- In France appears a new Grand Lodge | National Con...
- The next General Assembly of the Inter-American Ma...
- Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the Phi...
- Manuel Jiménez Guzmán is the new Sovereign Grand C...
- Freemasonry supports the community
- 21st century: The era of Masonic action
- There is dialogue between the Church and Freemasonry
- Brother Mario Arturo Acosta Chaparro was murdered
- Earth Day 2012
- The first Annual Communication in 2012 of the Regu...
- Freemasonry and the Constitutional Court of Portugal
- Annual Communication of the National Grand Lodge o...
- Scott Krieger (President of the Commission on Info...
- Mario Ignacio Artaza held a conference on China an...
- Onosandro Trejo Cerda is honored by the Grand Lodg...
- Fabio Venzi was awarded by Juhani Vuori
- Marcos José da Silva is the new President of the I...
- Tomas Álvarez Manrique is the new Executive Secret...
- EXCLUSIVE | Final interview before elections with ...
- EXCLUSIVE | Final interview before elections with ...
- Portugal broke off Masonic relations with France
- Cold War in Portuguese Freemasonry
- The unthinkable happens: a Grand Lodge consecrated...
- Gustavo Raffi: Freemasonry provides a concrete spa...
In France appears a new Grand Lodge | National Congress of the Grande Loge de l'Alliance Française Maçonnique

Posted by A at 16:55
The next General Assembly of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation will take place in Europe
Posted by A at 16:54
Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines

Posted by A at 12:49
Manuel Jiménez Guzmán is the new Sovereign Grand Commander of Mexico

Source: Mariano Arista Lodge, APMR's State Collaborator in SLP-MX
Posted by A at 12:46
21st century: The era of Masonic action
Posted by A at 23:30
There is dialogue between the Church and Freemasonry

In his speech, the Bishop recalled that 10 years ago there were discrete negociations between Freemasonry and the Catholic Church leadership in the country and that the correspondent between those two was Cardinal Ivo Lorscheider (last Brazilian bishop to be anointed by Pope Paul VI during the Vatican Council II in 1965) which now is dead. Dom Luiz Demetrio Valentini participated in the 1997 Special Synod of America, where he was elected member of the standing committee.
Posted by A at 01:47
The first Annual Communication in 2012 of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy
Posted by A at 18:46
Annual Communication of the National Grand Lodge of Romania

Posted by A at 14:24
Scott Krieger (President of the Commission on Information for Recognition) attended the IMC's General Assembly in Brasilia

Posted by A at 12:03
Mario Ignacio Artaza held a conference on China and the world economy
Posted by A at 12:01
Onosandro Trejo Cerda is honored by the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico

Posted by A at 12:00
Fabio Venzi was awarded by Juhani Vuori

Posted by A at 00:24
Marcos José da Silva is the new President of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation

Marcos José da Silva is the Grand Master General of the Grand Orient of Brazil, the oldest Masonic Obedience in Brazil, founded in 1822. GOB is the organization that helped winning Brazil's independence and to transform it into the country of our days.
Posted by A at 14:07
Tomas Álvarez Manrique is the new Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation
Tomas Álvarez Manrique (Past Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Peru) was chosen to lead the destiny of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation for the period 2012-2015.
Posted by A at 14:05
EXCLUSIVE | Final interview before elections with Eduardo A. Rétiz Licona, running for Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation
Is again a pleasure to have the opportunity to express my views through this so important and prestigious media of communication as the Masonic Press Agency; thank you.

This important initiative is a sign of new times, Freemasonry must become more universal and inclusive; The United Grand Lodge of England (Mother Grand Lodge) is the vanguard for our Order to interact ever more with the profane world, is as important as our beloved Institution to become transparent in delivering its postulates with society and having enough attention so that we preserve our rituals and ceremonies in secret.
We observed that the agreement with the OAS is an important point on your agenda. Do you think of the possibility of signing agreements with UNASUR (this European Union of South America)?
The global trend of geopolitics is an integrationist vision directed towards achieving common objectives for the benefit of blocks or regions grouping countries, being very important to seek and establish contacts and relations with all international organizations to share objectives and to enhance the influence of the IMC for the benefit all member Grand Lodges.
I must mention that the Inter-American Masonic Confederation is a pioneer (since 1947) of the concept of regional grouping to achieve common objectives.
Since the IMC has an Ibero-American character will the IMC Executive Secretary consider necessary an active relationship in the near future with the Organization of Ibero-American States regarding his projects?
I consider it of utmost importance to work closer together in the various lines of the Organization of Ibero-American States since is grouping almost all the countries composing the IMC, except France and Haiti (which use French as official language), seeking to extend full benefits to all the Grand Orients in one place (IMC).
Another important issue is the drug trafficking and drug abuse especially among young people. The OAS issued its latest Report on drug use in the Americas. As you can see, the report shows that the "information must be a central element in deciding policies on drugs." APMR know that Freemasonry in Brazil (CMSB and GOB - Maçonaria Contra as Drogas) has a program to combat and prevent drug use. But what happens in Colombia and Mexico regarding this? We know that there are countries where young people are exposed to this danger. Could the next IMC Executive Secretary transform the Brazilian program into a Latin American one?
It is very important to work in a precautionary manner with everything to do with addictions, Mexico has a Paramasonic organization called AJEF (Association of Youth Fraternity’s Hope), where young people of both sexes are advised by Instructors (Master Masons) on topics designed to elevate liberal concepts and values against addictions.
This association originates in Cuba, Grand Orient which I visited recently where I had the honour of being present at the initiation ceremony (March 17, 2012), chaired by Grand Master José Ramón González Díaz, of 28 young Cubans between 14 and 18 years, and it was reactivated after a break of nearly 50 years. The idea is to continue to support these associations in all Grand Lodges.
Also we want to support and to repeat the Brazilian program "Freemasonry against drugs" since our Brazilian Brothers have become the vanguard of the Order in Latin America, seeking to “form and inform” all young people to avoid entering the path of "self-destruction."
Young people are the future of humanity and... of Freemasonry. In Latin America there are two organizations, among others, which dedicate their activities to youth and education: the Ibero-American Youth Organization and the Organization of Ibero-American States. Regarding youth, do you think that "Metas Educativas 2021" may be a viable program for the IMC? What is the role of youth in today’s and tomorrow’s Freemasonry in your view as possible IMC Executive Secretary?
I always believed and sustained that educating young people we build a better society (I have two girls of 19 and 22 years, one of which is an AJEF member), in fact the Association of Youth Fraternity’s Hope is a vital breeding ground for Mexican Freemasonry, many of its members reaching the gavel of Grand Master and one even being elected as President of the Mexican Republic.
Of course that the Ibero-American Youth Organization and the Organization of Ibero-American States is a good option for young Latin Americans since the goals for 2021 incorporate the mandates that, if my Brethren will allow me I will be leading the IMC.
I should mention that I had the opportunity to attend the signing ceremony of the agreement between IMC and the OAS conducted in 2008 but, however, very little could be embodied with this agreement, but if there is always a good cause, especially for youth, Universal Freemasonry and that of the IMC should be the first to take the initiative to complete it.
Gentlemen, Brethren, thank you for your kindness to grant us this second interview and we wish to express our desire that no matter whoever is elected, the chosen one should think that through culture, education and youth we can build the future and identity of an organization, of a society, of a nation and of Humanity.
Finally I want to thank you for that your attention given to me through this new interview which gave me the chance to highlight the great importance of culture and education in creating a better society; and that by working with young people and inducing them the ideals of Benito Juarez, José Martí, Miranda, Sucre, O'Higgins and Simon Bolivar we can build a more humane, fair and integrated Latin America extending it also to the world.
I would like to ask all Grand Masters that this new leadership renewal in the Inter-American Masonic Confederation to be a moment of meditation and one of making the best decision regarding the path to be taken by our Confederation, wishing success to all candidates and ensuring that in personal terms I will support always the best causes of the great universal Masonic family.
Posted by A at 21:45
EXCLUSIVE | Final interview before elections with Hernando Osorio Rico, running for Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation
I thank you for this second opportunity to express my views on a topical issue for the community in general and perpetual for Universal Freemasonry. On the other hand I think this is the best way to help all MW Grand Masters to elect new Executive Secretary of the IMC, meaning that each of them has the right to occupy this important position and that all, certainly, will help the others.

Our institution has traditionally shown the world that is a discrete institution and that clearly has secrets that do not affect in any way the profane world, such as keeping secret scientific advances or other situation that is of interest for the community.
The communication strategy to build the third millennium Freemasonry is the product of a study with great scientific rigor. We therefore have to consider this strategy and take advantage of this knowledge and to apply it as possible as we can in our context.
What should be continued after this success must be the strengthening of Freemasonry in the world and especially in the Latin American context.
We observed that the agreement with the OAS is an important point on your agenda. Do you think of the possibility of signing agreements with UNASUR (this European Union of South America)?
For the IMC is of utmost importance the help that it can bring all international organizations designed to foster community. Enlightened by this philosophy, the IMC Executive Secretary must include on the agenda all strengthening activities that can be achieved in the context of the agreement with the OAS. Based on this experience we must try to make new agreements with other international organizations that can promote our philanthropic objectives and those of the Ibero-American Freemasonry.
Since the IMC has an Ibero-American character will the IMC Executive Secretary consider necessary an active relationship in the near future with the Organization of Ibero-American States regarding his projects?
The answer is undoubtedly yes. There must be an active relationship with the Organization of Ibero-American States in terms of social projects, especially in all that has to do with the support of these organizations to protect human rights.
The next Executive Secretary shall have the within his obligations to prepare projects that can be supported by international organizations for needy communities, projects to be implemented by the Grand Lodges that have influence in those communities. In other words, the Executive Secretary should work to open doors for the Grand Lodges to achieve the goals of universal Freemasonry.
Another important issue is the drug trafficking and drug abuse especially among young people. The OAS issued its latest Report on drug use in the Americas. As you can see, the report shows that the "information must be a central element in deciding policies on drugs." APMR know that Freemasonry in Brazil (CMSB and GOB - Maçonaria Contra as Drogas) has a program to combat and prevent drug use. But what happens in Colombia and Mexico regarding this? We know that there are countries where young people are exposed to this danger. Could the next IMC Executive Secretary transform the Brazilian program into a Latin American one?
The OAS report on drug use is dramatic and invites us to offer our help to all young people facing this dangerous scourge. Freemasonry must assume this commitment with them because all young people are our future and due to their position they are exposed to this danger.
The next IMC Executive Secretary may, with the support of international organizations interested in contributing to solving this problem transform the Brazilian program into a Latin American one. For this we will have to rely on the support of Grand Lodges in different countries and, naturally, on the resources that can be managed to implement such programs.
Young people are the future of humanity and... of Freemasonry. In Latin America there are two organizations, among others, which dedicate their activities to youth and education: the Ibero-American Youth Organization and the Organization of Ibero-American States. Regarding youth, do you think that "Metas Educativas 2021" may be a viable program for the IMC? What is the role of youth in today’s and tomorrow’s Freemasonry in your view as possible IMC Executive Secretary?
The educational purposes for 2021 are an important effort for the Ibero-American youth in this millennium. It is an important bet with the education and the quality of education for young people. The program has ambitious goals based on the formation of the young and of the young adult in the society, reaching an integrated role. This is the youth that of our society needs. Given the fact that in our program we gave great importance to education, both Masonic and profane, I think it is viable for the IMC to be involved in these educational purposes.
The role of youth in Freemasonry matches their role in society in general. They are our future. So is our commitment to guide and educate them properly. Without our youth society will not have a future. Neither will Freemasonry.
Gentlemen, Brethren, thank you for your kindness to grant us this second interview and we wish to express our desire that no matter whoever is elected, the chosen one should think that through culture, education and youth we can build the future and identity of an organization, of a society, of a nation and of Humanity.
Also, I want to thank you for the opportunity given to express my concepts through this important media tool of Masonic communication. In any case, whether or not I am elected Executive Secretary, I will be always careful to work in favour of the IMC, of Freemasonry in general and of those various Masonic bodies that are interested in developing our charitable objectives.
Posted by A at 21:44
Portugal broke off Masonic relations with France

Posted by A at 23:04
Cold War in Portuguese Freemasonry

According to this document, Fernando Lima decided to "freeze all relations with the Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal during the term of the current Grand Master Jose Moreno". Up to this time neither GOL nor GLLP had no public reaction.
Posted by A at 13:30
The unthinkable happens: a Grand Lodge consecrated by GLNF withdrew GLNF's recognition

Posted by A at 17:22
Gustavo Raffi: Freemasonry provides a concrete space to form and to experience the new sense of belonging to Italy and Europe

Posted by A at 11:22