Duke of Kent was reelected Grand Master of UGLE. Also were announced the new fees for charters and it has been decided to amend the Constitution of the Grand Lodge regarding the use of official documents (in written form) and electronic communication. The next Quarterly Annual Communication will be held on April 29, 2015.

Grand Lodge of Chile pays tribute to the father of President Michelle Bachelet

Santiago, Chile. Commemorating 41 years since the death of General Alberto Bachelet Martínez, the Grand Lodge of Chile joined the President of the Republic during the ceremony. The General, father of the current President of Chile, was a member of the Chilean Freemasonry.

On this occasion, Grand Master Riveros handed to Bachelet's widow a copy of the letter sent by the General to his Worshipful Master when he was imprisoned. Two years ago the Grand Lodge of Chile awarded Alberto Bachelet, posthumously, with the title of Honorary Member of the Craft. The General was arrested for opposing the dictatorial regime of Pinochet. He died due to the torture he was subjected to in prison.

Freemasons helped in the discovery of genes predisposing to allergies and asthma

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

London, United Kingdom. The Freemasons' Grand Charity of the United Grand Lodge of England donated £ 400,000 to the Imperial College London for a research study. Based on this study the scientists have found over 30 new genes that predispose to allergies and asthma. By such actions, Freemasons in England, Europe and the world are helping the society to improve the quality of life and the development of scientific research.

Supreme Council for Bulgaria has a new Temple

Monday, 9 March 2015

Plovdiv, Bulgaria. In late January took place the inauguration of a new Temple of the Supreme Council for Bulgaria, led by the Sovereign Grand Commander Peter Kalpakchiev. The event was attended by over 150 Brethren, including the Sovereign Grand Commander of Spain (Jesús Soriano) and the Grand Chancellor Nedim Bali.

The construction was built by the current Lieutenant Grand Commander of Bulgaria, according to the Supreme Council for Spain. The building has 8 floors and hosts in the underground the restaurant of the Supreme Council and on other floor a Temple for one of the Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Bulgaria.

IMC: peace was restored in the Masonic jurisdiction of Ecuador

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Quito, Ecuador. According to the decision taken by the IMC, it was not taken into consideration  the request expressed by Jorge Romero Aguayo against the Grand Lodge of the Andes (recognized on 13 June 2014 by the United Grand Lodge of England). Jorge Romero gave up his desire to be recognized as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ecuador and Humberto Plaza Arguello was recognized as Most Worshipful Grand Master. Arguello pledged not to sue Jorge Romero.

Also, the Grand Lodge of Ecuador and the Equinox Grand Lodge of Ecuador have decided to share the same jurisdiction. The Equinox Grand Lodge submitted an application to join the IMC and the Executive Board approved the request and asked the opinion of the Commission of Information on Recognition.

Inter-American Masonic Confederation: Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico remains within IMC

Tuxtla, Mexico. In late January took place the meeting of the Executive Council of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation. Following discussions, the IMC decided to dismiss the petition of the Confederation of Regular Grand Lodges of the United Mexican States wishing to exclude Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico (one of IMC's founding Grand Lodges)from the IMC. IMC suggested that both parts to hold bilateral talks to resolve problems between the two sides.