Grand Lodge of France and GLUDE did not attend NGLR's Annual Communication

Monday 31 October 2011

Bucharest, Romania. In today's edition Jurnal Masonic talks about the Annual Communication of the National Grand Lodge of Romania (MLNaR), led by Tudorel Niţulescu.

The grand absent of this meeting was the Grand Lodge of France and even Alain Graesel (President of GLUDE). The Grand Lodge of France forbade its members to participate in this event as official representatives of GLdF. In coming days it is expected a radical and public reaction of the Grand Lodge of France.

Guy Arcizet demands resignation of GOdF's Brethren involved in the "Carlton Affair"

Paris, France. The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France asked all Brothers involved in the "Lille Carlton Affair" to resign. He said that if their innocence will be proven then there will be no problem to reintegrate them into GOdF's Lodges.

In tomorrow's edition of the Jurnal Masonic will appear for first time in Romania an article regarding "Carlton Affair," Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) and GOdF's members involved in this scandal that shake the political, economic, social and Masonic scene in France and beyond.

Cardinal Dom Raymundo Damasceno meets with leaders of Brazil's Freemasonry

Aparecida, Brazil. CMSB's Secretary General (Vanderlei Valente) and COMAB's Secretary General (Ricardo Rubens Franz) met with Cardinal Dom Raymundo Damasceno (President of CNBB and Cardinal Archbishop of Aparecida). The theme of discussion was centered on how they can act to improve education of the Brazilian people and strengthen family values​​.

Source: COMAB

IX European Masonic Meeting

Thursday 27 October 2011

Montecatini Terme, Italy. Starting tomorrow October 28 and until Sunday, October 30, 2011, the town of Montecatini Terme will host the IX European Masonic Meeting. At the event organized by the Grand Orient of Italy will attend members of the "Europe (Europa)" Lodges.

Tomorrow's event will be attended by members of the Grand Lodges of Norway, Germany, Andorra, Cyprus, France, etc. Also, the Grand Master of Poland announced his presence.

71st Annual Conference of Western Canada Grand Lodges

Banff, Canada. The 71st Annual Conference of Western Canada Grand Lodges was held this year in Banff. As every year this edition was successful. The event took place on October 12-14, 2011.

Grand Lodge of Connecticut withdrew recognition of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF)

Sunday 23 October 2011

Hartford, United States of America. On September 16, 2011, the Grand Secretary (Robert G. Fitzgerald) of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut announced that on October 22, 2011 will be organized the Annual Communication. During yesterday's meeting was withdrawn recognition of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF). The announcement comes less than two months before the French National Grand Lodge General Assembly.

World Championship of Chess for Youth

Friday 21 October 2011

Goiânia, Brazil. Brother's Elísio Gonzaga da Silva (Deputy Grand Secretary for Social Action and Public Relations - Grand Lodge of Goias) grandson, Gabriel Gonzaga Garcia will represent Brazil at the World Championship of Chess for Youth to be held in Caldas Novas. The championship will be attended by representatives from over 30 countries worldwide.

Was founded the Grand Lodge of Albania

Tirana, Albania. Last week was founded the Grand Lodge of Albania. The emergence of this new European Grand Lodge is due to the efforts of the Grand Orient of Italy, the main artisan of this project. Gustavo Raffi declared its satisfaction with the success of this required project. More then ten Grand Lodges took part in this important Masonic event for the Freemasonry of the Balkan Peninsula.

Thomas Jackson was the one who led the ceremony and he was accompanied by Grand Master Gustavo Raffi (Grand Orient of Italy), Grand Master Nicolaos Vourgidis (National Grand Lodge of Greece) and the Grand Master Petar Kostic (Grand Lodge of Serbia).

General Assembly of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF)

Paris, France. On December 3, 2011 will be held the Annual General Assembly of the French National Grand Lodge. The event will begin at 13:00 and will take place in l'Espace Marcel Cerdan à Levallois-Perret. At the Masonic ceremony will take part only GLNF's Masters Masons and foreign delegations. Also during the meeting will be presented the Moral Report, the Report of the Home Affairs Committee and the Report of Foreign Affairs Committee.

Annual Meeting of Fenix/Phoenix Lodges of the Southern Cone in pictures

Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay ends problems in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul

Campo Grande, Brazil. During a visit to Campo Grande, Deputy Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay, César Núñez Alarcón, and Brother Jorge Sánchez Cristaldo (Representative of the Grand Master for the Amamba Department) met with the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Jordão Abreu Da Silva Junior, and its Department of International Relations.

On this occasion was issued the Decree No 121 of 2009/2012, which recognizes Most Worshipful Brother Euclides Acevedo Candia as the legitimate representative of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay and as its Grand Master.

According to Article 2 are recognize only the Regular Lodges under the obedience of the Grand Master mentioned above. According to Article 3 are prohibited any relationships and especially visits between members of the Lodges under Grand Lodge of Mato Grosso do Sul with Lodges and Brothers who are not members of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay.

The importance of Masonic Lodges in the Armed Forces

Monday 17 October 2011

London, United Kingdom. Today in London there is an annual gathering of military Freemasons. On the same day will also take place a meeting of the RAF Lodge where a new Worshipful Master is to be installed. In today's meeting will be elected the new leadership and they shall address administrative issues.

The importance of Masonic Lodges in the Armed Forces

Throughout history many European or American army officers were members of the Masonic Order. Over time began to appear Masonic Lodge with soldiers and officers as sole members. Few of today's Freemasons are aware of the fact that during the interwar Romania hosted (with the help of the Lodge of Constanţa) a series of military Brothers. A case little known today about Brother Jean Pangal is that he was asked that the members of the Lodge in Constanţa to receive the visit of all Freemasons on board the Devonshire cruiser (HMS Devonshire). As stated at the time in official documents, the military ship had on board a Masonic Temple.

Today the tradition continues to exist not only inspiring among Freemasons respect for order and discipline, but sometimes also ensuring that the fundamental principles of Freemasonry are always promoted in the most remote places on the planet. The relationship between two comrades is important but when these are Freemasons and Brothers increase significantly the power of that connection and is always visible.

Photo: Naval History and Heritage Command
Source: Secretariat V

Brother Gian Luigi Zampieri opened the Radio Chamber Orchestra season

Saturday 15 October 2011

Bucharest, Romania. On October 12, 2011, conductor Gian Luigi Zampieri opened the 2011/2012 Season of the Romanian Radio Chamber Orchestra. Brother Gian Luigi Zampieri (member of the Grand Orient of Italy) presented his own composition entitled Non Nobis Domine, Portrait of Jacques DeMolay.

Outstanding performance of Brother Gian Luigi Zampieri (Non nobis Domine - Ritratto di Jacques de Molay)

The 34th Meeting of the VI Zone of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Montevideo, Ururguay. On October 7, 2011 was held the 34th Meeting of the VI Zone of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation. The meeting was chaired by Ángel Jorge Clavero (Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Argentina). Also took part in the event Rudy Barbosa (Grand Lodge of Bolivia), Oscar de Alfonso Ortega (Grand Lodge of Spain), Daniel Rilo (Grand Lodge of Uruguay), Alejandro Jara (Grand Secretary on Foreign Affairs of the Grand Lodge of Chile ) Colaccioppo Tullio Junior (Grand Secretary on Foreign Affairs of the Grand Orient of Brazil), Rui Clemente (Grand Secretary of the Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal), Tomás Alvarez Manrique (Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Peru), Hernando Osorio Rico (Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Colombia at Cartagena de Indias), Rafael Aragón (Executive Secretary of the MIC) and Euclides Acevedo Candia (Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay).

Grand Master Euclides Acevedo gave a dissertation about "Secularism as state policy", informs the Grand Commission on Foreign Relations of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay. The next day were debated philosophical and administrative issues.

During the meeting was highlighted the arrival of the Paraguayan committee, being the largest.

Courtesy of the Grand Commission on Foreign Relations Committee of the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay

The first march against corruption in Goias

Goiânia, Brazil. The Grand Lodge of Goias and the Grand Orient of Goias organized today the first march against corruption in Goias. It is the first event of its kind in the Brazilian state where more then 50 institutions participated. The Masonic Family considered the initiative as necessary. The two Grand Masters attended the ceremony.

Etienne Davignon and the "European Union after sovereign debt crisis"

Bucharest, Romania. According to the communique issued by the National Bank of Romania, on October 14, 2011 will be held the Conference "European Union after sovereign debt crisis", supported by Etienne Davignon and Richard Nathan Haass. The event will be held in Mitiță Constantinescu hall.

The event under the auspices of NBR promises to be outstanding also taking into account the presence of the Bilderberg Group President and CFR's President. The conference will be moderated by Mr. Emil Hurezeanu.

Shock for the members of the National Gran Lodge of Romania (MLNaR): Grand Lodge of France breaks relations and recognition treaty with MLNaR

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Paris, France. Jurnal Masonic published in today's edition a few paragraphs from the letter sent by the Grand Chancellor to his Romanian counterpart from MLNaR. In the same vein is exposed the position of Dănacu, the expelled Past Grand Master.

In a letter addressed to MLNaR's members, Viorel Dănacu deplores the situation reached within MLNaR, demanding cancellation of all decrees issued last year by Tudorel Niţulescu. Everything will depend on decisions taken during the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, an annual event which will take place on October 29, 2011. To date, the National Grand Lodge of Romania (MLNaR) has not officially announced the break with the Grand Lodge of France (GLdF).

Mention: Do not confuse MLNaR with MLNR

Ngawang Samten on Inter-Religious Dialogue in Tibet and diversity

APMR raises embargo on all news regarding the Grand Lodge of France

Bucharest, Romania. Two years ago APMR decided to impose an embargo on all information regarding the Grand Lodge of France. Since that time APMR did not published any news concerning or related with GLdF. Following adjustments made ​​on October 9, APMR's Secretariat General decided to end the embargo.

Interview with Professor Yuri Hulkin BALAM RAMOS about the relationship between Freemasonry and the welfare of the society

Friday 7 October 2011

Professor Yuri Hulkin BALAM RAMOS had kindly offered an interview to the Secretary-General of the Masonic Press Agency of Romania shortly after the World Conference in Bucharest.

Sir, you have attended the World Conference held in Bucharest in September, presenting a dissertation on Mayan culture. Why do you think Freemasonry is interested in the success of civilizations in the world?

Yuri H. BALAM RAMOS - Freemasonry is a worldwide organization that had a decisive influence in certain chapters of the modern history of the planet. However, its influence has declined significantly due to several factors, including its removal from the political and economic circles of power. I think that its approach to know more about the achievements of certain civilizations in the world could push to revive the organization in terms of intellectuality.

Do you think that the Masonic Order in any form can claim success of a civilization that no longer exist today?

Yuri H. BALAM RAMOS - Yes, it can claim success of these civilizations for two reasons: first its role as defender of the freedoms beyond religion and government make the Order to have the moral and ethical leadership that is found today only in academic and intellectual circles and, secondly, because no one has a title of property on the knowledge which being a human expression, belongs to all people.

You who come from a family of Freemasons living in Mexico, Yucatan Peninsula, which you think is the contribution of the Grand Lodge to the development of the Mexican society in that part of the country?

Yuri H. BALAM RAMOS - Now its role is limited to internal study of the rituals because its protagonist role in public life in Yucatan took a secondary place. We believe that we are facing a moment of internal peace which in the future will serve for the revival of the Order beyond the dogmatic and fanatical trends in our lives.

A few days ago in Chetumal was signed a historic document between the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico and the Grand Lodge of Quintana Roo. From your point of view and from the historical point of view, what kind of relationship existed between the Freemasonry from the central part of the country and that of the Yucatan Peninsula?

Yuri H. BALAM RAMOS - Freemasonry in the Yucatan Peninsula was born in Campeche and afterwards is recognized nationally, suffering divisions by the appearance of the Grand Lodges in Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo. Under the auspices of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico were recognized the Grand Lodges of the states of the Republic of Mexico in the twentieth century, having a great influence not because of having jurisdiction over the territory, but because of its leadership which was in the capital and because was respected by all powers of the provinces; in addition, because there were the most nationally known Freemasons of Mexico.

You have written a book about the history of Freemasonry in the Yucatan Peninsula. Over time which was the most important action of Freemasonry for the welfare of the society in the Yucatan Peninsula?

Yuri H. BALAM RAMOS - In my opinion had a role of opposing the radical clerical tendencies represented by the Catholic Church, as defender of the secular education and as a catalyst for liberal ideas, even if today it seems obsolete in the past there was a real confrontation with the conservative thesis which at that time still had an undisputed hegemony over a large part of the population.

Professor and my dear friend, thank you for your courtesy of giving this interview to the Masonic Press Agency of Romania.

Yuri H. BALAM RAMOS - On the contrary, thanks for the invitation and count on me for any collaboration when considered necessary. A warm and fraternal greetings!

BRAZIL: Freemasonry and the fight against corruption

Monday 3 October 2011

Goiânia, Brazil. Grand Master Ruy Rocha de Macedo gave an interview yesterday for the most important newspaper in Goias. Ruy Rocha talked about Fremasonry's fight against corruption illustrating the importance of Freemasonry and of the Confederation of Symbolic Masonry of Brazil in the process.

He also stated that the Grand Lodge supports Dilma Rousseff in her process to reduce corruption at national level.

Frank Loui is the new Grand Master of California

Sunday 2 October 2011

San Francisco, United States of America. Over 1,200 Freemasons took part in the 162 Annual Communications of the Grand Lodge of California. Among the concerns of this year was the oncology, for which funds were raised. Loui Frank was elected and installed Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California.

Grand Lodge of Estonia no longer recognizes GLNF

Tallinn, Estonia. After losing the recognitions of the Grand Lodges from Northern Europe, now it's time of those from Eastern Europe. The Grand Lodge of Estonia is the first Grand Lodge of Eastern Europe to withdrew recognition of the GLNF. First country in Southeast Europe was Bulgaria. By this time, National Grand Lodge of Romania has not issued any document in this regard.

Grand Lodge of Chile and President Piñera at the dialogue table

Saturday 1 October 2011

Santiago, Chile. On September 27, 2011 took place a meeting between the Grand Lodge of Chile and the President, after his return from the UN General Assembly. The delegation of the Grand Lodge was led by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Luis Riveros Cornejo.

photo: Grand Lodge of Chile

President Sebastian Piñera Echenique and the Grand Master spoke about education and how to modify Chile's education system. Piñera was very pleased with the meeting and, in particular with the contribution of Freemasonry brought recently by statements on the educational conflict in Chile.

President Piñera expressed his interest in participating next year at the anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Chile, an event which will take place in Valparaiso, Chile's Masonic cradle.

Installation of the Grand Master of Rondônia

Porto Velho, Brazil. The Grand Master of Goias attended the Installation Ceremony of the Grand Master of Rondônia. The event took place on September 17, 2011 in the presence of several Grand Masters of Brazil.

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