Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Nelson Mandela passed to the Eternal Lodge

Friday, 13 December 2013

Johannesburg, South Africa. On December 5, 2013, died the former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. he funeral ceremony was attended by many heads of state and government and, among them, Freemasons. Nelson Mandela was member of several Orders, and also of the Masonic Order (since June 28, 1990).

EU's leaders met with leaders of Freemasonry in Europe

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Brussels, European Union. On November 5, 2013, took place the annual meeting of EU's leaders with leaders of Freemasonry in Europe. The meeting was attended by José Manuel Barroso (European Commission President), Herman Van Rompuy (European Council President), László Surján (Vice-President of the European Parliament) and Grand Masters from Germany, Belgium, France, Hungary, Portugal and Greece.

Masonic appeal for flood victims in Philippines

Friday, 15 November 2013

Manila, Philippines. The Masonic Press Agency appeals to all Grand Lodges, Masonic institutions and organizations and Brethren that can help victims in the Philippines (among them Brethren Freemasons). The UN announced that Haiyan Typhoon killed at least 4460 people and damages are estimated to arounf 14 billion dollars.

UN and Rotary, partnership to promote peace in the world

New York, United States. On November 2nd, Rotary and UN celebrated ROTARY DAY, occasion to reiterate the partnership for preventing diseases and promoting peace in the world.

"The collective efforts of Rotarians around the world could have a real impact on the level of what is happening here at the United Nations," said Rotary's President, Burton. He also added that "we help building a world better." UN's Deputy Secretary-General thanked Rotary for its cooperation.

Edgar Sánchez Caballero is the new Grand Master of Paraguay

Asuncion, Paraguay. On November 8, 2013 elections were held in the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay. The new Grand Master is Edgar Sánchez Caballero and Ronald González Sánchez was elected Deputy Grand Master.

Of the 219 votes 1 vote was invalid, 15 were white votes and 203 votes were valid. Edgar Sánchez received 106 votes, Ignacio Mendoza 92 votes and César Adorno 5 votes. The President of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation welcomed the election of the new Grand Master of Paraguay .

Grand Lodge of Gabon celebrates 30 years

Friday, 8 November 2013

Libreville, Gabon. During the period of 7-9 November 2013, the Grand Lodge of Gabon celebrates three decades since its founding in 1983. Attending the event are Grand Masters and Representatives of the Grand Lodges of Africa, Europe, North America and Latin America.

Annual Communication Session of the Supreme Council for Spain

Valencia, Spain. From 8 to 9 November 2013 takes place the Annual Communication session of the Supreme Council for Spain. The event will take place at Inglés Hotel, in the attendance of almost 150 people. A famous Valencian journalist will give a lecture on "Freemasonry in the digital age."

Elections for the office of Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay

Asuncion, Paraguay. Today, elections are held in the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay for the 2014-2018 term. The Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master shall require two thirds of the valid votes cast free.

Héctor Farfán Stamp, 33° was elected Sovereign Grand Commander of the Republic of Peru

Lima, Peru. On October 15, 2013, elections were held for the Supreme Council of Peru. Following the results Héctor Farfán Stamp, 33° was elected Sovereign Grand Commander, Walter Boria Rubio, 33° (Lieutenant Grand Commander), Raúl Zuazo Tolmie, 33° (Minister of State), Amador Navarro Ponce de León, 33° (Grand Chancellor and Secretary General) and Miguel Farro Poggi, 33° (Grand Treasurer).

EXCLUSIVE | Interview with the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba regarding the unification of Freemasonry

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Havana, Cuba. On 28 October 2013, the Masonic Press Agency conducted an interview with the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba, Most Worshipful Brother Evaristo Rubén Gutiérrez Torres. The interview was conducted in Spanish and translated into English, Portuguese and Romanian. There is also a PDF version of the interview available for Grand Lodges and Masonic institutions.

APMR - Most Worshipful Grand Master Evaristo Rubén Gutiérrez Torres, first of all we want to thank you for your kindness in granting us this interview. Cuban Freemasonry is known as one of the largest communities of Freemasons in Latin America and your Grand Lodge as the second largest in Latin America after the Grand Orient of Brazil. At the same time we know that there are many Cuban Freemasons in the United States, in particular in Florida. What took you so long to decide the unification of Cuban Freemasons in one family?

Grand Master - The process of the reunification of the Cuban Masonic Family is not something that has emerged now, suddenly, in the foreground, but rather is the result of a long journey started by us many years ago, when Past Grand Master José Ramón González Dias addressed to the Grand Masters of Florida on three different occasions, inviting them to find together a solution to this conflict.

Unfortunately, these attempts did not succeed until today, despite the fact that in our Masonic Parliament we can hear the desire to close the gap on both sides of the banks of the Florida Strait. Proof of this are the successive annual reports of the President of the Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs, Brother Raimundo Gómez Cervantes, reports in which this issue stands out as one of the utmost importance, vital and strategic to be solved by the Grand Lodge of Cuba.

From a historically point of view we can also find the answer to the question WHY NOW? The situation took a different turn, things have changed, the condition that made the Grand Lodge of Cuba to fight no more for the unification of Cuban Freemasons, wherever they are located, does not exist anymore. Today we are living historic moments and our effort of unity is a response for that era.

The cohesion between all parties and the people who have a genuine interest in finding a solution also greatly influenced in making this moment come true. On one part we have the reconciling work of the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the 33° and Last Degree for the Republic of Cuba, Illustrious and Most Powerful Brother Lázaro Faustino Cuesta Valdés and on the other side we have the real interest of the Most Worshipful Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of Cuba and of the Grand Lodge of Cuba in Exile in terms of resolving this matter of utmost importance to us.

If we add to this also the good will of the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Florida, Illustrious Brother Danny R. Griffith, in finding a solution to this conflict, then we have the favorable prerequisites for a constructive and promising dialogue.

APMR - We know that the tour conducted in the United States by the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Cuba, Lázaro Faustino Cuesta Valdés, was an important action in this regard. So what do you think about the results of this visit?

Grand Master - As I said earlier, the visit of Illustrious and Powerful Brother Lázaro F. Cuesta Valdés on North American soil has opened a new perspective on this topic. Until now it was impossible for a high ranking of the Cuban Freemasonry on North American soil due to  migration restrictions that existed in our country until January 2013 and because of the always existent difficulties regarding the process of obtaining a Visa to travel in the United States of America, without mentioning the difficult financial situation with which the Grand Lodge of Cuba is facing, issues not allowing us to have a face-to-face approach, as could have our Brother and Sovereign Grand Commander.

He had the magnificent opportunity to speak directly with Brethren living in the United States in order to know from the source their anxieties and aspirations, and also held private talks with the Grand Master of Florida, with Past Grand Masters and Grand Officials of the Supreme Councils of Northern and Southern Jurisdictions. These conversations have led to a very important base for the whole process that we have started in October of this year 2013.

APMR - What role, symbolism, has the Scottish Cathedral, for being chosen to host this event?

Grand Master - The Scottish Cathedral of Havana is a symbol of Cuban Freemasonry. The building, originally built as the headquarters of Washington Lodge, hosted years later the Supreme Council of 33° and Last Degree for the Republic of Cuba and several other Lodges.

The meeting between Cuban Freemasons residents in the United States and those of the  Grand Lodge of Cuba could not have a more appropriate location than this one, given the role played by the Supreme Council, a role which was that of "building bridges" so that Freemasons can transit from side to side to shake their hands.

APMR - Armando Salas Amaro. Is he a symbol of Cuban Freemasonry, generally speaking, or just a symbol of Cuban Freemasons in the United States?

Grand Master - Illustrious Brother Armando Salas Amaro, Founder and Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba in Exile, is considered the "Patriarch" of Cuban Freemasonry in the United States and especially in Miami. He was the one who worked closely with Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba, Illustrious Brother Carlos Manuel Piñeiro y del Cueto, in reorganizing the various factions that formed the Cuban Masonic spectrum in exile, among them the Grand Lodge of Cuba in Exile, founded by Past Grand Master Tarajano González under the false assumption that Freemasonry in Cuba deceased. Salas Amaro's work in forming the Grand Lodge of Cuba in Exile was a titanic work and its great value lies in trying by all means to keep alive the national identity of Cuban Freemasons in Florida.

Today we bring a deserved tribute to this Illustrious Brother who gave his life for Freemasonry and who, saying to his closest collaborators and friends, did not want to die before seeing the united all Cuban Freemasons from Cuba and abroad. We have already taken the first steps in this regard and Brother Salas Amaro will have the satisfaction of seeing concluded the process for which he worked so far.

APMR - 13 October is a historic day for Knights Templar and now also for Freemasons. The letter sent to the Grand Lodge of Florida is to explain this initiative or to request jurisdictional assistance for the project in the future?

Grand Master - Indeed, this date will remain in the history of Cuban Freemasonry as the start of the reunion with our Brethren living and working abroad, and especially with those in Florida. It will be remembered as the day we first broke down the barrier that made impossible the communication for starting together a new path for the future.

Our letter to the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Florida, Illustrious Brother Danny R. Griffith, has the dual purpose as expressed by you. We have informed him of the results obtained during the discussions with Brethren from Florida, but also invited him to a collaboration within the meaning of signing a Treaty by which the Grand Lodge of Florida will allow the Grand Lodge of Cuba in Exile (the new structure created and based on the existing organizations) to work within its territory, but not having a territorial Jurisdiction, but a l functional jurisdiction in terms of its members and Lodges.

APMR - February 27, 1955, can be considered a day of the future or the past in the history of Cuban Freemasonry?

Grand Master - This was the day of the consecration of our National Grand Masonic Temple in Havana whish today beare the name of "Illustrious Brother Carlos Manuel Piñeiro y del Cueto," as our Parliament Masonic agreed to be a just tribute of recognition of the man who was the greatest promoter and champion of this colossal work.

Carlos M. Piñeiro finished the work begun by his father and Grand Master Piñeiro Crespo, when, in the 20s of last century he began the patient and titanic work to raise funds; funds given by Cuban Freemasons to purchase plot by plot until having the entire land that on which today stands the Grand Temple. It took many years of effort and sacrifice to raise the money needed to start the work, amount obtained almost exclusively from donations of Brethren and Lodges by buying bonds issued for the occasion.

That is why Cuban Freemasons, wherever they are, feel deeply proud of the headquarters of the Grand Lodge of Cuba, despite the ominous circumstances that caused us the lose of control of a part of the building, but we are sure that in the future we can retrieve it.

Hence, the handing over process of one of the Cuban flags hoisted on that glorious day of February 27, 1955, by a group of Freemasons of the new generation (also promoters of the unification process) to Most Worshipful Brother Moris Bosakewich as sacred depository, which symbolizes the most valued desire of all Cuban Freemasons to be again united, firm and strong as we once were in the glorious moment of the consecration of our Temple.

Therefore this gesture and this flag are also symbols of the past, present and future.

APMR - The statement of the Sovereign Grand Commander dated October 13, 2013. Is Cuba today a freer and more united country? Is looking Cuba towards a strong and viable democracy for its citizens?

Grand Master - As I explained earlier the historical conditions experienced today by our country are different and this allows us to consider that all the steps we do to unite all Cuban Freemasons can be a beneficial example for the civil society.

Therefore our haste to fasten and solidify the process; given that Cuban Freemasonry has always been a social vanguard in ethics and patriotism. And when it comes to "do patriotism", we, the Cuban Freemasons, wish to be in the forefront.

APMR - Message № 5 of the Grand Master of Cuba dated 13 October 2013. You are talking about the "indissoluble unity of the Cuban Freemasons."  What do you mean by that?

Grand Master - Deepening in the subject of the unity, we recall that respect for our laws, as well as for the customs of Masonic Regularity which prevents us from promoting Stated Communications with Brethren often departing from our Lodges.

We still can not open our Temples to Cuban Freemasons visiting us and wanting to share our works. The main wall that stands between Cuban Freemasons inside and outside the island is a direct obstacle which we hope to demolish so that we can unite what should never be divided, the Cuban Family of Universal Freemasonry.

It is also an appeal for an "inward" Unity, given that we are nor being exempt of internal problems which divide us. We want this process to continue in our Workshops, in the Lodges who have decided to separate themselves of the Confederation of the Grand Lodge of Cuba and to those who once were inconsistent in form, but not in principles. We want that this process of unification to reach them all because otherwise we can not consider it fully realized.

APMR - Message № 6 of the Grand Master of Cuba dated 14 October 2013. This message is an open letter to all the leaders of Universal Freemasonry. In section 2 you are talking about a possible future recognition of the Cuban Freemasons in the United States by the Inter-American Masonic Confederation and the other Grand Lodges. Must we understand that the two Cuban Grand Lodges will not unite, but will work together separately as two independent Grand Lodges?

Grand Master - In the settlement of variants assessed as viable, we always took into account that it is absolutely impossible to subordinate the Cuban Masonic factions of Florida to the Grand Lodge of Cuba, first because it would mean a territorial invasion, thing which we have always rejected.

Hence the proposal to form a new independent Regular Grand Lodge other than the Grand Lodge of Cuba, one that, as I indicated, will not have territorial Jurisdiction, but shall have a FUNCTIONAL jurisdiction, regarding its Lodges and members. This Grand Lodge would find itself in the conditions to ask universal recognition from the Regular Grand Lodges and will have the right to be part of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation.

Broken those barriers of the qualification of "irregular" received once by all Cuban Masonic factions in Florida will open a new era for a close cooperation and a real Brotherhood between the two Grand Lodges: that of the Cubans living in Cuba and that of the Cubans living and Masonically working outside of Cuba.

APMR - Are you saying in section 3 of the same message that the institution of Cuban Freemasons in the United States must be recognized as regular by the Inter-American Masonic Confederation? What do you mean by that?

Grand Master - This is not necessarily the effect of what we want. In reality we resume a principle expressed in the "Consulting Mason" of Aurelio Almeida from 1883, which, by defining the ways in which it can be formed a regular Grand Lodge recognizes that: “three or more Lodges founded by an irregular body of any kind, as long as a regular Grand Lodge assumed the responsibility and they were prior broken and separated from the body of origin, that Grand Lodge may confer a Charter of Authorization to become a Grand Lodge, and thus providing a Regular condition.”

Since those Cuban Masonic factions in Florida have been declared "irregular" by the Conference of Grand Masters of North America and the Inter-American Masonic Confederation, fall to opt for this path of which we have heard that it was recognized by the Conference of Montevideo (Uruguay, 1947) of IMC.

Obviously, given the absolutely exceptional situation of today regarding Cuban Brethren who work Masonically outside Cuba, we do not know the existence of an antecedent of the application of that method in another Jurisdiction, therefore not being invalid and can be applied in special circumstances such as those present in this case.

It is also evident that the Grand Lodge of Cuba assumes responsibility as the guarantor of the orthodoxy of the regularity of the Lodges that compose the new Grand Lodge, especially through the historic commitment we have to our Brethren to whom we owe this recognition and support.

Achieved this essential requirement of regularity of origin, it accomplishes all 8 requirements expressed by the United Grand Lodge of England in 1935 to define the regularity of a Grand Lodge.

APMR - At the end of this interview what message do you want to send to the International Masonic Community?

Grand Master - Our only message is the one we had supported since long ago and the one which we will still support as long as necessary. The Cuban Freemasonry is one and as ONE it needs to move forward on the path of building a genuine and well-educated family.

There are many steps that still remain to be done, both outside and inside Cuba, but we are confident that the future is promising and the dream of all who one day have dedicated their lives to the Brotherhood will be realized.

To all the other regular Masonic Powers in amity with us we ask them to support this important proposal in the belief that we can put together new bases and precedents of the unity and brotherhood.

APMR - Most Worshipful Grand Master Evaristo Rubén Gutiérrez Torres, we thank you for your kindness in granting us this interview and we wish you, on behalf of our F & Secretary-General, and to all Cubans Freemasons in the country and abroad that this project to be today future and tomorrow present.

100 years since the founding of the District Grand Lodge of Nigeria

Monday, 28 October 2013

Lagos, Nigeria. The District Grand Lodge of Nigeria, led by Brother Olorogun Moses Taiga, celebrated during October 25 to 27, 2013 a century since its foundation. The Grand Lodge works within the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England. The event was attended by the UGLE's Pro Grand Master Peter Lowndes.

General Assembly of the 6th Zone of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation

Friday, 25 October 2013

Lima, Peru. During 24 to 26 October 2013 takes place the General Assembly of the 6th Zone 6 of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation. The event is hosted by the Grand Lodge of Peru. Attending the event are the Grand Lodges of Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru, Spain, Portugal and the Grand Orient of Brazil.

Minister of the Supreme Court of Argentina held a speech for the Argentinian Freemasons regarding the legal system

Buenos Aires, Argentina. Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni, Minister of the Supreme Court of Argentina, held a speech for the Argentinian Freemasons regarding the legal system of the country. He criticized the presidential system and warned about the paralysis of the Magistracy Council in Argentina, adding that the need for a Constitutional reform.

Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni has said he wants to create a Constitutional Tribunal to take over some of the duties of the Supreme Court. The event took place in the Grand Temple of Buenos Aires of the Grand Lodge of Argentina.

Grand Master: Freemasonry should be an instrument of pressure on the Government

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Mexico City, Mexico. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico, Jorge Alejandro Avilés Reyes said that Freemasonry must regain what it once was: an important and influential organization in decision-making in the country.

Cuban Freemasonry more united than ever

Havana, Cuba. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba, Evaristo Rubén Gutiérrez Torres, announced that the Grand Lodge of Cuba in Exile will be called from now on the United Grand Lodge of Cubans in Exile (due to the agreement between the two parties).

This will eliminate the confusion between the two names of the Obediences and will allow Cuban Freemasons from the United States to join the Inter-American Masonic Confederation. The Grand Lodge of Cuba recognizes the Cuban Freemasonry in Exile as regular.

Raphael de Sigoura continues as Sovereign Grand Commander of Greece

Athens, Greece. Athens Court of Appeal dismissed the charges against Sovereign Grand Commander Raphael de Sigoura. The complaint was made ​​by Christos Maneas.

Raphael de Sigoura
Sovereign Grand Commander
Supreme Council of Greece

According to the judgment, the election of Christos Maneas as Sovereign Grand Commander is invalid, the current and lawfully Sovereign Grand Commander being Raphael de Sigoura. Christos Maneas was expelled from the Supreme Council of Greece.

Annual Communication of the National Grand Lodge of Guinea

Conakry, Guinea. On October 12, 2013 was held the Annual Communication of the National Grand Lodge of Guinea (Grand Master A. K. Camara). The event was held at Royal Riviera Hotel.

Among the guests were the leaders and representatives of Freemasonry from Togo, Ivory Coast, Liberia: Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Ivory Coast (Geay Y. Ballo, 33°), Anthony W. Deline, 32° (Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Liberia) and Eden C. Reeves, 32° (Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Togo).

David Macey joined UGLE's Board of General Purposes

Saturday, 19 October 2013

London, United Kingdom. Warwickshire's Provincial Grand Master became a member of the Board of General Purposes of the United Grand Lodge of England. The appointment of David Macey was made by the Grand Master of England, the Duke of Kent.

Born in 1948 in South Shields, David Macey was initiated into Loyal Travellers Lodge #2733 (in 1978) and in 1991 became the Worshipful Master of the Lodge. In July 2010 he became Provincial Grand Master.

Raed Arafat was appointed Chevalier of the Legion of Honor

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Bucharest, Romania. Health Minister Raed Arafat received today the highest civil and military distinction of France: Chevalier of the Legion of Honor.

Grand Lodge of Croatia resumed relations with GLNF

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Zagreb, Croatia. The Grand Lodge of Croatia has officially resumed its relations with the French National Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge was founded on November 8, 1997 with the help of the Grand Lodge of Austria. On December 8, 1999, the United Grand Lodge of England recognized the Grand Lodge of Croatia.

XXIV Conference of Grand Secretaries and Chancellors of Europe

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Rome, Italy. During October 11-12 takes place in Rome the Conference of Grand Secretaries and Chancellors of Europe. The event is hosted by the Grand Orient of Italy. The conference is chaired by the Grand Secretary Alberto Jannuzzelli, being attended by 40 foreign delegations. The XXV Conference will be organized by the United Grand Lodge of England.

Beginning of the unification process of Cuban Freemasonry

Havana, Cuba. The headquarters of the Supreme Council of Cuba recently hosted a historic event: the meeting between the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba and the Grand Master of the Gran Lodge of Cuba in Exile. The event took place in the presence of the Sovereign Grand Commander, this being the first official step towards the unification of Cuban Freemasons.

Evaristo Rubén Gutiérrez Torres and Moris Bosakewish Varon are considering that it is important to approach Cuban Freemasons from the United States and Cuba, and was the Sovereign Grand Commander's Masonic tour in the U.S., that aid the foundation for this cooperation. As a first action, the Sovereign Grand Commander proposed to be recognized the work and dedication of the Cuban "Patriarch"  in exile, Brother Armando Salas Amaro.

Maya Simionescu was appointed Chevalier of the Legion of Honor

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Bucharest, Romania. Romanian academician Maya Simionescu received today the highest civil and military distinction of France: Chevalier of the Legion of Honor.

photo: Agerpres

Royal Arch Bicentenary 1813 - 2013

London, United Kingdom. The event will take place on October 16, 2013, and will mark two centuries of the formal recognition of the Holy Royal Arch as part of pure Ancient Masonry. The ceremony will take place in the Great Temple in London, and the official dinner at Savoy Hotel.

Grand Master of Argentina received the commemorative medal of the Women's Grand Lodge of Romania

Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Argentina received a commemorative medal of the WGLR last weekend. The event took place during the meeting of the American Federation of Women's Freemasonry. The organizer of this event was the Women's Grand Lodge of Argentina, and the chosen location was the Great Temple of Buenos Aires of the Grand Lodge of Argentina.

Former Minister of Germany, Wolfgang Tiefensee, will be awarded the Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Accepted Masons of Germany

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Dortmund, Germany. The Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Accepted Masons of Germany (United Grand Lodges of Germany) will present the "Prize for Humanity" to the Association "Against forgetting - for democracy." The award worth 10,000 euros is given by the Grand Lodge to keep alive the memory against dictatorship and promote civic and political engagement dissociated from extremism.

The event will take place on October 16, 2013, in Dortmund. The prize will be handed to former Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee. Grand Master Axel Pohlmann believes that this year's prize will be awarded to a person worthy and honorable as Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee is. The prize is awarded by the Grand Lodge since 1969 and highlights individuals and associations for outstanding humanitarian actions.

Governor Aury Socorro Guerrero Bowie attended the conference organized by the Grand Lodge of the Andes

Bucaramanga, Colombia. On 4 October 2013, the Grand Lodge of the Andes held a public debate on the repercussions of the decision of the International Court in The Hague regarding the rights of the islanders and racial communities.

At the event was invited the Governor of the province of San Andrés y Providencia Santa Catalina, Ms. Aury Socorro Guerrero Bowie, who pleaded for the cause of Colombia who lost by decision in The Hague, 75 square kilometers in the Caribbean in favor of Nicaragua.

The XI Scottish Congress and meeting of Women Freemason took place in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, Argentina. From 2 to 4  October took place the XI Scottish Congress organized by the Supreme Council of Argentina with the support of the Grand Lodge of Argentina. The same support was received by the Women's Grand Lodge of Argentina which organized the first International Congress of FAMAF (American Federation of Women's Freemasonry) event in which Romania was represented by the Women's Grand Lodge of Romania.

Sovereign Grand Commander of Cuba went on a 28-day tour in the United States of America

Havana, Cuba. From Washington to Miami, Sovereign Grand Commander of Cuba went on a 28-day Masonic tour in the United States. He had several meetings with Cuban political dissidents residing in the United States and held talks with Cuban Freemasons in exile.

On September 7, 2013, he participated in a historic event: the merging the Grand Lodge of the Antilles with the Grand Lodge of Cuba in the Exterior (in exile). This is a first step towards the unification of Cuban Freemasonry.

It was founded the Grand Lodge of the State of Tlaxcala

Tlaxcala, Mexico. The Grand Lodge of the State of Tlaxcala has recently emerged as the first independent Grand Lodge of the Mexican state. The main architect of the founding of the Grand Lodge was the United Grand Lodge of Mexico led by Grand Master Anselmo Juárez Ronquillo.

Italy's President address to the Grand Orient of Italy: "I appreciate the effort to promote culture and Fraternity"

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Rome, Italy. The Italian President Giorgio Napolitano sent a letter to the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy saying that he appreciated "the effort to promote culture and Fraternity". President Napolitano thanked the Grand Orient for the topics covered in this year, topics which combat fundamentalism in all its forms.

Installation Ceremony of the Deputy for the Province of Ghana

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Accra, Ghana. On 14 September 2013 took place the installation ceremony of Brother Dr. Nii Adjetey Bonnie Andrews, 33° as Deputy for the Province of Ghana. The event took place in the presence of over 150 Brethren from Ghana, West Africa, Scotland and the ceremony attended by the Sovereign Grand Commander of Scotland J. M. Marcus Humphrey of Dinnet, 33° and by the Grand Secretary General of Scotland Alexander Galbraith, 33°. The installation speech can be read in full on Masonic Times.

Sadio Lamine SOW was elected Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Mali (Gande Loge Nationale Malienne)

Monday, 23 September 2013

Lomé, Togo. On 12 September 2013 the Grand Masters of Ghana (Otwasuom Osae NYAMPONG VI) and Togo (Kossi R. PAASS) gathered to analyze the situation within the National Grand Lodge of Mali (Gande Loge Nationale Malienne). They have studied carefully all the documents (Constitution and General Regulations) and have concluded that the new elected Grand Master of Mali, Most Worshipful Sadio Lamine SOW, was elected according to Masonic rules and the Constitution of his Grand Lodge.

APMR officially withdraws from Mexico

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Bucharest, Romania. On September 21, 2013, was adopted the #1/2013/6013 Resolution which sets APMR's withdrawal from the United Mexican States, invoking the excessive politicization of the Craft in this country and the use of the image of Freemasonry in personal and political propaganda purposes.

APMR will relocate its entire infrastructure and all its projects in another Grand Masonic Jurisdiction proposed within the ordinary session of APMR's Council, on 21 September 2013. The Agency thus ending a cycle of over 3 years during which it has worked with and for the National Masonic Community of Mexico, promoting the national values of ​​Mexican Freemasonry worldwide and developing projects to promote some of the major Masonic events organized at a state and federal level in Mexico.

Grand Chancellor of the United Grand Lodge of England regarding Jean Pierre Servel: "His actions appear to be restoring harmony within the GLNF"

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

London, United Kingdom. Today took place the Quarterly Communication of the United Grand Lodge of England. UGLE's Grand Chancellor, Derek Dinsmore, presented a statement on the Masonic situation in France. Brother Dinsmore said that Jean Pierre Servel adopted measures that were embraced by GLNF's Brethren and that "His actions appear to be restoring harmony within the GLNF."

The Grand Chancellor said that the Grand Lodges composing  the French Masonic Confederation were never recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England. He also noted that it remains unclear how it will be run and managed the new Masonic body and that the Confederation did not held discussions with GLNF, despite the fact that GLNF was internationally recognized as a regular Grand Lodge for nearly a century.

For UGLE to provide recognition, each member Grand Lodge of the French Masonic Confederation  must fully complied with the Basic Principles for Grand Lodge Recognition.

The Grand Chancellor said that UGLE will not interfere in the internal affairs of French Freemasonry and that UGLE embrace measures taken by GLNF but it will not yet put into discussion the issue of recognition of any Grand Lodges in France and the United Grand Lodge of England will not hold talks with any French Grand Lodge. In the same vein, Derek Dinsmore said that given the conditions, UGLE will not attend the ceremonies marking the 100th anniversary since the founding of GLNF.

Freemasonry flourishes in Malawi

Lilongwe, Malawi. African Freemasonry is growing and Malawi is no exception. In Malawi there are already several Masonic Lodges gathering prominent men of the society. Two of the Lodges work under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England (District Grand Lodge of Zimbabwe), and another under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

The City Hall of Santa Cruz de Tenerife has signed a collaboration agreement with Grand Lodge and the Supreme Council

Monday, 9 September 2013

Santa Cruz, Spain. The City Hall of Santa Cruz (Tenerife) requested advice from the Grand Lodge of Spain for the rehabilitation Masonic Temple in the city, a monument that was damaged for seven decades.

The City Hall has signed a cooperation agreement with the Grand Lodge of Spain for the establishment of Añaza International Centre for Masonic Studies. It was also signed a cooperation agreement with the Supreme Council for Spain.

Grand Lodge of Russia sponsors the Russian-American Youth Summit

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Moscow, Russia. The Grand Lodge of Russia sponsored this year at the request of Brethren from the Grand Lodge of Washington the Russian-American Youth Summit. The first session of the meeting was held on August 27 to 29, 201,3 in Seattle, and the second session will be held in Moscow in March 2014.

Past Sovereign Grand Commander Jesús Luciano Armada Pena died

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Havana, Cuba. On 26 August 2013, the former leader of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Cuba died. Jesús Luciano Armada Pena served as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for Cuba for over a quarter of a century.

A number of lawyers contest the right of Magistrates to be Freemasons

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Bucharest, Romania. Following the decision of the Superior Council of Magistracy, a number of Romanian lawyers expressed their disagreement with the Magistrates' right to be part of Masonic organizations. They argue that this right of the Magistrates seriously violates the Constitution.

Historic event: The Supreme Council (Mother of the World) recognized the Prince Hall Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction

Washington, United States of America. "It's something we have had done a long time ago," said Ronald A. Seale before making an historic announcement. At the ceremony in Washington, today August 26, 2013, Sovereign Grand Commander Seale handed over a letter of recognition to the Prince Hall Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction.

Also, another announcement was made by the Sovereign Grand Commander for the Northern Jurisdiction: if the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction recognizes Prince Hall Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, then we will do it also. Excited to overflowing, Sovereign Grand Commander Deary Vaughn said: "I thought I would not live to see this."


William G. Sizemore 33° became the first Past Sovereign Grand Commander Honoris Causa of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States

Washington, United States of America. An unprecedented event in the history of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States took place today in Washington. William G. "Gene" Sizemore 33° became the first Past Sovereign Grand Commander Honoris Causa of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States. He has served as Grand Executive Director of the Supreme Council, office currently occupied by his son.

Gene Sizemore 33° has announced this morning his withdrawal from the Supreme Council in Washington. He was awarded by the Sovereign Grand Commander with the title of Past Sovereign Grand Commander Honoris Causa. Also, Sizemore received from the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Northern Jurisdiction the highest award, Sizemore being the first ever Freemason alive receiving the medal of the Northern Jurisdiction.

2013 Biennial of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America

Monday, 26 August 2013

Washington, United States of America. Today was held the biennial session of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America. The event was attended by the 32 Grand Masters of the Southern Jurisdiction, 27 Sovereign Grand Commanders and 9 Heads of Delegation of the Supreme Councils from 36 countries (North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe), plus 4 Grand Masters from Europe: Iceland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden.

Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Washington D.C. spoke on behalf of the Southern Jurisdiction Grand Masters and Sovereign Grand Commander of Canada spoke on behalf of the Supreme Councils present. The noted writer Dan Brown sent his greetings to all present.

During the session of the Supreme Council the young representatives were praised and a funny moment was when the International Congress secretary of  DeMolay was invited by Illustrious Ronald Seale to take the Throne of the Sovereign Grand Commander.

At the closing ceremony of the Supreme Council, the Sovereign Grand Commander left the Temple having at his side the two members of DeMolay. The event was also attended by the wives of the members of the Supreme Councils and other guests.

Superior Council of Magistracy: Judges and Prosecutors must declare their membership to Freemasonry

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Bucharest, Romania. Romania's Judges and Prosecutors will have to write in their declaration of interests (public document) whether they belong or not to any Masonic organizations. The decision was taken at CSM's meeting in August 20, 2013.

In April 2013, CSM's Commission #2 established that Magistrates are not incompatible with their status if they are Freemasons. We stress that Romania's Masonic organizations are not secret organizations and are respecting the Constitution and their members are depositing an oath of allegiance to the Country by respecting the Constitution and National laws.

Dutch Ambassador to Romania attended the opening ceremony of RotaractMUN

Friday, 23 August 2013

Baia Mare, Romania. Yesterday took place the opening ceremony of RotaractMUN (Rotaract Global Model United Nations). Besides young people arriving from around the world, the event was attended, among others, by: Dumitru Prunariu (former Ambassador of Romania to Russia), Catalin Cherecheş (Mayor of Baia Mare), Matthijs van Bonzel (Ambassador of the Netherlands to Romania), Kai Frithjof Brand -Jacobsen (PATRIR's founder), Mircea Mecea (President of Rotary Baia Mare) etc.

The Dutch Ambassador to Romania said in his speech: "I are proud that I am a member of the Rotary Club in Costa Rica. I believe that you (today's youth) are a better equip than we were (those of my generation)." More information in Masonic Times.