The son of the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy died

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Ravenna, Italy. Michele Raffi, son of the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy passed away at the age of 44. The lifeless body was found in his room by firefighters after he has not given any sign of life for a few days.

XI European Masonic Meeting

Husum, Germany. During May 31 - June 2, Germany hosts the 11th European Masonic Meeting. The event is organized by the St. John's Lodge #563 (United Grand Lodges of Germany) led by the Brother Hauke Thiesen.

Canada celebrates 275 years of Freemasonry

Halifax, Canada. These days the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia also celebrates 275 years of Freemasonry in Canada. Masonic processions will take place on the 2nd of June, the message of the Grand Master will be presented and also will be held the 148th Grand Lodge Annual Communication.

Rotaract International Model United Nations will take place in Romania

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Baia Mare, Romania. During August 21 to 25, 2013, Club Rotaract TEAM Baia Mare will organize the first RotaractMUN, a summit for youth with experience or interest in the field of international relations. Rotaract International Model United Nations will be hosted by the Municipality of Baia Mare in late August.

MUN's are simulations where delegates (students and young professionals from all countries) assumes the role of external representatives of contemporary countries. The topics discussed range from human rights abuses to economic, military or environmental crisis.

APMR's Secretary-General encourages young people from all countries to attend this event and understand the role and functioning of international mechanisms.

French priest receives interdiction for being Freemason

Friday, 24 May 2013

Megève, France. The Catholic priest leading the Megève parish (a luxury mountain resort in the French Alps) was announced by the Bishop of Annecy that he must immediately cease his ecclesiastical activity. The reason: Pascal Vesin is a member of the Grand Orient of France.

The order was given by the Vatican and the Bishop of Annecy merely announced it officially to Pascal Vesin.

Public conference: Relations between Spain and Israel

Madrid, Spain. The Provincial Grand Lodge of Madrid (Grand Lodge of Spain) will held on May 29, 2013 a public conference entitled: Relations between Spain and Israel. The event's special guest will be D. Lior Haiat, Counselor and Spokesman for the Israeli Embassy in Spain.

Grand Master of Argentina: Freemasonry fights for gender equality

Corrientes, Argentina. An important event that illustrates the role of women in society. Thus it can be characterized the Masonic meeting held yesterday in Corrientes. The informal Masonic meeting was organized by Palas Atenea Lodge (female) #5.

The Under-secretariat for Institutional Relations of the Grand Lodge of Argentina reports that the event was attended by members of the Grand Lodge of Argentina leaded by Grand Master Angel Jorge Clavero. The Grand Master stressed the role of women in today's society and said that Freemasonry fights for gender equality.

Dan Brown has launched his book in the Grand Temple of the United Grand Lodge of England

Thursday, 23 May 2013

London, United Kingdom. Dan Brown released yesterday his latest book in London. This time the location to hosted the event was the Grand Temple of the United Grand Lodge of England. The American writer stated that he is "honoured" to be invited to join Freemasonry.

100 years of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the Netherlands

The Hague, Netherlands. The Dutch will celebrate tomorrow (May 24, 1913) 100 years of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Throughout history, the Supreme Council of the Netherlands has undergone a series of reforms, often in conjunction with the Supreme Council of Belgium. Latest reforms were adopted in 1991, 2008 and 2009-2010.

Dies Jean K. Gousse, Past Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Haiti

Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Jean K. Gousse, Past Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Haiti, Grand Secretary and Grand Chancellor passed away. Brother Jean K. Gousse died in a hospital in the United States.

Grand Lodge of Oklahoma to help victims of Moore

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Oklahoma City, United States of America. Moore tornado hit the U.S. state of Oklahoma producing significant damage and about 90 people died due to the meteorological phenomenon. Local, Federal authorities and the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma are offering relief to the victims.

The Grand Lodge of Oklahoma and other U.S. Grand Lodges have already begun to raise funds for the residents of the Moore suburb. Until now, the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma announced that between 8 to 10 Brothers lost their homes.

APMR's Secretary-General: "a new holistic vision"

Bucharest, Romania. Following the Extraordinary (12 May) and Ordinary (21 May) Sessions, APMR's Secretary-General issued the Decree 9/2013/6013, Decree which will be officially communicated during the Ordinary Session of 21 June 2013, the last of this Masonic year, reports the Secretariat of Communications Technology and Information (SeCTI).

APMR's Secretary-General stated that: "(...) the approach taken by certain Masonic bodies of national and international character, (...), symbolic and philosophical character, regarding a new holistic vision at an international and European level (...), forces us to turn our actions where we have been watching for the last two years."

He also added that: "Masonic reductionism has started declining since the beginning of this century, emphasizing in 2012 and continuing its increase until 2017 and beyond. This new holistic vision must be taken into account starting with the new Masonic year."

Masonic Exhibition at the Hermitage Museum in Russia

Sunday, 19 May 2013

St. Petersburg, Russia. During May to September 2013, the Russian Hermitage Museum is hosting a Masonic exhibition in which are presented several Masonic items from the 18th and 19th century. The Masonic exhibition is titled  "Wisdom of Astrea" (Премудрость Астреи).

Installation ceremony of the Grand Master of Ghana

Accra, Ghana. During three days, last week were held festivities marking the installation of a new Grand Master in Ghana. Before the Masonic events was held a conference on prostrate cancer, attended by over 170 people.

The installation ceremony took place on May 11th, 2013, during the morning, followed by a Masonic banquet attended by 750 people. Among those Illustrious Brethren was also Thomas Jackson, Executive Secretary of the World Conference.

The speech of the Grand Master showed to all those present there that an era of changing arrives and with it a better course in the development of the Ghanian Freemasonry. He ended by saying: „Thank you Freemasonry.”

In the third day, in the morning, Ghanian Brethren leaded by their newly installed Grand Master and their guests attended a thanksgiving mass at the University of Ghana Anglican Church. The mass was held by Accra’s Bishop Daniel Torto.

Otwasuom Osae Nyampong VI: started from humble life to reach the leadership of the Grand Lodge of Ghana

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Accra, Ghana. This evening the Grand Master of Ghana granted an interview to PM Express TV Show (moderator: Nana Ansah Kwaw). This is the first interview since he was installed as Grand Master a week ago.

In the first part of the interview the Grand Master spoke about his life and how he has evolved personally and professionally. Otwasuom Osae Nyampong VI is, as stated by APMR's Secretary-General: "a person, a Brother simple but profound and pragmatic at the same time". Smiling, relaxed and proud of his son and daughter, the Grand Master Ghanaian is not just a Freemason, he is also a businessman and a local chieftain of a traditional realm. "I'm the last person who to speak," said the Grand Master when asked about the responsibilities of a local chief. He also added that "If you are a leader and you can not lead people from point A to point B in progress, then you failed!".

Otwasuom Osae Nyampong VI said he has entered into Freemasonry 30 years ago and that the most impressive office he hold was that of Master of his Lodge. When Nana Ansah Kwaw asked whether an atheist can be a Freemason, the Grand Master replied: "No, no and triple no!".

At some point in the interview, the discussion touched on a relevant topic regarding the negative perception Freemasonry "enjoys" among the profane world. The moderator brought up the issue that Lodges when working have their doors closed and no one knows what happens inside. The Ghanaian Grand Master smiled and said: you saw a Church that keeps the doors open when the old (to be read leaders) decide your faith?! "Are you a Christian?" asked moderator and the Grand Master proudly answer was: "Ohhh... Yeah!".

At the end of the interview, Otwasuom Osae Nyampong VI said that "a Freemason must not disappoint a Brother never" and that "Freemasonry teaches you life's purpose". With a rising Ghanaian Freemasonry, the current Grand Master wants to leave to his successors, in a four years from now, a strong and equipped Grand Lodge.

Another success for the French National Grand Lodge: Grand Lodge of Washington DC reestablishes relations with GLNF

Friday, 17 May 2013

Washington, United States of America. Several months ago GLNF began a series of reforms to restore its legitimate status within the international Masonic scene. The first step was the election of Jean-Pierre Servel in the office of Grand Master. The second step was the adoption of reforms which led to the suspension and removal of Stifani from GLNF.

As a result of these required decisions, GLNF began to reap the first fruits of its labor: Grand Orient of Brazil restored fraternal relations with GLNF and then was the turn of the Grand Lodge of Washington DC (Grand Master Teko Foly) to do the same.

On May 14, 2013, the official announcement was made by GLNF's Grand Master. During the Annual Communication in Washington, the decision regarding GLNF was adopted unanimously. The impact of the decisions taken in Brasilia (in Latin America) and Washington (in North America), plus the strong position of Grand Chancellor of the United Grand Lodge of England will help GLNF this year to proudly celebrate its centenary.

If Europe's Grand Lodges that have initiated the process of withdrawal of recognition regarding GLNF are not reacting yet as their counterparts in Washington, in the horizon arises the problem of the Supreme Council for France which will be forced to depart from the way adopted so far.

Romanian Judges and Prosecutors can be members of Masonic organizations

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Bucharest, Romania. According to the decision (based on the Note issued by DLDC of CSM) taken on 16 April 2013 by the Commission No. 2 of the Superior Council of Magistrates, Romanian Judges and Prosecutors can be members of Freemasonry (Masonic organizations) without there being a conflict of interest. Thus, the Commission No. 2 of the Superior Council of Magistrates adopted DLDC's point of view regarding this issue.

ICHF 2013 in Edinburgh

Edinburgh, United Kingdom. For the third time, Scotland's capital city will host the International Conference on the History of Freemasonry (24 to 26 May 2013). The event is organized by the Grand Lodge of Scotland, the same Masonic Obedience to patronage the first ICHF in 2007.

ICHF has become a reference for researchers in the field of Freemasonry and the conference is organized every two years since 2007 when it was launched. Among the speakers this year include J.W. Daniel (Past Grand Secretary of the United Grand Lodge of England), John Belton (Senior Warden and founding member of Internet Lodge) and on behalf of the Scottish Rite Library and Museum (Northern Jurisdiction) will participate Aimee E. Newell and Hilary Anderson Stelling.


Liège, Belgium. On May 18, 2013 will take place the reunion of the European Women Grand Lodges, event hosted this year by Odyssée Lodge (Women's Grand Lodge of Belgium). The event will be attended by members of the Feminine Freemasonry from Turkey, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain and Portugal.

Europe Day, 9 May, a historic day for European countries

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Brussels, European Union. May 9 marks each year "Europe Day". Across the European continent Europe Day is an annual celebration of peace and unity in Europe. Europe Day is one of the European symbols aimed to promoted unity among Europeans.

The date May 9 has a strong historical symbolism for many countries in Europe: Romania, Turkey, France, UK etc., marking also the Schuman Declaration of 1950.

Michel Onfray will hold a conference at GLNF's Grand Masonic Temple in Paris

Paris, France. The French National Grand Lodge will organize on May 23, 2013, a public conference held by Michel Onfray. The event will take place at the Grand Masonic Great Temple of GLNF in Paris, with the participation of profanes and Freemasons.

Grand Master Jean-Pierre Servel is supported in his initiative by the National Research Lodge "Villard de Honnecourt".

Masonic Football Tournament in Paraguay

Asunción, Paraguay. The Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay organizes a Masonic Football Tournament which will begin on May 11, 2013. The "Rubén Quevedo" GLSP Cup is designed to promote interaction between Brethren through the most popular game in the world: football.

Grand Orient of Brazil reestablishes relations with GLNF

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Brasilia, Brazil. The Grand Orient of Brazil reestablishes Masonic relations with the French National Grand Lodge. GLNF and GOB put an end to the suspended relations, event occured a year ago because of the internal problems of the French National Grand Lodge. GOB's action will likely produce a chain reaction that will restore the international status of the French National Grand Lodge.