Installation ceremony of the Grand Master of Ghana

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Accra, Ghana. During three days, last week were held festivities marking the installation of a new Grand Master in Ghana. Before the Masonic events was held a conference on prostrate cancer, attended by over 170 people.

The installation ceremony took place on May 11th, 2013, during the morning, followed by a Masonic banquet attended by 750 people. Among those Illustrious Brethren was also Thomas Jackson, Executive Secretary of the World Conference.

The speech of the Grand Master showed to all those present there that an era of changing arrives and with it a better course in the development of the Ghanian Freemasonry. He ended by saying: „Thank you Freemasonry.”

In the third day, in the morning, Ghanian Brethren leaded by their newly installed Grand Master and their guests attended a thanksgiving mass at the University of Ghana Anglican Church. The mass was held by Accra’s Bishop Daniel Torto.

Masonic Times

Agencia de Prensa Masónica

Agência de Imprensa Maçônica