Grand Lodge of India celebrated its Golden Jubilee (50 years)

Wednesday 30 November 2011

New Delhi, India. Last weekend the Grand Lodge of India celebrated 50 years since its founding in 1961. The event was marked by commemorative ceremonies attended by several Masonic delegations. The Grand Lodge of India was founded on November 24, 1961, being the most important Grand Lodge of South Asia.

The most notable presence was that of Brother David Kenneth Williamson (Assistant Grand Master), the representative of the United Grand Lodge of England. Former President of India Abdul Kalam was the guest of honor of the Grand Lodge.

Also attended the event delegates from several European countries and Thomas Jackson, Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges. Brother ASUDEO J. MASUREKAR was elected Grand Master.

With the occasion of the jubilee was launched a commemorative stamp with Masonic elements. APMR remember that the next World Conference will be organized by the Grand Lodge of India, and in 2014 by the National Grand Lodge of Romania.

Photo: Ajay Raina

Does the Grand Orient of France and the Grand Lodge of France mix in GLNF's internal affairs?

Paris, France. On december3rd, will take place the Annual Communication of the French National Grand Lodge. Amid scandal and internal division, several Grand Lodges withdrew recognition in recent months given to the GLNF, the last of which is the Grand Lodge of Lithuania, as shown in the communiqué issued by Brother Žygintas Būčys, Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge of Lithuania. Despite this, internal war continued in the letter issued by several Provincial Grand Masters Provincial who have "asked" to all the Grand Masters invited to not attend the invitation.

The state of uncertainty was fueled by a letter sent recently to the United Grand Lodge of England, by Alain Bauer (former Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France, currently Nicolas Sarkozy's advisor), Michel Barat (former Grand Master of GLdF) and Roger Dachez (President of the Masonic Institute of France) in which they are asking Alan Englefield (UGLE's Grand Chancellor) to put an end to the situation in France.

This document can be seen as an interference of the two Masonic Obediences in the internal affairs of the French National Grand Lodge. APMR recalls that the Grand Lodges of Africa this year signed a document in which pledged to support GLNF.

Supreme Council of Nicaragua celebrates its Golden Jubilee (50 years)

Managua, Nicaragua. As of 30 November and until 3 December 2011, the Supreme Council of Nicaragua celebrates its Golden Jubilee. The event is supported by the Grand Lodge of Nicaragua, led by Grand Master Juan Jose Medina Vargas.

Roberto Jose Hernandez
Sovereign Grand Commander

The Supreme Council of Nicaragua was founded in 1961 and is recognized by the Supreme Councils affiliated to the Supreme Council of Southern jurisdiction of the United States. During this evening the Sovereign Grand Commander will offer to the delegations present at the event a cocktail, followed tomorrow, December 1st by the anniversary program started with a 33 Degree Masonic meeting.

British Freemasons help finding a new drug for sclerosis

Monday 28 November 2011

London, United Kingdom. The University of Cambridge has received in 2010 £100.000 from the charity fund of the Freemasons of the United Grand Lodge of England. On November 14, 2011 it was announced a major success in the research of a new drug (alemtuzumab). The drug is designed to help people suffering from multiple sclerosis.

Grand Lodge of Baja California signs treaty with the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay

Tijuana, Mexico. Grand Lodge of Baja California signed a Recognition Treaty with the Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay (GLSP) led by Most Worshipful Grand Master Euclides Acevedo.

Debate on American and Latin American Freemasonry in the United States

Sunday 27 November 2011

Los Angeles, United States of America. UCLA will host on December 3, 2011, an international conference on Latin American and American Freemasonry. The conference will be led by two women: Margaret C. Jacob and Eugenia María Vázquez Semadeni.

Margaret C. Jacob is a history professor at UCLA and one of the most renowned scholars on Freemasonry in the world specialized in the history of Freemasonry. María Eugenia Vázquez Semadeni is a specialist in Mexican political culture of the nineteenth century and in the history of Freemasonry. She is also one of the founders of the Center for Studies on the History of Freemasonry in the Caribbean and Latin America.

Grand Lodge of Spain and the Ministry of Culture signed an agreement

Madrid, Spain. On October 18 signed a cooperation agreement between the Grand Lodge of Spain and the Ministry of Culture was signed. Through this agreement both institutions are committed to preserving and promoting historical Masonic documents in Spain. Also the Spanish Government recognizes that the Grand Lodge of Spain is the heir of the traditional Freemasonry in the Spanish Kingdom.

"Lino Salvini" Studies Institute

Florence, Italy. "Lino Salvini" Studies Institute was founded in Italy. One of the most famous Grand Masters of the Grand Orient of Italy is Lino Salvini. The Institute that bears his name today was founded by Gaetano Tucci and is led by President Giancarlo Domenichini.

Salvini became Worshipful Master of the La Concordia Lodge in 1962 and led for nine years the Grand Orient of Italy as Grand Master (1970-1979). The Institute aims to promote cultural and social initiatives with the aim of disclosure the principles that inspire man to improve himself and his fellows.

Brother Dumitru Prunariu launches today the "Tin Tin on the Moon" comic book

Friday 25 November 2011

Bucharest, Romania. Today at 18:00 o'clock, November 25th, 2011, at the Gaudeamus International Fair will be launched latest edition of the comic book "Tin Tin on the Moon." The event will take place at the 201 stand of the Central Pavilion of Romexpo.

Brother Dumitru Prunariu (Member of the Order of the Templar, York Rite and of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite) will officially launch the book. He is the first Romanian astronaut, former Ambassador of Romania in the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space at the UN.

The French National Grand Lodge (GLNF) signed a Recognition Treaty with the Grand Lodge of Baja California

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Tijuana, Mexico. The Grand Lodge of Baja California signed this weekend a Treaty of Recognition with the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF), led by Grand Master Francois Stifani.

APMR recalls that GLNF is a full member of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation, part of Zone 2 with the Grand Orient of Haiti, the Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic, the Grand Lodge of Puerto Rico and the Grand Lodge of Cuba.

The Inter-American Masonic Confederation has completed its sessions in Mexico

Tijuana, Mexico. In the past three days Mexico hosted the biggest Masonic event of the end of this year. On the first day of work and according to the protocol, were presented the messages of the civil authorities and leaders of all the Masonic bodies present at the event. Were also established the round tables. According to the official agenda, were discussed topics such as democratic development, social solidarity, social progress, social justice, the secular and social security.

In an exclusive interview with the Masonic Press Agency of Romania, the Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge of Baja California, Brother Miguel Carreño Bahena, spoke about the importance of the symbolism of this event and the importance for all Freemasons of belonging to a Regular Grand Lodge recognized as such in all Masonic organizations and forums, including the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges. APMR points out that the Grand Lodge of Baja California signed this year in Bucharest a Treaty of Recognition with the National Grand Lodge of Romania (MLNR) headed by Most Worshipful Grand Master Radu Balanescu.

In the same interview the Grand Secretary spoke about the universality of the of the topics discussed by the Grand Master and the fact that justice and social security are things that Freemasonry has always sought to improve.

Miguel Bahena Carreño pointed out that the preparatory meeting for the 2012 General Assembly to be held in Brazil was successful. All subjects were carefully reviewed and adopted by the Grand Lodges present, respecting the sovereignty and independence of each member. Finally, he defined the IMC as a "society builder."

Romanya Masonik Haber Ajansı - Masonic Press Agency of Romania in Turkish

Monday 21 November 2011

Bucharest, Romania. Today November 21, during a special day for the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR), it was officially launched the RMHA (Romanya Masonik Haber Ajansı) project, the Turkish version of APMR. The project is an old initiative of APMR's Secretary-General.

Romanya Masonik Haber Ajansı (RMHA) will be launched at the end of the work needed to develop the new Turkish format. Thus APMR wants to emphasize the importance offered to all Turkish speaking Freemasons and to the Turkish Freemasonry.

APMR expands its activities in the lusophone world

Sunday 20 November 2011

Bucharest, Romania. "The importance of the lusophone world is very high for us," said APMR's Secretary-General today. On November 20, 2011, the Secretariat General of the Masonic Press Agency of Romania has decided to relaunch Jornal Maçônico (first member, with APMR, which led to the founding of Masonic Press Group in Romania in August 2009). Today also begins the final preparations for APMR's Portuguese virtual page.

"APMR's joy to be able to reach out to our Brethren who speak Portuguese is great. the lusophone Lusofon is so large that includes Europe, South America, Africa and Asia. Freemasons from Portugal, Brazil, Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique, Macau, São Tomé e Príncipe, Guinea-Bissau and East Timor will soon be able to read APMR's news in Portuguese."

The Inter-American Masonic Confederation started its sessions

Saturday 19 November 2011

Tijuana, Mexico. Today started the operative sessions of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation (CMI) taking place in Tijuana, Baja California. Friday night arrived all international delegations attending the most important Masonic event in Latin America.

At 9:00 local time took place the opening session of the Masonic meeting where Freemasons honoured the national flag of Mexico, there were presented all civil authorities present and Grand Masters attending. Also in the opening it was presented the message of Tijuana's Mayor (Brother Carlos Bustamante Anchondo).

Grand Master Raul Arturo Gomez Mariscal started his speech at 10:05 am and after him followed Romulado Sanchez Solorzano (IMC Zone I President), Rafael Aragon Guevara (IMC Executive Secretary) and Jorge Jaramillo Valencia (IMC President). Later was composed all the lucrative round tables and the IMC President was the one who opened the meeting lucrative activities. After closing the first session the guests took a break. At this moment they are having lunch and will resume work in minutes.

Grand Master Luis Riveros Cornejo: "I believe in young people"

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Santiago, Chile. The Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Chile has granted an interview yesterday to the main news channel in Chile. Luis Riveros Cornejo (former rector of the University of Chile) expressed his points of view on the subjects of the national agenda. He further mentioned that the Grand Lodge will invite several former heads of state to discuss various current issues, also noting here Bachelet.

"I believe in young people," said Riveros Cornejo, referring to the fact that they have long-term visions. In the same vein the Grand Master said that "One of the problems is that we did not asked young people what they want." Regarding matters on the agenda of the political class in Chile, Riveros Cornejo said: "The grand issues for the future and what kind of education we want for the future are absent."

he Interamerican Masonic Confederation debates social issues in Tijuana, Mexico

Tijuana, Mexico. During the sessions of the Interamerican Masonic Confederation Freemasons will be discussing several issues such as democratic development, social solidarity, social progress, social justice, secular state and social security.

Rafael Aragon and Miguel Insulza (OAS's Secretary General)
signing the agreement in Washington D.C.

We must mention the fact that IMC is renowned for its social and educational projects in Latin America. The most important step was made a few years ago by signing with the OAS (Organization of American States) a protocol regarding education.

More information regarding the event here

Grand Orient of Italy to help flood victims

Milan, Italy. The Grand Orient of Italy established a support fund for people affected by floods in Tuscany and Liguria. Thus, Gustavo Raffi is proving again the historical solidarity of the Grand Orient with Italian people.

Christmas Concert at Freemasons' Hall in Scotland

Edinburgh, United Kingdom. On December 11, 2011, the Phoenix Choir of Glasgow will perform at the Christmas Concert. The event will be held in Freemasons' Hall and is supported by the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

GOIÂNIA - Second Masonic March against corruption

Second Masonic March against corruption

Goiânia, Brazil. The second Masonic March against corruption took place on November 15 in Brazil, an important day in the history of Brazilian Freemasonry since on November 15 was Proclaimed the Republic. The march took place in several capitals of the Brazilian states.

In Goias attended Freemasons of the Grand Lodge and the Grand Orient, led by the two Grand Masters: Ruy Rocha and Barbosa Nunes. Also attended the event the Public Ministry, Order of Lawyers of Brazil, trade unions, students, Federal Police and representatives of various religious cults.

Latin American Freemasons meet in Mexico for 2012 CMI's General Assembly

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Tijuana, Mexico. During November 17 to 20, 2011, will be held the Preparatory reunion of the IMC General Assembly (Inter-American Masonic Confederation). The event is organized by the Grand Lodge of Baja California and promoted throughout the working sessions by APMR.

Dr. Raúl Arturo Gómez Mariscal
Grand Master of Baja California

This week's meeting is preparatory for the 2012 general assembly to be held in Brazil. This year announced their presence in Tijuana IMC's Executive Secretary (Rafael Aragon Guevara), IMC's President (Jorge Jaramillo Valencia) and IMC's Zone/Area I President (Romualdo Sánchez Solórzano).

Pyramids of Egypt have been closed this evening for fear of Masonic rituals

Friday 11 November 2011

Cairo, Egypt. According to APMR's Foreign Affairs Chancellery today was scheduled a Masonic Concert on the plateau of Giza, near the Great Pyramid of Khufu. Officials in Cairo adopted a relatively bizarre decision on the closure of the pyramids to avoid the practice of Masonic rituals and also to avoid the concert.

However in the closure process of the Egyptian pyramids are involved several institutions: Pharaonic Archaeology Department, Supreme Council of Antiquities and the Ministry of Interior. Several Egyptian organizations (including the Muslim Brotherhood) have protested and rejected the possibility of conducting any Masonic ritual within the pyramids. The Supreme Council of Antiquities and the Giza Governorate confirmed that the Masonic ceremony was canceled but that the pyramids remain temporarily closed.

Freemasons of the Grand Orient oppose Nicolas Sarkozy

Paris, France. In October, GOdF's Combat Lodge issued an open letter to all Lodges who wanted to invite Nicolas Sarkozy (Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa, Co-Prince of the Principality of Andorra and Master of the Legion of Honor) to the debates organized by GOdF.

Freemasons of Combat Lodge publicly declared their opposition to Sarkozy's participation in these debates, not wanting the president to be invited on Rue Cadet.

Preparatory reunion of the Interamerican Masonic Confederation - 2011, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Rumors about a new Masonic policy: UGLE's member arrives at the Temple of the Grand Orient of France in Paris

Paris, France. This evening in Paris at 21:00, Romania's time zone, will take place a historic event, as shown by the members of the Grand Orient of France. Its all about the visit of Brother Julian Rees from the United Grand Lodge of England, a close friend of Lord Compton.

Julian Rees will talk about "The spiritual path of Freemason" in a comparative analysis on convergence. The invitation was made by l'International Lodge and Grand Master Guy Arcizet announced its presence at this event Masonic along with the Deputy Grand Master Jean-Pierre Tandin.

Scottish Rite Center in Fort Wayne is bought by local University

Sunday 6 November 2011

Fort Wayne, United States of America. The University of Saint Francis of the U.S. state of Indiana has announced that was acquired the Scottish Rite Center. According to the press release issued, the University reports that the spot was used throughout time for social events such as proms and graduation ceremonies.

Prince Charles drew attention today by his tie colors: red, yellow and blue

Friday 4 November 2011

Johannesburg, South Africa. The UK Crown Prince, Prince Charles (nephew of the Grand Master of UGLE) arrived today in South Africa for a visit of three days before arriving in Tanzania. Prince Charles drew attention today by his tie colors: red, yellow and blue (colors of the national flag of Romania). His affinity for the natural and pristine Romanian landscapes is known worldwide, and its actions to promote Romania are not something new.

Prince Charles and the Grand Master of Gabon discussed the issue of global warming

London, United Kingdom. On 27 October 2011, Prince Charles (nephew of UGLE's Grand Master) had a meeting with the President of Gabon, Ali Bongo (Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Gabon). The invitation was launched by the Crown Prince of the British Crown.

The full story can be read in today's edition of the IMP Save the Planet.

"The crisis of values​​" is the main concern of Spanish Freemasons, shows the survey conducted by GLE

Madrid, Spain. The Grand Lodge of Spain released a survey in its attempt to open to the profane society in Spain. According to the survey and as opposed to Spanish society that claims to be Catholic at a rate of 70.1%, most of theSpanish Freemasons declare themselves as spiritual (35.4%) and Christians (32%). Only 11.6% declare themselves Catholics.

With regard to political orientation, 23.8% consider themselves liberal, 15.6% conservative and 16.3% Social Democrats. The "crisis of values​​" is the main concern of Spanish Freemasons (43.8%), 25.8% considering that this problem is valid also for Spain.

It should be noted that the survey answered only by 31.4% of the interviewed Freemasons between September 26 and October 12, 2011. The poll has a margin of error of 3.3%.

Sarkozy, Obama, Cameron and Berlusconi at the G20

Thursday 3 November 2011

Cannes, France. Today began the summit of G20 leaders. The event was attended, among others, by President Obama, who was greeted warmly by President Sarkozy and the crowd gathered in front of the meeting's building. Also have taken part in the reunion Silvio Berlusconi, Felipe Calderon, Jose Manuel Barroso, Stephen Harper, David Cameron and Herman van Rompuy (photo).

Mexican Freemasons discussed the current situation of Mexico

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Chihuahua, Mexico. According to Diario Masónico, the Grand Lodge of Chihuahua held a meeting on last Saturday with the Grand Lodges of the Confederation of Regular Grand Lodges of the United Mexican States. The event was attended by the Grand Masters of Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Durango and Chihuahua, along with the Executive Secretary of the Confederation (Javier Muñoz), representing the President Felipe Vitela Mora.

The host Grand Master, Dr. Fernando Acosta Martínez informed that three round tables were set to work with the following topics: analysis of mechanisms of communication between the Grand Lodges in the country; examining and putting into action the various agreements emanating from the latest Masonic national boards; the political, economic and social situation of the country.

NGLR decided: "The exclusion of the Past Grand Master Viorel Dănacu"

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Bucharest, Romania. According to the press release issued on November 1 by NGLR, the first Grand Master of the NGLR Viorel Dănacu (one of the main founders of this obedience, with Nicu Filip) was officially expelled from the Grand Lodge. The press release also mentions that the event was attended by delegations from Europe.

Please note that the mentioned Grand Lodge is MLNaR and not MLNR (recognized by UGLE). Both have in English the same translation.

Masonic Times

Agencia de Prensa Masónica

Agência de Imprensa Maçônica