Asunción, Paraguay. The Grand Commission of External Relations of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay informs us that through Brother Marcos Patussi Conti, a member of the commission, GLSP attended the invitation of the Grand Orient of Santa Catarina and participated at the ceremony of installation of the the new Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master (Alaor Francisco Tissot şi Joao Paulo Sventnickas).
The ceremony took place on the evening of June 25 in Florianopolis Centro Sul. Brother Patussi sent the greetings of Grand Master Euclides Acevedo and offered as gift to the new Grand Master of GOSC the Dagger of Bernardino Caballero, a very appreciated gift by the Master Tissot.
The event was attended by the following: Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Rio Grande do Sul (Gilberto Moreira Mussi), Past Grand Master of Mexico (Eduardo Retiz Licona), Grand Master of Bolivia (Rudy Barbosa Levy), Executive Secretary of the CMI (Rafael Aragon Guevara) and other representatives of national and international regular grand lodges.